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Book online «The Don's Love & downfall... by Little Writter Marjolein (most important books to read TXT) 📖». Author Little Writter Marjolein

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36. Epilogue


Im looking out over the mountains and breath in the fresh air while I'm rubbing my 5 month old baby bump.

We've decided to live here because it reminded us of that starry night Skye we once watched together. 

It has been 3 years since those horrible events took place that changed our lives forever!!. 

Let me tell you what happend that night after we landed in Italy!



We've came back to the house were his parents were to babysit our 3 sleeping Angels. 

I took my baby's upstairs with me and locked us 4 in one of the guest bedrooms while Massi was yelling at his parents!.

Some time later i hear Massimo behind the door pleading je to open it but again i ignore him because i know once i do i will be sucked in that deadly spiral of him we're he's in now and i don't want that at all cost.

 I hear him walking downstairs and leaving the house  and take of in his car raging and i came out of my room and went downstairs to go see if i could talk to my in-laws. 

"Julia love, what happend?? I've never seen our son so angry?!" His dad ask me and i take a seat in my favorite chair and take a deep breath and than i start to tell them from the moment Smircov kidnapped me to to all the events tonight without saying that I've slept with Mikal. And after that they stay silent for a long time.....

"Mom, dad, I'm sorry that I'm going to say this but I've made up my mind in the plane, I'm going to divorce Massimo!......and before you say anything let me tell you why!.....tonight he showed me his true colors!! The monster that he's been xarrng inside of him has finally came out! What I've always been afraid of that one day could happen happens!! He promised me, he swore to me that he would only kill people that deserved it, bad guys but tonight he took 5 lives of 5 innocent people who didn't have any clue why the were killed!!! And i warned him before he came to pick me up that i don't want bloodshet and a war but wat is my lovely husband doing? He takes half of the damn Underworld with him and start shooting inocent people!!! tell me do i have to life with such a man?? I scared as hell that one day he will ndanger ke and our kids!! And that i will never let that happen, over my dead body!!" I say to them and they just sit there and listen to me, his mother nad tears and his dad with his eyes closed singing deeply. 

"My dear daughter, i understand and i apologies in behalf of my son! He shouldn't have done that!! He broke our rule!!......I'm really sorry that it has come to this but i respect your decision only i would still love to see my grandkids sometimes if that's okay with you?" Dad says and i nod.

"Afcourse but only without his knowledge, i know he's their father but not untill he's no treat to them he will only see them trough video call!" 

"Okay understood, if you want i can let our family lawyer draw up the divorce papers if you want tonight?" Dad says and i agree.

"Yes if i can sign then tonight i would be very happy and please make it in a way that he can't force me to stay in this marriage that i don't even need his signature! I'm scarred of my own life and that of our kids that's the reason and that should be enough i think!" And dads nods.

"Ill call him now!".

"Come dear I'll help you to pack because i think you want to leave asap i think?" Mom says walk  with me upstairs.

"Yeah the moment I've signet the papers I'll take the kids and leave for the airport!"

"Okay than ket me help you while we wait for the papers!"

That night 4 hours later i was on my way back to Russia with my kids on a normal flight as just "Julia".

I've left Italy for good with the Promes to keep in contact with his parents once a wile and that's it. 

His parents and Tommy and Kate all came with me and the kids to say goodbye! The all understood very well my desicion all though it was hard to say goodbye to them!. 

When i was on my way back to Mikals mansion in a taxi I've gotten a phonecall from kate that they've found Massimo's body in a hotelroom, she told me that he was lyng in bed with an empty bottle of whiskey next to him and some pills and a small note that was addressed to me that said that he was sorry and that ill always be he's one and only babygirl!! And that is should take care of the kids and that he loves me!. 

After that Kate was silent and me to while the tears streamed down my face, i felt like someone stabbed me in the heart and draw it out. 

I told Kate goodbye and thanks for telling and i cut the call. 

When we finally arrived at the mansion i saw that Mikals dad already cleaned up the mess I'm the house and i saw some new maids Wich he hired since early morning. When he saw me i saw his face drop untill he saw my kids and i saw the tears on his face and he run back in and yelled to Mikal and when he came he dropped to the floor almost in shock!! 

The bitje helped me with some maids to get the kids inside and all my belongings that i took with me and than we settled in. 

Flashback ends.

Now I'm Mikals wife and we life happy in our new home close to nature with the kids, it took a while for them to adjust specially the twins but it all went well, we gave them time and love and we wxplaned to them that their father had to go away and he couldn't come back anymore but that he loves them very much and that now Mikal would be their new daddy and after some time they all accepted him as their new father Wich I'm so happy about!.....and now even after the Italian doctor told me i couldn't animore safe i git pregnant of Mikal and they doctors here told me to just take my meds on time and take ENAUGH rest and all would be fine while they would keep and extra eye on me during my pregnancy. 

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