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Read books online » Education » Business English and Rubrics Testing in ELT by Dr. R. Ramesh (ebook smartphone txt) 📖

Book online «Business English and Rubrics Testing in ELT by Dr. R. Ramesh (ebook smartphone txt) 📖». Author Dr. R. Ramesh

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a contribution from your field of manufacturing how this would (afflict, affect, alter)5 you and your colleagues enterprises. Please (let, leave, make)6 us know as soon as possible if you are able to (arrive, attend, assist)7.
(Inside, Enclosed, Within)8 you will find a formal invitation (to, for, of)9 yourself and a guest.
Yours sincerely,

Miss.Shine rao,

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(b) Read the following memo and choose the best word for the options given in brackets.
To: All Staff
From: P.O.
Date: 26 October, 2006
Subject: welfare scheme
We intend to introduce a staff welfare scheme (project, scheme, proposal)1 on October 26 for everyone working for the organization.
The discount will be twelve percent (minus, less, off)2 the retail price of any (object, pieces, items)3 in the store. When purchases are (made, done, bought)4, staff must (keep, guard, have)5 receipts of anything they have bought until after exit the shops security (checks, controls, searches)6 have been made.
If you have any (questions, misunderstands, enquiries)7 see your manager or supervisor who will be able to help you.

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Rubrics Testing, Evaluation and Assessment
In today’s educational system, the role of assessment and evaluation in English language teaching happens to be a peak subject. The present trend is based on that the learning needs to be connected to the lives of the students. Through relevant tasks learning focuses on the student’s ability to use their knowledge and skills in meaningful ways.
Evaluation is the process by which the learners’ test score and performances are interpreted through modern analysis. It is designed as a practical instrument to provide feedback to teachers and for the purpose of designing improved teaching materials. Evaluation is an important component to improve learning process. Assessment is usually an ongoing strategy through which students learning is not only monitored but by which students involved in making decisions about the degree to which their performance matches the ability. It is a vital and ongoing part of the educational process. The student performance is assessed through a product such as complete work or course that demonstrates levels of test achievement. Among the types of assessment, an authentic assessment includes a task for students to perform and a rubric by which their performance on the task will be evaluated. John Muller defines authentic assessment as, “A form of assessment in which students are asked to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills” (Lukmani 24)
The assessment has led to the use of a variety of ways of evaluating students’ progress such as journals, checklists, portfolio’s, rubrics, etc. Among these, the use of rubrics will be explored as a viable means of evaluating students’ performances due to its enormous utility and validity.
“Rubrics are a set of scoring guidelines for evaluating students’ performance”( Rubrics are performance – based assessments that evaluate student performance on any given task or set of tasks that ultimately leads to a final product or learning out-come. Rubrics also commonly referred as rating scales which can be numerical, qualitative or a combinational of numerical and qualitative. Using rubrics is one way that teacher can evaluate or assess students’ performance or proficiency in any given task as it relates to a final product or learning outcome. There are two types of rubrics namely holistic rubrics and list rubrics.
Scoring Rubrics:
According to Baron, “scoring rubrics are descriptive scoring schemes that are developed by teachers or the evaluators to guide the analysis of the products or processes of students’ efforts” ( Scoring rubrics are typically employed when a judgment of quality is required and used to evaluate a broad range of course and activities. It is an appropriate evaluation technique dependent upon the purpose of the assessment. Scoring rubrics respond by providing descriptions at each level as to what is expected. These descriptions assist the students in understanding why they received the score that they did and what they need to do to improve their future performances.
There are various tests available to analyze the course, but the researcher has chosen Rubrics to evaluate and asses the students’ performance level. For this analysis, the researcher has given the students twelve activities consist of four tasks and they are examined by Rubric scoring evaluation and assessment method. The students’ performances are assessed through rubric grading fewer than 4 levels such as poor, fair, good and excellent.
Activity 1: Jobs
In activity 1, four tasks were given to the students to examine their performance. The first activity was based on the Business Topics: Jobs
Table 4.1. Rubric Rating Scale for A#1.

Performance level
1 Point Fair
2 Point Good
3 Point Excellent
4 Point
Task 1 Resume Writing Serious and frequent errors in sentence structure. Serious errors in sentence structure. Complex sentences with incorrect construction Synthetic variety of express sentences 1
Task 2 Description of Job Description was poorly organized Description was not so well organized Description was moderately well Description was well organized 1
Task 3 Rearrange the sentences Many missed words or word forms. Inappropriate choice of words Few problem with word choice Appropriate word choice 1
Task 4 Vocabulary Vocabulary was weak Vocabulary choice was fair Vocabulary choice was good The choice of words was good 2
Total score 5/16

Description of the Tasks and Performance Level:
Task 1:
Four varieties of tasks were given to the 30 students in the MBA class. In first task, students were asked to collect various job opportunities advertisements from newspapers and write an effective resume for those opportunities along with the letter of applications.
Their level of performance was poor in the first task, because of their frequent errors in sentence structures.
Task 2:
In this task, the class was divided into groups of 3 or 4 members and asked the students to choose any of the jobs given in the board. After discussion, they were asked to list down the duties and skills required for the chosen job. In this task also they have poor performance level. Their description of job was poorly organized.
Task 3:
The students were asked to rearrange the given sentences in the correct order, in which the company carried out its process of recruiting staff. Their level of performance was poor in this task because of their misuse of word formation.

