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Book online «PURPLE WORLD by E.S. (i am reading a book TXT) 📖». Author E.S.

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going with this, “well, they have been having some vampire trouble, and I don’t think the pixes are gonna help with that”,
that’s where she’s going, “ok, we will start tomorrow. And the pixies don’t help with any thing”, she looked at me “you don’t mind, like if they do any thing we can beat them up”,
I sighed and started up stairs, she followed “I know, I know, I really don’t care, I just wanted a summer with you not doing anything, you leave to soon”,
I looked back, she had a big purple (the color of her lip stick) smile, “well, I got something to say!”,
We were now in our room, I was sitting on the bed “what?”,
ok, I was excited, but who wouldn’t be, “I’m not going back, since you know the pack.... well now I don’t have to go away any more, and we can be together forever!”,
we had a screaming fit and then laughed our heads off, something only we do, “that’s great!”,
I screamed, “yeah and I even used some of legends money and we bought a house where all the vampires are, we have like millions!”,
I was so freaking happy, ok may be fighting vampires and not-ageing wasn’t the summer I was really looking for, but still, what ever. We went to the bathroom and got all our make up off, after that Atalanta was making weird faces in the mirror and I was playing with a piece of hair that wouldn’t get out of my face, for about a half of an hour, then went to sleep listening to Atalanta babble about every thing then sang song lyrics incorrectly.

We woke up and got ready, over the 3 and a half years, some things change, not Atalantas personality, she still acts like a 12 year old girl who doesn’t keep her mouth shut, but her face has filled out, high check bones, arched eye brows, bow shaped lips, her hair was now longer, past her shoulders, and wavy, kinda messy, but pretty messy, she wore smoky purple lip stick, the not-a-goth kind, and eye shadow, like Cleopatra, I guess I look diffrent to, high pointed cheekbones, fat lips, and large eyes, I do wear eye liner and all that, but I wear lip gloss not lip stick, and my eye liner lines are thin. To day we didn’t cover up our prints or purple eyes, we were leaving. We packed mostly short shorts and skinny jeans, with T-shirts with the Rolling Stones lips on them, or bob marley, and all that stuff, most of my shoes were flats, but I was only allowed to wear high heels when Atalanta was around, she didn’t like flats, even though she was really tall already, she liked to be even more tall by wearing high heels.

We had in total 4 bags, once we were outside and turned we carried them with our teeth, it was a 2 week trip by foot, so we decided just to go by plane, we were running to the air port.
We almost missed the plane, but once we were on our way-too-long flight, I wrote down songs, and Atalanta doodled, “so, I forgot to tell you one thing, well I wanted to save money, unheard of right? So I got a nice house, but we had two roommates, I talked to one of them on the phone and he said we could come down when ever though, so don’t worry, he also said they were never home”,
“HE! what do you mean he?”,
I almost screamed, I looked down at Atalantas doodles, she was drawing a dragon, it was pretty good, but it had it’s tongue saying “yum”, and had a persons body half-gone in it’s hand, “well, you know that T.V. show, New Girl that we watch? It’s gonna be like that, I thought it would be fun!”,
she said looking at her paper, what was I supposed to do? She is me best friend. You get what you get. “Ok, whatever”.
The plane ride was long, way to long. Atalanta was getting squirmy and restless, “ugh! well you people drive any faster! I got some where to be!”,
she yelled, the workers told her to shut up, well, they told her “miss, will you please stop yelling, it’s annoying the employs”,
the Atalanta took a spaz and tried to slap the worker, lucky we were in the air, because if not we would have been kicked off the plane.

We were off the plane and out of the airport, instead of turning we just called a cab. Once the cab stopped, we were a long drive way, we took our bags and walked to the new cabin, there was a note left on the kitchen table, “the rooms you will be staying is the one upstairs”, we rushed up stairs and put our bags down, then after in a rush of excitement we an outside and turned, I was taking the north forest she was taking the south. The place was familiar, the trees were dense and it was foggy, I heard howls, and footsteps, it was the wolves, I’ve been walking for about an hour when it happened. I new they were circling us now, but all I could think about was how i need to get to Atalanta, I let out a loud howl knowing that the wolves already knew I was out here. Atalanta howled back and we found each other, but the others found us to.

