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Book online «Business English and Rubrics Testing in ELT by Dr. R. Ramesh (ebook smartphone txt) 📖». Author Dr. R. Ramesh

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and appropriate word choice in usage 3
Total score 9/16

Description of the Tasks and Performance Level:
Task 1:
For this task, class was divided into 2 groups and named as Group A and Group B. Students were asked to discuss and list down the techniques for consumer promotion in their marketing field. Each group should list down five techniques with suitable examples. Their performance level was fair because of their poor and inappropriate skill while acknowledging others ideas.
Task 2:
Some varieties of brand name were given before the students. They were asked to explore their ideas, images that associated with their given popular brand. When exploring the brand, their idea was indicated but not clearly. So their performance level in this task was fair.
Task 3:
In this task students were asked to discuss in groups. They were divided into two groups ‘A and B’. Group A was discussed the difficulties in the market and Group B was analyzed the reason for the failure of overseas sales marketing. In this group discussion, almost all the groups were inappropriately failed to acknowledge the ides of others. So their performance level was fair in this task.
Task 4:
The definitions were given in the right side of the term. The students were asked to match up the correct definition with the right terms. Their performance level was good, because of their very little obscure vocabulary knowledge.
Evaluation results for Activity #4:
The tasks are given in x-axis and their obtained score for Activity 4 is marked in y-axis.
Figure 4.4.

Activity 5: Advertising
Four different kinds of tasks were given to the 30 students, to enroll their performance. This activity was based the Business Topics: Advertising. A sample advertisement of Reliance Mobile Company was given for the students.
Table 4.5. Rubric Rating Scale for A#5.

Performance level
1 Point Fair
2 Point Good
3 Point Excellent
4 Point
Task 1 Create product advertisement Poor sentence control and a limited vocabulary Problems with syntactic variety Display some syntactic variety and facility in use of language Effective, fluent style marked by syntactic variety and clear command 2
Task 2 Create opportunity advertisement Poor sentence control and a limited vocabulary Problems with syntactic variety Display some syntactic variety and facility in use of language Effective, fluent style marked by syntactic variety and clear command 3
Task 3 List out analyze advantage / disadvantage of advertisement media Lacks organization and coherence Some problem with organization and coherence Good organization and coherence Well organized and coherence 3
Task 4 Vocabulary Vocabulary was weak Vocabulary choice was fair Vocabulary choice was good The choice of word was excellent 3
Total score 11/16

Description of the Tasks and Performance Level:
Task 1:
In this task, students were asked to create an advertisement for a new product. The hints were also given for them. Their advertisement should contain product quality, descriptions, address for purchasing and their other details. While creating an advertisement for the new product, they had problems with syntactic variety and poor sentence control. So their performance level was fair in this task.
Task 2:
In this task, the same creative task was given. But in this task, the students were asked to create an advertisement providing job opportunity in their college for recruiting new lecturers. Some syntactic variety and facility arise in their use of language. So their performance was good.
Task 3:
In this task, students were first asked to list down any 4 advertising Medias. Then the class was divided into four groups as A, B, C, D and each group discussed any one of the advertising media’s advantages and disadvantages they listed at first. For example, Group ‘A’ list out the advantages and disadvantages of ‘Television’. The each group had good organization quality and coherency power. Thus their performance level was good.
Task 4:
Students were asked to fill up the given definitions with the correct terms. Students were good in their vocabulary and their choice of word was excellent. So their performance was excellent in this advertisement vocabulary task.
Evaluation result for Activity #5:
The number of tasks is given in x-axis and their obtained score for Activity 5 is marked in y-axis.
Figure 4.5.

Activity 6: Information Technology
This activity was based on the Business Topics: Information Technology. Four varieties of tasks were given to the students to evaluate their performance.
Table 4.6. Rubric Rating Scale for A#6.

Performance level
1 Point Fair
2 Point Good
3 Point Excellent
4 Point
Task 1 Report writing The report was poorly organized The report was not so well organized The report was moderately organized The report was well organized 3
Task 2 Make sentences Consistent errors with agreement Simplistic sentence structure Not accurate in complex sentence structure Accurate complex sentence structure 3
Task 3 Idiom / phrases Very limited range of idioms Limited range of idioms Good, but not extensive range or variety Excellent range or variety of idioms 4
Task 4 Online’s (question and answer) Marketing Idea was not clear (answer) Ideas somewhat unclear Interesting ideas were stated fairly clearly Interesting ideas were stated clearly 2
Total score 12/16

Description of the Tasks and Performance Level:
Task 1:
In this task, students were asked to prepare a report on “Impact of Information Technology on Business”. It should not exceed 600 words. Hints were provided for the students to write a report. Their performance level was good because of their moderately organized report on the given topic.
Task 2:
In this task, table was provided to the students. From the table they were asked to make sentences as they could possible. The performance level of the students was good not excellent, because of their inaccurate complex sentence structure.
Task 3:
Students were asked to fill up the sentences with the correct idioms / phrases that were given in this task. The performances of students were excellent because of their very good knowledge in the range / variety of idioms.
Task 4:
The class was divided into groups and each group should answer all the given questions about online marketing. The performances of students were fair because, their ideas about answer were somewhat unclear.
Evaluation results for Activity #6:
The number of tasks is given in x-axis and their obtained score for Activity 6 is marked in y-axis.
Figure 4.6.