Task 4:
In this task, the definitions were given in the right side of the terms. The students were asked to match up the correct definition with the right terms. Their performance level was good in this task, because of their good vocabulary.
Evaluation results for Activity #1.
The tasks are given in x-axis and their obtained score for Activity1 is marked in y-axis.
Figure 4.1.

Activity 2: The Products/Sales
In this activity another four tasks were given to the students to examine their performance level. This activity was based on the Business Topics: The products / sales.
Table 4.2. Analytic Rubric Rating Scale for A#2.

Performance level
1 Point Fair
2 Point Good
3 Point Excellent
4 Point
Task 1 Description of product Description was poorly organized Description was not so well organized Description was moderately well Description was well organized 2
Task 2 Analyze and find out The main idea was hard to identify The main idea was indicated but not clearly The main idea was fairly clear The main idea was clearly stated 1
Task 3 List out advantages and disadvantages Lacks organization and coherence Some problems with organization and coherence Adequate organization and coherence Well organized and coherent. 1
Task 4 Role play Use many unfinished sentences Use sentences poorly combined Sentences fairly logically combined Sentences logically combined 2
Total score 6/16

Description of the Tasks and Performance Level:
Task 1:
In this task, students were asked to choose any object in the class room and give brief description about that object, without telling the name of the object. The other students in the class should find out what that object is? In the task, the levels of performance of the students are fair. Their description was not so well organized.
Task 2:
The students were asked to prepare their own list on how to increase product sales? At the end of the class their answer lists was compared with others and prepare a final list. The performance levels of the students were poor because they were felt hard to identify the main idea of the given question.
Task 3:
Students were asked to divide into the group A and group B. In their group, they discussed and list out the retailers own brand and manufactures well - known brand’s advantages and disadvantages. Their performance level in this task was poor. There was a lack of organization and coherence in their groups.
Task 4:
The students were divided into pairs and asked them to play the role of angry customer and product manager, dealing with the complaints about the problematic product. While playing their roles, they were asked to sit back-to-back. In this activity their performance level is fair. Their sentences usages were poorly combined and unfinished one.
Evaluation results for Activity #2:
The tasks are marked in x-axis and their obtained score for activity 2 is marked in y-axis.

Figure 4.2

Activity 3: The Company
The variety of four tasks was given to the students to examine their performance. The activity was based on the Business Topics: The Company.
Table 4.3. Rubric Rating Scale for A#3.

Performance level
1 Point Fair
2 Point Good
3 Point Excellent
4 Point
Task 1 Describe company structure Repeated problems with grammar Many problems with grammar Few problems with grammar Correctly uses figurative language 2
Task 2 Description of company The description was poorly organized The description was not so well organized The description was moderately organized The description was well organized. 3
Task 3 SWOT analysis The idea was hard to identify The idea was indicated but not clearly The idea was fairly clear The idea was clearly stated 2
Task 4 Idioms / phrases The use of idioms / phrases was weak The use of idioms / phrases choice was fair The use of idioms / phrases was good The choice of word was 2
Total score 8/16

Description of the Tasks and Performance Level:
Task 1:
This task was given to 30 students in MBA class. Students were asked to look at the organization chart and answer the questions that follow. But their level of performance was fair with many grammatical problems in their answering of the questions.
Task 2:
In this task, the students were asked to imagine themselves as the president of the company. Using the hints that were given, they were asked to give short description of their company. In this description, their performance level was fair, because their description was moderately organized.
Task 3:
The students were asked to form a group and identify the SWOT analysis. In this group activity, their idea was hard to identify the subject clearly. So their performance level was poor in this task.
Task 4:
This is “complete the sentences by using idioms given below” task. Students were asked to choose the correct idioms and complete the sentences. Their use of idioms / phrases choice was fair. Thus their performance level was fair in this task.
Evaluation results for Activity #3:
The tasks are given in x-axis and their obtained score for Activity3 is marked in y-axis.
Figure 4.3.

Activity 4: Marketing
This activity was based on the Business Topics: Marketing. Four varieties of task were given to the students to probe their performance level.
Table 4.4. Analytic Rubric Rating Scale for A#4.

Performance level
1 Point Fair
2 Point Good
3 Point Excellent
4 Point
Task 1 Product promotion The idea was poorly organized The idea was not so well organized The idea was moderately well organized The idea was well organized 2
Task 2 Identify brand name The main idea was hard to identify The main idea was indicated by not clearly The main idea was fairly clear The main idea was clearly stated 3
Task 3 Group discussion Fails to acknowledge the ideas of others Inappropriately acknowledge the idea of others Usually acknowledge the ideas of others Acknowledge the ideas of others 1
Task 4 Vocabulary Meaning frequently obscure Obscure meaning Very few obscure meaning Effective
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