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Book online «PURPLE WORLD by E.S. (i am reading a book TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author E.S.

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perfect place for the leaders to come and finish us off once and for all, we would be together, with our pack soon. Nudged Atalanta “we are home”, she, looked over at me, and for the first time in a long, she smiled. It was with cracked lips and messed up hair, but she smiled.

I knew where we were, and we ran home, with all our energy. The cabin came into view. For the whole day we ate, took showers, and slept. We haven’t slept on a bed in a while, or have any good food. Our money and power were back, but I was just glad to hear Atalanta sing me mean-less lyrics to sleep.

It was the last day, and we had to get moving, Atalanta was showering in the bathroom, and I was making breakfast. When I first saw Atalanta she was smiling and as happy as ever, I don’t think she knows it’s the last day.

we walked out onto the beach, we had the whole day to look. It was morning and I couldn’t see any way to get around this, the beach was filled and every one was swimming or playing volley ball. Today, we didn’t even bother covering up our tattoos or purple eyes, we walked around the beach like we owned it and the humans stared our way, I didn’t know if it was about our beauty, tattoos or eyes, we were only sixteen. As it got to the after noon, my wolf senses weren’t tingling (I’m kinda a nerd, I know). I thought for sure, this wasn’t going to happen.

“Oh my gosh! Athena we need to go to the amusement park, remember that’s where we always met up!”, I didn’t answer, and she gave to the puppy dog eyes “for old times sake”, she said, again the eyes didn’t work, but it would be fun, for old times sake. We went back to the cabin and got ready. I was running late to I told Atalanta I’d meet her there.

I saw a boy looking at me, I ran to hide behind the cotton candy machine, and right then I noticed how many times I had to do that, I looked out and peeked at the boy, there was a little girl, about twelve, pulling on his sleeve, “come on! I need want to go on the marry-go-round”, it sounded like some thing a annoying little sister would say, but she said it way too nicely. He looked down, “yeah ok, let’s go”, that’s when I walked in front of them, I had a strong feeling that there was a wolf right in front of me, I might just be saved, “hi”, I said, the little girl stared at me for a minute, “hey”, said the boy, “I heard that you were going to the marry-go-round, I am meeting a friend there, want to walk?”, I said, he looked surprised, “sure”, said, we walked and talked, we were half way to the marry-go-round when the boy said he had to do something, I was left with the little girl, she looked up at me, she was unusually tall, not as tall as I was though, “I like you eyes”, she smiled, I looked at hers ready to give the comment back, they were golden, with little hits of.... purple? “I like yours too”, she had long, black hair with dark purple streaks that resembled feathers,she was tan and had a slim figure to but had chubby lips. She looked up at me again, “so who are you going to meet?”, there was a rush of wind, that made a familiar scent come this way, I couldn’t place it, it wasn’t human, not vampire, or wolf like the girls brother. The girls phone beeped and she checked the message, she looked up at me “my brother just said that I had to go to the marry-go-round with you and he’d meet up with us”, we walked and I found Atalanta sitting on the side of the marry-go-round, looking a bored as ever, she looked up and me and I spread out my arms after she called “Athena!”, I went with the flow and called “Atalanta!”, and she went in my embrace, the little girl shouted after us “Ceto!”, I’m pretty sure she followed me and just went with the flow, right after I heard her name I remembered Ceto: goddess of the dangers of the ocean and of sea monsters, Greek goddess, and that’s when it clicked, the familiar smell came from Atalanta and I, but Atalanta was no where near Ceto and I when I smelt it first, the fragrance couldn’t have been that noticeable, she had purple in her eyes, and unusual hair, she was taller than many of her kind, and that’s why I must’ve been drawn in the direction of the boy, because she was right beside him! I gasped, and looked down a the little girl “I know what you are”, Ceto smiled proudly, “I know what you are too”.

When the brother came back I told him about how the little girl was in serious danger, about being one of the unusual kinds, I told him about how we were in danger too, that we needed a new member and that the girl would be safer with us. I told him every thing, and in the end all he said was “it’s up to her”, the girl weighed her options for a way-to-long time, I’m pretty sure she just did it for the fun of it too, but finally she said yes. She said good-bye to her brother and got her things. We left for the cabin after.

The girl walked up to the bathroom, we came because we needed to get ready for bed too. Ceto looked at her self in the mirror then began to poke herself in the eye? Wait no, she took a contact off, her eye was fully purple and then she took of the other, purple eye again. Ok, now I do get where this is going, “who was your leader”, Ceto looked at me then answered my question as if it didn’t matter, “um, a lady named legend”, just as I thought, “where is she now?”, Legend was like a mother to me, it hurts knowing that she kept her life a secret, “I don’t know, she left me with my brother a couple years back, all she said was ‘you can go out, any where you want, as long as your not seen”, Atalanta gasped, Ceto looked at me again with her brows furrowed, “I have a feeling you know Legend”, I held her gaze, “yes, may be that’s why we are so much alike, but she’s long gone now”, I said, I thought I might cry, but Atalanta saved me “on to other news, you get to have a tattoo! ya!”, she pulled Ceto out the door without asking, she does that a lot.

I knew Ceto was going to have to get a tattoo to join her into our group, I just didn’t like the thought of it. We were in the tattoo shops, Ceto was on the bed. We were talking to the man, telling him to do the tattoos just like ours, when Ceto butted in “um, guys, is it ok, if, i don’t know, I could get a different tattoo, I just don’t want to be the same as every one else, not to hurt your feelings or any thing”, Atalanta and I shared a look, we both didn’t like having to be the same every one in our pack, it got old, we wanted to be different, we never even got to use I in a sentence for a long time. We said “yes”, and Ceto told the artist what she wanted. Ceto got a tattoo it was a big serpent on her back, but she did also have to get the wolf paws on her palms like Atalanta and I.

I was laying on my bed thinking, and for once again listening to Atalanta singing, but mostly thinking:
Ceto will never be a we.


We took the day off, Ceto’s new tattoos were setting and Atalanta and I were just plain tired.
We got up at ten in the morning. Ceto took over the bed room on the other side of the hall. When We were younger, Atalanta and I believe that we had almost every thing the same, we should share a room, so instead of getting our own private space, we got a room, but I guess when you seven there’s no such thing as private space.

Ceto was the last one up, we already had twenty bacon strips ready when she came down, she gave up a weary wave “hey guys”, I was cooking and Atalanta was fiddling with Cetos cell, she was amazed. “I need to get one of these!”, she shouted, I just rolled my eyes, she was like a twelve year old, just not as smart, “yeah, and who would you talk to?”, I asked, she looked up at me like it was the simplest question of our life time, “you, Ceto, the boys, I would have tons of friends if I got one of these!”, sure. I was flipping eggs when I asked Ceto who her favorite singer was, “Taylor Swift. My favorite song is Lucky you”, she noticed I didn’t know what that song was, “you know”, then she began to sing, “mama named her lucky on a starlight night, a rabbit foot in her pocket, she dances in spite, the fact that every ones different yet were all just the same and sing do ,do, do, do, do, do, do”, she went on with her “do”s, “I’ll have to search her up”, I said, Ceto shrugged “yeah I show you right now, where’s you computer?” I laughed to me self, “we don’t have one”, Ceto looked at me wide-eyed with her jaw to the floor “what! you don’t have a computer!”, just then Cetos phone beeped, Atlanta jumped, Ceto took the phone from her hand “it was my brother, he said he’s coming over. I’ll tell him to bring my laptop”, We were confused for

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