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Book online «When A Bully Falls In Love by Valerie Sax (good books to read for women TXT) 📖». Author Valerie Sax

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Chapter 30: Don't tease me


We reached the dorm, as I asked for the keys from Xander.
"It's in my pocket," he smirked as he tilted his waist towards me.
I rolled my eyes as I tried to take out the keys from his pocket.
"Little left, yeah there," his signature devilish smile played on his face.
I opened the door and helped him sit on the bed as I kept the other stuff on the table.
Looked around, I asked casually.
"Would you like to take off the clothes?" I suggested.
With the same smile, he raised a brow at me.
"I would love to," he pulled my crop top.
"What? I mean your clothes. I think you should change it,"
It made me wonder, what's going on in his naughty head? 
"Oh Yeah," he frowned as he blew out his cheeks.
"But, I can't lift this hand," he rolled his eyes.
Something was cooking in his head, well he tried to tease me, now it's my turn.
"I will help you," I smiled as I inclined my head towards him.
He told me to grab the clothes from the closet. 
He looked exhausted; although there were no serious injuries, his shoulder was swollen.
Warm water therapy would be useful to ease his pain. 
"Wait for a minute,"
 I grabbed a few damp clothes to clean his body with warm water, grabbed the Dettol to clean his scratches.
"What are you doing?" He questioned.
I kept the warm water bowl on the table next to the bed.
"Trust me. It will help you to ease your pain," I replied with a smile.
"May I?" I extended my hand to take out his stained t-shirt.
With a tilted body towards him, I slightly took out his t-shirt from his neck. He was trying hard not to see the cleavage line as he closed his eyes tightly.
"Are you ok?" I teased him.
I touched his sculpted body, I didn't know about him, but as I was touching him, the sparks shoot in my body.
His eyes didn't leave my face as I tried hard to control emotions, not to show up on my face.
There were a few scratches over his body that needed to be clean.
Slowly, I sat next to him, holding the cotton dipped in the Dettol solution.
"May I?" 
I rested my palm softly on his cheeks as I started from his neck, touched it softly, followed by a blow of air.
"Hold it for me, please," I whispered.
I could feel his sharp breath coming out as he tried to control himself.
After neck, I trailed my hand on his chest.
 I guzzled my nervousness when I touched him on his bare body.
We were looking at each other without blinking our eyes.

He grabbed my wrist tightly as it was more tease than the pain.
"I am cleaning it, and it will help to ease your pain,"
I assured him with my smoky voice.
He released a sharp breath as I touched his back.
"Aoife, stop it," he said in a low voice.
I enjoyed this teasing time.
"Why? Doesn't it feel good?" I whispered as I blew air in his ears, trailed my nails softly on his back.
"I know; what are you doing?" he husked, grabbing my wrist on his shoulder.
"What? I am trying to clean your body." I showed my innocent eyes.
"Is it? It feels like torture to me." He guessed.
I smiled devilishly as I knew he was right.
"How could it be torture? I didn't do anything," I answered with my puppy eyes.
He smiled as he understood my intention.
"Then I have to show you; what you did to me?" he winked.
"I don't understand; what are you talking about."
Well, I teased him enough for the day. I enjoyed that moment while biting my lips to control my smile as I turned to keep the bowl on the table. 
Suddenly, his arms slipped into my waist as my breath got stuck in my chest.
"Is it?" he hoarse.
My heart stopped beating when he placed his chin on my shoulder as the warm breath send chills near my earlobes.
I pressed my lips harder than before, curled my toes to control this unexpected feeling.
But he was not done with me; he slowly encircled my navel with one finger, made me jerked my head over his shoulder.
"Are you ok?" He clenched my waist with his palm, made me let out a soft whimper.
His husky voice was creating knots in my stomach, and the urge of wanting him more was building inside me. I felt wetness in between my thighs and dryness in my throat.
He trailed his hand over my hand as he hoarse, "I am thirsty,"
I licked my lips twice as I turned towards him for an unexpected kiss.
But he backed himself with a smile, took the glass of water from the table, and left me in the middle of the moment. 
I took a deep breath; he did exactly what he needed to do;
He laughed.
"We were talking about teasing; do you think it's a good thing?" 
My face was red as a tomato. I couldn't hide my blushed face in front of him.
I lowered my peer as I tried to avert his gaze on me.
Again, he walked towards me to keep the glass.
"Aoife," he whispered as he darkened his figure on me.
Oh! God, again my torture started.
He rested his hand on both sides of the table.
I didn't have the audacity to look at him; he touched my ear with his lips.
A chill went down my spine as I lowered my head.
He kept the hair strands behind my ear and lifted my chin with one finger.
Our eyes met as our noses tip touched each other.
"Don't tease me. You don't know how I controlled myself for you," 
he murmured when I parted my lips for a kiss, and he backed himself again.
Now that was extreme for me.
I pushed him for teasing me like this.
"Are you going to wear a t-shirt or not?" I threw a t-shirt on him.
"I can't, you know my hand," he smirked again.
" I will not help you, now,"  I replied.
He laughed as he tried to wear it by himself.
I tried to call Matt, but he was at the door.
I opened the door as he hastily came inside.
He literally scolded Xander for his stupidity.
"How is this happened? Why did you drink and drive?"
He snarled at him.
"I fought with Zareena for some stupid reason." he tried to calm him down.
"Yes, you and Aoife went for a walk, and your so-called girlfriend got mad. Did you even know how much she shouted at Aoife?" Matt added.
Xander looked at me with a surprising look.
"I think I should leave," I whispered when I saw them talking on a high pitch.
"You are not going anywhere," they screamed at me together.
Contemplated with their high-pitched conversation, I settled myself in the living room.
I could hear Matt blasted at him for his stupidity, and Xander was listening quietly.
Well, I started scanning the stuff nearby, and I found a dairy.
A diary hidden behind the books.
I opened it and started reading it; it was full of beautiful letters to an unknown person.
As I started reading it, I felt it was written to a beautiful girl, and the writer is a male.
Matt came out as he slammed the door behind his back.
"What are you doing?" He busted.
"I am reading this diary. Whose's this? It's beautiful," I blurted while holding the diary in my hand.
Suddenly, Matt's eyes popped, and he snatched his diary from my hand.
"How can you touch somebody's stuff," he snorted.
I looked at him with a blank face as I felt bad about his behavior.
"I am sorry," he regretted the very next moment.
"It's mine," he added.
The sparks came to my eyes when I heard he wrote all those letters and poems.
"Are you in love with someone? Only a person that is in love could write so beautifully." I excitedly said.
"I am not in love with someone, and even if I am, I would not tell you," he winked.
"Why? I am your friend; please tell me. who is she?" I grabbed his hand.
"I will tell you when the time is right, but for now, I will go grab some food for all of us." he kept his diary in his jacket.
"Can I go now?" I asked.
"No, you will stay here with us, as I might beat him today for all the mess he uses to create," he rolled his eyes that made me laugh.
He was true when it comes to messing the things, Xander is the name you can count on.
I was more curious about the girl in Matt's life, but before this, I needed to know, why Xander did this?

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