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Book online «The Don's Love & downfall... by Little Writter Marjolein (most important books to read TXT) 📖». Author Little Writter Marjolein

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Chapter 4


Next morning i wake up a bit groggy. 

I roll myself out of bed and slowly walk to the bathroom to do my business. 

When I'm done, i get into the shower and start shampooing my hair.

Slowly my sleep starts to drift away from my foggy head and than last night....flashbacks of last night slowly dripping back into my mind....Massimo....

I shake my head to get the images out of my head but the more I try to more they come back to me.

"Comon girl! It's just a guy! Get over it, you've enjoyed and now move on, aniways he is so far out of my league aniways and if I'm not mistaken also much older than me so" i tell myself when i finish up showering.

"Julia are you done? I also need to get ready!"

"Yeah coming, just a minute!" I say and grab my stuff and get out the bathroom.

"We're you just dreaming about some tall handsome guy in the shower??" Kate smirks.

"Yeah right.....not!" I lied and i quickly sneak into my bedroom and get ready while my phone sudden starts to ring and i see my mom's ID flashing and i we go again!! 

"Morning mom I'm just out of the shower getting ready for class so can't talk much!" I quickly say. 

How was you night, you sleep well? I hope you didn't drink too much last night?" She poor's the questions on me.

"I'm fine mom and no i didn't drink too much, had only 2 drinks" 

"Good, when will we see you again? These days we don't see you to much!" 

"Well because I'm busy with school mom, you and dad should know that!" 

"Yeah well we are your parents and we also need to have time with you and..." 

"Mom i got another incoming call, i have to go, talk to you later, bye!" And i swop to pick up the other call, it's a number i don't recognize and it's not saved in my phone either so I'm curious who is calling me. 

"Good morning Babygirl, how was your night?" a deep Italian male voce booms into my ears gives me the shivers.....and than it hits me...."Massimo" i whisper.

"Yes Babygirl that's me, how are you doing?" 

I'm so speechless that he is calling me while i didn't give him my number that i totally forget to answer him!

"Babygirl?....are you okay, are you there?" 

"Yes....yes I'm....I'm here Mr.Massimo" and he chuckles upon hearing me. 

"Excuse me sir but did you get my number??" And he chuckles again but i don't get i sound so funny??....

"No worries Babygirl, long live social media!" 

And than it dawns me that i still had my number on Insta and FB and i make a mental note that i need to remove my number from public eye...

"Ok so now you have my number, so...what now?" I ask a tiny bit scared but also curiously.

I hear him chuckle with his deep husky voice and i suddenly feel a sensation building up in my belly and i get red by the thought of it!.....this man!

"I really enjoyed our dance Julia! and i like for us to dance again?!" 

"Ehm....okay....well...i don't know about that!....yesterday was fun yeah but that's yesterday so...yeah" i say shyly not sure actually what to answer him!

"Fun?? Yesterday was fun?? was amazing! Please Babygirl, i want to see you again!"

"I don't know sir....i don't know seem like a nice guy on first sight but that's all and you must be much older than me and my parents.....well they would never ever in my life agree on that so maby it's better not sir, I'm sorry if my words sounds unkind but I'm being honest!" I say thinking about my mom who would get a heart attack literary if she would find out i would go out with such an older man!

And than he stays silent so I'm about to cut the call when i hear him sigh from the other side and i raise an eyebrow....he's still there?!

"Babygirl listen! I don't care what anybody else says or thinks about our age difference! Yes I'm much older than you but so what, it is the heart that matters and not some crazy birthdate and also what WE want and you are not being fare say you don't know me but you are not willing to get to know me either....since you don't want to see me again?! So com on Babygirl be nice and give me a chance!" 

" old are you...sir?" I mumble 

" I'm 32 Julia but like i said before i don't give a damn! About that, the only thing i do give a damn about is for you to becoming mine!" he says in a husky voice and my eyes almost pop out of my suckets upon hearing his last sentence!.....what the hell??

"Okay....Massimo sir, i think we are going the wrong way here.....let me be clear, our dance was nice, i enjoyed it but that's it, so move on, and I'm not yours and never will be, how can you say such a thing even to a girl you have only seen for a couple of minutes in a nightclub? How can you? So please do me and yourself a favor and forget about me, okay, i can never be yours, you don't know my i struggled to get were i am now in life living finally in some kind of freedom so sorry, thank you for you offer but i think you should find somebody else, have a good day Massimo!" 

And i cut the call frustrated, no I'm almost late even because of him, crazy man! 

I quickly finish up, grab my back with food already in it and i run out to grab a bus to school. 

Upon arriving i just made it in time to enter the classroom before the professor comes in and Kate rolls her eyes at me. 

"What the hell Julia! What kept you so long?!" She whispers as the proffesor enters and i roll my eyes at her in frustration. 

"Guess who??" I whisper back at her.

"Well spill itt and fast please!!"


"What?? No really how?" 

"I completely forget that i still haven't removed my number from social so he just got my nr from there and he called me!"

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