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Book online «PURPLE WORLD by E.S. (i am reading a book TXT) 📖». Author E.S.

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a second “how does he know where we live”, Atalanta asked brows furrowed, “oh, I told him last night, sorry”, she second looking at the floor.

Cetos brother came in the afternoon. He strolled in with out knocking, with the laptop and a bag in hand. Ceto ran over and collecting her things, “thank you”, she said and went to the couch and started up her laptop. We were in the kitchen and the boy walked in, “so, your gonna take her away?”, he asked, one eye brow raised, “it’s really for the best”, I said, “yeah, she’s gonna get killed one way or another”, Atalanta included not paying any attention what-so-ever, I kicked her.
The boy leaned on the counter “I want you tell me every thing, not just she is in danger, but first, I think I should know more about you”, great a get to know meet and greet. I started before Atalanta could say any thing worse, “well, I’m Athena, and this is my sister Atalanta, we are, or were, the only girl were wolves that turned so young that are alive, the Leaders found this out, and started watching us, they came over two weeks ago and told us that we were a threat”, I couldn’t get to the next thing before Atalanta added with a snort “yeah, they were probably just mad because we are hotter than them”, I rolled me eyes, “anyways, we got that treated, but then they came to another point a pack has to have 3 or more wolves in it, so we went on a hunt, the last day I saw you, thought you smelt like a wolf and came over, then when you left I noticed that your sister smelt weird, smelt like me and Atalanta, so we brought her in. If we didn’t do this, because we could find another wolf soon any ways, Ceto would be getting a visit from the Leaders pretty soon”, I finished, Atalanta, who now had an apple in her hand, took a bite then said “what’s you name?”, she didn’t sound interested, “Luke. What if Ceto didn’t show up to them, never even came to mind, and now your dragging her in this whole mess, what’s going to happen?”, Atalanta took another bite then said “if you didn’t get a visit yet, you will get one soon. They always do”, I know who Atalanta was thinking about, our old pack, Legend was the threat, so they took us out, they could never get Legend, so they took the next best thing, or at least most of them. When Luke was gone, he didn’t take Ceto so, I guess we are safe.

At dinner I made Ceto text her brother, telling him we will be leaving, we didn’t let Ceto know where though, and that she will not be texting again, one day they will meet, but not soon. We took the phone and crushed it. Ceto didn’t like what we did, but it had to happen, we let her keep the laptop, for now. We ate steak, I had four, Atalanta had 3 and Ceto had two, Ceto will have to eat more. Before bed we took Cetos bandages off, Wolves heal quickly. It looked amazing, it was like her as one, but us too.

We got up early, packed and left. When we were on the plane, Atalanta seemed to get mad at the pilot. Again. I let her babble on and on, yelling, until she was finished, which would take a while. Ceto leaned over “does she always do this?”, she whispered,
“yeah. She is not good with planes, she’s not good with any thing”, I whispered back, Ceto shrugged and started yelling two, all I heard was “can’t you drive any faster, you should go back to flying school, stupid pilot we aren’t all grandmas here! if you don’t hurry this up I will take over!”, and my favorite “come on, my mom can walk faster than this!”, I liked it because Legend probably could, I joined in too, going with the flowin. The flight attendant recognized us, and apparently Atalanta recognized her too, “hey, what’s going on Mrs. Lenni, seen any trouble makers out today, bet no one was as loud as those trouble makers on the plane a couple weeks back, hope they don’t come on again, I hope they didn’t put a BOMB in here last time, ew”, Atalanta shouted the word BOMB, Ceto laughed, I’m surprised that we didn’t have to stay in the airport for questioning or some thing.

We walked in the forest, we were almost home when I heard footsteps and smelled a familiar smell, I smiled “come out, come out where ever you are”, I said, Rowan stepped out from the trees and smiled back, I dropped my bags, ran up and hugged him. “Hey”, he said, he picked me up and twirled me around, “hi”,
“I was worried about you, I just wanted to know you where ok, but since you don’t have a phone...”, behind me Ceto and Atalanta snickered, which brought me back to reality,
“Rowan this is Ceto, our new pack member”, I said, I didn’t want to let go of him, but I had to, Ceto waved at Rowan. “Rowan is it ok is Ceto stays with us? she is our new pack member”, I asked, Rowan said yes and we walked inside.