They circled. There was around 8 of them, I let out a low growl, Atalanta echoed it, they got closer, but we stood our ground. One of them was staring at me, well my eyes, I think the other got the message, it looked at me too, the corner of it’s lips went up, it changed in to a human, I guess it knew the “keep clothes on while turning” trick too, “so your back again”, he said with a cruel smile, I growled. I looked at Atalanta, we ran back to the cabin,
soon we got there, I was first, because I am the fastest. We turned, then hopped up to our room window. We were finished changing when the boy walked in, the same guy that I saved 3 years back, he looked at us with wide eyes “oh, sorry didn’t know you where here already”,
he looked like every one else in his pack, brown eyes, dark skin, straight black hair, native, but unlike his leader he was slim, but had muscle, had looked kind, and had that boyish charm. He didn’t even notice Atalanta, he was just looking at me, Atalanta made me put on my red high heels, and red short shorts and my black Rolling Stone lips shirt, I wasn’t dressed weird, not that I thought, then I noticed I hadn’t covered my tattoos or my purple eyes, I swore, “you got to hide”,
he shut the door behind him, “I can’t I live here!”,
I said to him, even though I’m pretty sure he knew that, I walked down stairs, “you shouldn’t do that”,
he said running behind, the group of boys were down there, just as I hoped, they stared at my for a minute “listen up, I live here, like come on! I saved your boys life. I’m not moving”,
Atalanta was behind me “you should thank her”,
she yelled, they were quiet for a second, “ok. Awkward”,
Atalanta whispered behind me, I walked up to the leader “hi, I’m Athena, this is Atalanta”,
I pointed to her, “we are renting the room upstairs, so you might want to get used to having us around”, I said,
“Why’d you save him? Did you think you would get some thing out of it, some money? I don’t have any money so if that’s what you want get lost”, he said.
“I saved him, because I got bored, I was around, my pack was gone, I felt like doing something”, I shrugged. There was this whole big conversation, at the end, I passed, we would live here, ad long as we didn’t get in their way.

We were in our room, doing our nails, when the boy I saved came in “hey”, I said, he should knock, but really I didn’t care much, “hey, so sorry about Bruce, he just cares”, I waved my hand so he would sit down, “it’s all good, you know I really wouldn’t mind knowing your name”, he sat down right beside me, “it’s Rowan”, I nodded, “nice, my pack used to all have purple eyes, and the same tattoos or birthmarks, and we had all greek names too, what bout yours?”, instead of answering first he stood up and took up his shirt, and turned around, in between his shoulders he had a giants paw, around it as a border there was logs and feathers, “nice”, I heard Atalanta whisper, “we don’t have coloured eyes or any thing, but we got the tattoo”, “it’s really cool. Mines all over so I’ll show you one day”, I said.

Dinner was later on, we found out that only Rowan and Bruce lived here, but the boys slept over a lot. “So, will your pack come over?”, Bruce asked, I almost choked, “oh no, well, my pack, kinda died”, Bruce and Rowans faces went into shock, “what! how’d that happen?”, I know Bruce wasn’t trying to be rude, but I hated it when people asked me that, not that much did “well, our pack went to meet the leader, well more like the leader of the leader of the leader, he name was legend, she lived far away, they told us to stay and keep guard this time because we were very strong and stuff, so we did, all I know is that they didn’t come back, and I felt part of m soul shatter. Wait, when was that? We just turned 13 right?”, I asked Atalanta, “right”, she said. the boys looked even worse “that sucks”, was all Rowan could get out. “Hey! remember when you shaved half of your head, and Erebus said that thing!”, Atalanta said, “oh yeah, that was funny! or when he did that thing, at that place, with that person!”, I laughed, “yeah! OMG I think I almost peed my pants when he did that!”, Rowan looked at us weirdly “ok, I did not understand that at all”, we laughed.

The next morning was a very light and sunny day, Atalanta and I changed into our bikinis and went for a tan, I had on a Black strapless one and I was listening to Niki Minaj on my Ipod, and we pulled out some towels in the front yard and began to tan, “get on the floor, floor, if you want to dance, if you want more, more, than here I am, starships where meant to fly, hands up and touch the sky”, Atalanta and I were so caught up in singing we didn’t notice the whole pack staring, at first. “Guys let’s go! stop staring your making them uncomfortable!”, Rowan was helping, but he was staring to, “oh you guys are going in the forest! can we go! we could help!”, I said getting to my feet, “do you really care what we say?”, Bruce asked, “nope!”, Atalanta and I said together, “oh, Rowan, see these are my tattoos!!”, I they went up my arms and around my neck, “like’em?”, one of the boys, i think his name was Heath nodded like a bobble head and said “Yes”, Rowan and I just rolled our eyes “yeah they are pretty cool”,
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