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Book online «The Don's Love & downfall... by Little Writter Marjolein (most important books to read TXT) 📖». Author Little Writter Marjolein

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Chapter 1


I was about to go out with my bestie Kate when my mom called me for "daily check - up" on me as Kate used to tease me. 

I hated it but it was what i agreed on to be in univerity in the first place! 

Oh and i forget to add it always had to be video call so she can see me if I'm okay or not! freaking drama!!!! 

I tried to ignore her calls but it was the first and the last time i did that though, my patents drove 3 hours all the way from home to come look for me! 

That time i was in the middle of class and my mother just knocked and when she saw me she asked me to come out to the hallway to talk to her!! Can you imagine?? That day i i prayed for an earthquake to come and open up the earth to swallow me!! Seriously!! I was so deadly emberassed of what my mother did to me that day that i got really mad at her but as i thought that helped my situation well than you are mistaken because the next thing i knew was that ar Friday afternoon my father and mother picked me up and took me back home for the Weekrnd!! But i felt more like kidnapped though....

All this because one time, one moment i didn't pick up my bloody phone!! 

My parents told me that if it would happen again then will stop my fonds so that i have to come back home!!

Well over my dead body!!!

Aniways So i tell Kate to wait and i quickly pick my mother's call. 

"Hi mom, i can't talk long, me and Kate are about to go out and i need my hands to drive ok?" I tell her before she bombards me with a 3th degree. 

"You look nice honey but don't you think it's a little too sexy?!" Mom says and Kate silently rolls her eyes at me!!"

"Mom!" I try bud nu dienst budge so i turn of the the camera and than back ok to show her another dress thatsnway to borring for going out but to her it's perfect so after some minutes she finally let's me go and i quickly change back in my old dress and than we run out to the parking. 

"Seriously, your mother is really crazy! Sorry for saying but what you parents are doing to you is not healthy at all, it only results in pushing you further away from them then you already are!" Kate says and i sigh deeply. 

"You're right 'K' as i call her by her nickname, but they don't get it!! They don't see it or want to see it that what they are doing is destroying me from the inside!! Even to get her, you know my story right? That was already a huge drama and my Granny had to help me otherwise i would have still be stuck at home helping mom and dad on the farm and maby...just maby they would have married me of to the neighbors son and than we would have inherit their farm and lived the rest of our lives next to guess who? parents!!

Oh hell no!!!"  I yell as we park outside club Skye and get out. 

"I want to live K, i want to have adventure, see places meet interesting people, go on a date, have a passionate steamy night with a handsome stranger for all i care.....all i want is to feel alive!! Not like how my parents wants it to be for me!!" 

"I get you girl, no worries! Now focus on tonight's party and tomorrow we will see the hangover!" She smirks and we get inside the club to the first floor. 

"How did you get us in so quick by the way?" I ask K. 

" brother has a friend and he likes me so i just have to smile at home and he lets me pass!" She says smirking.

"Wait mean that big muscles dude at the door?" 

"Yes that's him!" 

"Okay well if he's you type!" I say.

"Well he's kinda cute and i get in easely so I'm not complaning girl!" 

"Yeah sure, well I'm much more into the edgy bad boy type!"

"Oh the dangerous types?" K. Asks.

"Mwaaa not specific but just a tiny bit, would by spicy!!" 

"Girl you are crazy!! Don't let your mother hear you because that will be you dead!!" And we both laugh till tears are rolling down our cheeks!. 

Not knowing that what i wished for in a man, I would soon encounter but although he has ALL what i am looking for, the question still remains .....can i handle ALL of him??


When we finally managed to get to the bar we ordered some drinks to get us started. 

I'm taking a 'Sex in the Beach' and Kate takes a 'Blue Lagoon' we drink our drinks and talk and laugh about how some people dress and how some idiots dance like they think they are the best while they are actually the worst!!

After another shot of alcohol we decide to go dance ourselfs. It crowded but durable at the moment. 

After some time some really nice songs are coming up and we really lose it and laugh our heads off but than a group of boys are coming dancing closer to us looking like hawks eyeing they prey! 

I roll my eyes at Kate and she gets the message and we both walk away back to the bar and order another drink but unfortunately one of the guys from that group is persistend to get to know Kate but dear Kate is not interested at all so she tells the guy of but he doesn't budge untill one of the security guards come and asked him to leave us alone and thank God nownhe listens and walks away pissed with his take between the legs and cry of laughing together with the bartender who has been watching the whole damn scene!. 

"Your girls here for the first time?" Bartender Sam asks and we shake our heads. 

"I'm a regular here but my friends doesn't go out often so she's kinda new as you might say!" Pointing out at me and i smile shyly. 

"Ok well welcome and a special welcome to you lady first time!" He says smirking at me raising his own glass at me as a toast. 

"Thank you, i like it here, it's a nice club, how long does it exists?* I ask Sam and he thinks for a moment.

"Well it was for my time but defenitly years i would say! And I'm happy you like it!,.....later when my shift is over in an hour may i have 1 dance with you miss?"

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