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Book online «The Don's Love & downfall... by Little Writter Marjolein (most important books to read TXT) 📖». Author Little Writter Marjolein

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Chapter 5


Did she just hang up on me??....Don Masiomo??!, This did not just happend! Nobody dares to do that to me! I'm The King!! Nobody dares to cross me, not even my Babygirl!!. I pull my har frustratedly untill Tommy enters my office, "Boss?"

"What Tommy?!"

"Sorry Boss but there is a problem with a shipment at our warehouse that needs you attention!" He tells me.

"Aarggh another one again??....just what i need!!"

"Boss?" Tommy asks with a slightly raised eyebrow.

"You remember that girl from Skye Tommy?" I ak him while i get my coat to go out to my car. 

"Ehm the one you liked boss?" 

"Liked!!!!.....i want, her, i need her, she's mine and mine only!!" I yell frustrated.

" yes boss! But what happend, why are you angry?" 

"Don't....don't go there Tommy! Just do me one favor!"

"Yes boss anything!"

"Get me more information about Miss Julia within 24 hours, understood?!"

"Yes boss, got it!"

"Good! Now let's go solve another problem with those bastards in the warehouse!"

We went with 3 cars, me in the middle one and went to the outskirts of town to my secret warehouse.

I'm trying to put the matter about my Babygirl into the background of my brain and keep it there so i can focus on the here and now, because if i don't than my enemy's can smell it and than before we know it we will have a war on our hands!

It's already bad enough that i have a small "war" with my own family going on because i still haven't married yet and they keep pressuring me with getting myself a Donna, Wich i already found sinds days ago but she refused to see me again!!.....Babygirl please!!

Focus Massi focuss!!!........

It's not even about finding a Donna but life of a Mafia King can be lonely or actually is lonely most of the time.....just me, my bodyguards, my closest men and that's it, when i come home all alone in my big mansion there is nobody to take care of me!!

I look outside where the trees are passing by fast as we drive towards my warehouse. All the men are in standby mode waiting for my call.

As we park the car and get out we only hear silence, in normal circumstances that would be okay but right here and now it isn't, not at all, it makes us all on edge!!

We go inside quietly.....but than suddenly bullets starts flying all over the place and Tommy hides with me behind a wall to talk strategies of how to get out of this mess.

"Boss it's Antony's men!"

"Yeah i figured, that "Ant" tried to stab me in the back before! Damn it! Well let's see if we can get out of this alive Tommy, cover for me!" I say as i jump out of hidding and aim at the first person i see. 


Hours later at Massimo's mansion...


After some minutes he enters my study. 

"Yes boss?" 

"What more do you know about the attack from today?"

"Ehm no Boss...I'm still working on that one but i have a feeling that that Russian is behind all this again! I'm almost sure of it!" He says.

"Ok, well keep digging and if it's really that Russian Rat Smircov than we will get him, once and for all!" 

"Okay boss, goodnight!"

"Night Tommy!"

Afte Tommy left i poor myself a whiskey and open my email and my printer on. 

All the info he send me about my Babygirl i print it out and i will put it later in a special folder that goes in my safe. 

But first i take a look what he found about her. 

There are some pictures from social media but till my suprise it's all from her time in college but nothing about any family or from when she was younger as a child, almost she didn't exist before college or something.....hmmm interesting baby, i like you even more every minute!! I think by myself and i smirk. 

I also know now where she is staying, is just at campus of her university! 

I decided to go take a look and maby i would be lucky on seeing her again! I thought, so i grab my keys and phone and go out to get my car. 

Ones I'm driving i can't stop smiling like a love struck teenager, thank God nobody is with me because they would think the Boss got all softy......not good!!

"I'm coming Babygirl, I'm coming for YOU!!"


Somewhere in a dark room on the otherside of the city....

"Boss, we got some information that would be of your interest many, regarding our enemy Massimo!"

"speak!" A deep voice on the otherside of the phone line says. 

"Well one of my informants told me that he's seen Massimo showing interest in a girl! So if that's the real case than we can use her against him!" 

"Hmm....that's some good news!.....i like it!.....that informant of yours do you trust him?"

"Yes boss he works for me some years now and till sofar gave ne good info so i think we can trust him upon this!"

"okay, well than, find out everything there is to find about that girl and send me the information by my secret email account understood? And do it fast because i want Don Massimo asap out of my way so i can take over what always was supposed yo be mine!!" 

"Ok Boss, i will let you know soon but for what i can tell you already now is that she lives at campus with her friend where she also studies, my informant followed them there so thats how he shall we pay a visit or?" 

"That's great news, yes go to her and send a message to Massimo that will get him there awell and than try to take him out!!,......hahahah if we are lucky i have him out of my way tonight!!! I can't wait! Hahaha!" The Boss laughes his evil laugh.

"Okay so now i only have to write him a note, well that can be done! with and see Massimo!! Your time is up, your days as the DON have been numbered!!!"

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