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Book online «The Don's Love & downfall... by Little Writter Marjolein (most important books to read TXT) 📖». Author Little Writter Marjolein

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Chapter 7


I ask Kate to boiling some water while i get the first aid kit. 

After cleaning i grab a needle to sow the wound, this moment I'm thanking my father for teaching me how to do that that time he had a big wound and my mother was not around. So as neatly as possible i do it and than i put a bandage. 

"How is he? Is he still unconscious?" Kate asks while she is sipping from her thea and i nod. 

"So what now?" She ask again. 

"I don't know Kate we just have to see if he will survive the night first and than we can ask questions in the morning i guess....and he can't stay here forever afcourse because this place is for Max 2 people and questions will arise if theu found out so yeah.....i would say you go sleep, since your class starts early and mine later so I'll keep an eye on him okay?"

"Sure cool, I'll go sleep than, but if you need me don't hasitate to wake me up ok!" 

"I won't don't worry!" I tell her and she walks off to her bedroom and closes softly her door leaving me behind with Massimo. 

Gently i caress his face, he looks peacfull asleep now, his breathing became also steady so I'm happy about that. 

He moves and mumbles a bit in his sleep but don't understand what he's saying....only some lose words... 

" No....stop...don't hurt her....i, don't ..don't hurt her please!"

My mouth drops upon hearing his soft words....were they trying to hurt me before?? Now lots of questions pop into my mind and i want answers!! I sigh deeply and sit on the other end of the sofa looking at him back in to sleep again and before i know it i drift away slowly as well not knowing what the next day will bring for us.


Following morning...

I wake up not able to move much, i slowly open my eyes and my vieuw is blocked by a damn sexy hard man's chest! And than i remember last night's events!....but wait! I was not like this when i fall asleep, did i??

"good morning babygirl!" I suddenly hear above me and i look up to meet the most beautiful pair of hazel eyes I've ever seen in my life and i feel my insides go all mush!!

Suddenly i feel the urge to kiss his soft plumb invithing lips and i lean in to him as he does as well to me. I could feel his warm breath on my face intoxicating me fully, drawing me into him like a bee on a honey pot. The moment our lips touch he closes his eyes and cups my face with his right hand. I feel a current flothing trough my body and butterflies going crazy from head to toe!! 

Unable to resist his tongue who is asking for entrance i part my lips to grant him acces to explore my mouth.

But than i here someone coughing behind me and we part our kiss.

"Ehhm when you two are done can we have breakfast, I've been waiting for you two!" Kate asks with huge smirk on her face looking at us. 

I look up at Massimo who's eyes are still a bit hazy of the kiss. 

"Are you hungry Massi?" I ask softly and he nods his head and sits up straight as i put some pillows behind him to help him sit properly without pain. 

"Thank you very much, Babygirl!! For helping me when i needed you the most!! For saving my life!!" He than says while taking my hand in his, looking at me. 

"You are welcome but....but why were you here on campus and who was that man and why did he try to stabb me?" I poor out all my questions that i bottles up since last night.

"I...i can't stop thinking about you Julia!...i had to see you....try to talk to you but than....somebody found out that i was going to you and told me in a message that he would kill you so i went as fast as possible to campus to try and warn you but than i myself got attacked and than you came and he still tried to kill you but thank hoy i was faster than him!"

"Who....who wanted to kill me?? I've never done any harm to anybody??" I tell him and he sighs deeply. 

" I know Baby, i know and i think it was actualy ment for me, to get me out of somebody's way away and they would have fully succeeded if you didn't save me as you can see, I'm so sorry you got caught in all this....i....never intended or wanted to put you into any danger you must hate me forever and don't want anything to do with me ever for sure!" 

He says looking away from me. 

I don't know what to tell him, yes i feel strongly attracted to him about that i can't lie but i will not tell him, not now at's to soon i have so much questions still....because it doesn't look like he has an ordinary job!! So first i want to know more....i decide in my mind about him.

"Let's eat and than when you are ok to drive again than well you know..." I say and he nods in understanding. 

"Did you speak to Tommy kast night when he was done?" He asks and i look in shock at Kate!.....

"Shit we forget to call him, I'm so sorry!! Kate went to sleep in her room since she has having an early class so yeah and i promised to stay awake and i was going to call but i completely forget and i fell asleep, sorry Massimo!....what do you want us to do now??"

"Give me my phone pleasez I'll call him ok".

So i geve him his phone and he dials Tommy's number.

"Massi where are you man?? We've been looking for you at the Mansion?!" I hear a worried voice on coming from the otherside since Massimo put his phone on speaker.

"Yeah sorry about that! I'll tell you all about when you pick me up, I'll send you the address in a minute ok, oh and be ready to get rid of a dead body also!" Massi tells Tommy while sending him our adress in the meantime. 

"Wait what?? A dead body? And what on earth are you doing at the University campus??" Tommy asks.

"That's where my Babygirl lives! And the dead guy tried to kill me first and than her so i had to kill him to protect her!" Massimo's explains and i get read cheeks upon hearing him calling me his babygirl!

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