We were met with a bunch of boys squished against us, “hey guys, I missed you too, now I can’t breathe so”, I squeaked, the boys tore apart and I finally saw their faces, Bruce had a scar going down his neck, Liam had a bandage wrapped around his neck, every one had some thing, I looked to Rowan, “what happen to you?”, I yelled, not that I meant to, “it’s nothing, doesn’t even hurt”, he was lying, “what happened!”, Rowan slowly and un-wanting-ly turned around, 6 lines went straight down his back, it was messed up, his back looked like a hunk of meat. It was horrible. “Who did it”, Atalanta asked, I was speechless, Bruce was the first one to talk, “it was some packs, I don’t know they had red eyes, nasty things, they sent you a message”, Bruce gulped, “well spit it out”, Atalanta and I said together, “they told me to tell you that the Legend lives on, but they will get it soon, then the masks, and finally the twins will be next”, Bruce almost whispered. We knew who they were “demons”, we whispered, they weren’t demons really, but close enough. We knew who they were talking about to, the Legend, was Legend of course, the Twins were us, and the masks, well that couldn’t be right, they were dead, I could feel it in my bones, the Masks used to be our group, we would were mask to fights, we were known for it.

Later that night we sat in our room, Ceto was in the room too, Atalanta started “first we need to find Legend, if we want to get any where, we need to find her, she is the only one powerful enough to kill the Demons”, And I kinda missed her, “ok, well, if she is in hiding and the Demons can’t find her, that means it has to be some where no body knows, no one would even think Legend would go there...”. Atalanta and I said at the same time “Africa”, no one would even think of that, it was Legends favorite place, no one would even think Legend had a favorite place. Ceto stepped into the conversation “you guys weren’t kidding you actually know Legend”, Atalanta snorted “like we could lie about some thing like Legend”, she had a point there.

The night went on and we finally started to get to sleep, Ceto was sleeping beside, “Athena, can you tell me what it was like?”,
“Like what?”, I couldn’t see any thing but Cetos purple eyes, they had a little sparkle,
“You, Atalanta, your pack, Legend”,
“Ever since I could remember we were in the pack, we practiced fighting every day for 6 hours straight, then a little more, once those were up we got to do whatever we wanted as long as we weren’t seen. When Atalanta and I turned seven or eight we got our tattoos, we never went to school. But we learned every thing from legend. I now can speak 10 different language and am at a university level. Some days Legend wouldn’t be there. So in the morning we’d hunt, eat, then train, hunt, sleep, it was like this almost every day. When we were in the Cabin, and we couldn’t go to sleep Legend would sing us songs, or tell us stories, if we dared to here them. It was a easy life. When I got older, I would go out, fight, hunt, learn, travel around the world, every year or so I’d come back, meet Atlanta at the usual place then we’d get a time off, no more training, we’d fight others instead, we knew every thing already. We would meet the pack out side the cabin, run, laugh, love, we were a family, by this time Legend wouldn’t show up as much, may be once a month, or week if we were lucky, but we didn’t need her we had each other. I thought we’d always have each other, not just two, but six, later on seven, may be eight. I remember every time Legend would talk about getting a new member we would laugh, no way that would happen, they would be so much behind they would die in the first couple weeks

“But one day, Atalanta and I went outside the cabin, the rest weren’t there, they had gone off, it was hunting day and we didn’t want to hunt with out them, We waited two weeks for them to show up, but never did, no one ever missed a hunting day, so at the end of the two weeks we were starving, so we went out and hunted, and that’s when I knew that our pack would never come back” , I was finished, I left out main parts to this, but I never liked to tell, how Legend would in the morning comb my hair and sing a sweet tune, would make breakfast, would get us birthday cakes every birthday, I don’t remember my birthday any more, I never really had got it in my brain, it was one day, I never remembered because I thought I would have every one else to, and Atalanta, well she is just stupid and can’t remember any thing (lie). Soon we had gone to sleep.

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