Activity 7: Telephoning
In this activity, students were given by four tasks to probe their performance in Business Telephoning. The activity was based on the Business Topics: Telephoning.
Table 4.7. Rubric Rating Scale for A#7.

Performance level
1 Point Fair
2 Point Good
3 Point Excellent
4 Point
Task 1 Telephonic conversation in better way Lacks cohesion Wordy and repetitive Somewhat cohesive Cohesive 3
Task 2 Role play Conversation was poorly organized The conversation was not so well organized The conversation was moderately organized Conversation was well organized 3
Task 3 Telephonic message note Messages are incomprehensibly inappropriate extremely brief Messages are generally understandable complete and logically organized Messages are logically organized Clear, complete, logically organized 3
Task 4 Group discussion Group ideas not clear Ideas somewhat unclear Interesting ideas were stated fairly clearly Interesting ideas were stated clearly 4
Total score 13/16

Description of the Tasks and Performance Level:
Task 1:
The formal telephone conversation between customer and employer was given to the students. Then, they were asked to rewrite the same telephonic conversation in a better way. They were advised to avoid unwanted conversations. The performances of students were good because, their rewritten conversation was somewhat cohesive.
Task 2:
In this task, the students were divided into pairs and asked them to play the role of super market receptionist and customer using telephone conversation. In this task, the students should sit back-to-back, while playing their telephonic role play. The performances of students were good because, their conversation was moderately organized.
Task 3:
In this task, students were asked to write down the message from the telephonic conversation between chamber’s secretary manager and STC construction’s PA. Hints were also provided for the students how to take notes. The performances of students were good because of their logically organized message taken from conversation.
Task 4:
In this task, the class was divided as Group A and Group B. The students were asked to discuss the general preparations in telephonic along with their groups in a given topic. Group A discussed on “preparations for making a Telephone Call” and Group B discussed on “Preparations for receiving a Telephone Call”. The performance of each group was excellent. The interesting ideas about preparations were stated by the groups clearly.
Evaluation results for Activity #7:
The number of tasks is given in x-axis and their obtained score for Activity 7 is marked in y-axis.

Figure 4.7.

Activity 8: Meetings
The activity was based on the Business Communication: Meetings. Four varieties of tasks were given to the students to analyze their performance. A sample agenda was given in this task for students’ reference.
Table 4.8. Rubric Rating Scale for A#8.

Performance level
1 Point Fair
2 Point Good
3 Point Excellent
4 Point
Task 1 Write an agenda Confusing, disconnected organization agenda In agenda lack good organization Fairly well organized Well framed and organized 3
Task 2 Informal speech Lack of eye contact Lack of gestures’ but had eye contact Fair gestures’ eye contact, though were constructed in a good order Excellent in eye contact, gestures, constructive thoughts 3

Task 3 Vocabulary Vocabulary was weak Vocabulary choice was fair Vocabulary choice was good Choice of word was excellent 4
Task 4 Mix and match Lack of sentence formation Fair formation Sentences formation were good Excellent match 4
Total score 14/16

Description of the tasks and Performance Level:
Task 1:
It was an individual task. Ask the students to assume themselves as a general manager of Postic Empower Ltd Company and to write agenda to his staff members about monthly meeting. The performances of the students were good, because an agenda was fairly well organized.
Task 2:
Students were asked to imagine themselves as the chair person of their company. As the chair person, asked them to answer the question, “How to open formal meeting?” Then, the students should play the role of chair person while opening up the formal business meetings. The performance of students was good because of their fair gestures, eye contact and thoughts were constructed in a good order.
Task 3:
Students were asked to fill up the given sentences with the correct word given in the task. The students were good in their vocabulary. Their choice of word was excellent. So the performance levels of students were excellent in this task.

Task 4:
The sentences were broken and in an unorganized manner. Students were asked to form or match each sentence with its correct structure. The performance of students was excellent because of their excellent match.
Evaluation results for Activity #8:
The number of tasks is given in x-axis and their obtained score for Activity 8 is marked in y-axis
Figure 4.8.

Activity 9: e-mail
In activity nine, four tasks were given to the students to examine their performance. In this activity different kinds of e-mail writings were given to them. The activity was based on the Business Communication: e-mail
Table 4.9. Rubric Rating Scale for A#9.

Performance level
1 Point Fair
2 Point Good
3 Point Excellent
4 Point
Task 1 Write an e-mail Poor sentence control and a limited vocabulary Problems with or avoids syntactic variety Some syntactic variety and facility in use of language Effective, fluent style market by syntactic variety and clear command 3
Task 2 Write an informal e-mail Repeated problems with grammar Many problem with grammar Few problems with grammar Effectively uses figurative language 4

Task 3 Write a reply e-mail for memo Reply mail was poorly organized Reply mail was not so well organized The reply mail was moderately well organized The reply mail was well organized 4
Task 4 List down
a) abbreviations b) standard elements Many missed words or word forms Some problems with word choice Few problems with grammar Effectively uses appropriate word choice 4
Total score 15/16

Task 1:
The students were asked to write informal e-mail between two friends to share their joy. In this task, the students’ language use was figurative and effective. Their level of performance was excellent in this task.
Task 2:
In this task, students were asked to write an apology e-mail for the delayed delivery. The students were lack in some syntactic variety and facility in the use of language. So their level
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