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Book online «PURPLE WORLD by E.S. (i am reading a book TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author E.S.

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we didn’t turn or any thing, we just walked to the beach, it was full of teens, “what are we doing?”, I asked Rowan, “we are just hanging out”, he shrugged, “hanging out?”, I didn’t get it, what about the vampires, “but what about my eyes?”, he looked at me, up and down, “no one is going to notice your purple eyes, and if they do they will just think that your wearing contacts”, I looked at all the people, the pack was easy to pick out, because every one had on shorts, they were taller than most and their tattoos.

The boys that we past were staring at us, well mostly me, Rowan threw his arm over me, and gave the boys the evil eye, they didn’t stare at much any more, sure Rowan was skinny, but he was as strong as any thing. I leaned more against him. “OMG!”, I heard Atalanta scream, I looked around and found what she was screaming for, crap, it was a stage, nothing more than Atalanta liked more then being watched. She ran up, her and her bikini top and short shorts, like mine but she had a purple top and it had straps, I had on shorts too, thank god, but the were really small, crap. I wasn’t going to let her get picked to sing by her self, “oh god, I have to go!”, I told Rowan and the pack, we got picked by the and went up I swore and walked up the music started it was a game, if you could sing the whole song with out messing up you got 200 bucks, I knew the song right away and judging by Atalantas smile she did too. we sang this song like every day,
“This is for my girlfriend
This is for my This is for my girlfriend
This is for my This is for my girlfriend
This is for my BFF, girlfriend
This is for my girlfriend
This is for my This is for my girlfriend
This is for my This is for my girlfriend
This is for my BFF, girlfriend”, Atalanta started.

Since I was the better rapper I sang this part
“Ayo! Where my bff Where my playboy bunny
Where dat nigga Hugh Hef
When we pull off at da light
Why everything else get left
Why dey screwin' up dey face
Why dey lookin' a hot mess
Why dey be like no they didn't
Them bitches is always shittin'
My clock be tik tik tikin
Them chickens is finga lickin'
And that's why, we do'em greasy
Stunttin in louis vezzy
We straight without a perm
And u bitches are stupid peezy
Would you like some rice with that
We get a lot of cheese no mice with that
I mean I want some ice wit dat
No soda where ya owner give ya license back... hoe”

“This is for my girlfriend
This is for my This is for my girlfriend
This is for my This is for my girlfriend
This is for my BFF, girlfriend,
This is for my girlfriend
This is for my This is for my girlfriend
This is for my This is for my girlfriend
This is for my BFF, girlfriend” the song went on, and we sang to all, at the end we got our 200 bucks and jumped off stage. The pack came to us, “nice, I didn’t know you could sing!”, Atalanta took over “yeah, well there’s a lot you don’t know about us”. Once we were alone, Atalanta and I, we were in the water, “so, do you like it here?”, she asked shyly, I laughed “it’s not like I expected, it’s weird, we are around so many people now, we aren’t even hiding either, it doesn’t feel safe, I kinda miss hiding, and stuff, you know, just me and you”, I knew she thought the exact same thing, Atalanta and I were like twins, they looked way to diffrent, but they knew what the other was feeling and together were immortal. “Yeah, I know, but it’s for the best”, she said.

We were at home, eating. I was finishing off my second steak, the room was loud and full, when they came, they just walked into the house, when they did every one bowed, Atalanta and I didn’t. There was 5 of them, one girl the rest guys, big and strong. The girl gave as a stare, I knew these people, they were the head, Legend told us we had to be careful, we never wanted to be caught up with them. “We heard that you caused some attention today”, I was confused but Atalanta was on track, “beat it, we were just have’en fun”, yes Atalanta did know who they are, and what they could do, and yes she did just say “beat it”. The girl was the leader, it was obvious,
“Unneeded attion is not what you need, Greece”, Atalanta still had the steak in her hand “oh, isn’t that nice, she thought she knew what pack we were from, well, you little stuck up princess, our pack is dead, gone, we don’t have a pack, so take a hike”, the girls eyes narrowed and she didn’t even look unhappy, she looked totally pissed off, “I could snap your neck like a twig”, she whispered, one of the men took over “we came here because we heard about the two illegal wolfs”, he looked to us, were we illegal?
“You two, no female wolf has been born to create peace, they were born to destroy, and no one is allowed to be out of a pack, ever, you should be destroyed”, no way,
“Oh, ok”, Atalanta laughed, “sure, what ever, have we ‘destroyed’ any thing that wasn’t meant to be destroyed, I don’t think so, back off, you-”, I interrupted because I knew where this was going “ok, how about we make a deal, since my sister is right, we haven’t killed any thing that wasn’t meant to be killed, we should be allowed to live, since we did just prove that we aren’t crazy killing machines, but if we once ever killed some one who wasn’t supposed to be killed, we will let you take up in, and do what you have to do”, the man looked at us, “let us talk in private about the matter”, they walked into a little circle and talked, we waited and finally they came out, the same leader came out, “we made the decision, you may live, but if you do anything that is illegal you will be gone, but you still don’t have a pack, that is illegal”, wow, nice plan, Rowan yelled out “they can be apart of ours”, I was about to accept but Atalanta spoke up “no, I know I don’t look the part, but i know the rules, you only need one couple to make a pack, so we do techanily have one”, one of the wolfs came up, “I’m sorry, but there are new rules, there must be three to a pack, not two”, I spoke up a hit of neediness tinted my voice, “ok, give us three weeks to find one more person, just three weeks”, the leaders said fine and were off.

Later on that night, my little group of two told the others that we needed to go the next morning, it would take us at least three weeks to get the partner, we needed to get moving.


We were moving through out the forest. There is nothing out but the shining sun and the birds singing, Atalanta and I were just wearing short shorts and a bathing suit top because it was so hot, we hiked through the forest, but we heard a noise, it was a crack, “just a squirrel”, she said, we walked on. Soon we were at the edge of town, we walked through it, we passed a local restaurant and could smell the food cooking, Atalanta sighed “I’m so hungry!”, I didn’t realize till then, that I was too, Atalanta held her tummy and looked and my like a lost puppy, the look didn’t work, but the hunger did, “fine, whatever, let’s go”, we walked into the restaurant. While Atalanta was eating I was looking around for wolves that would be of use, there was no one.

On the third day of looking, I found one person. It was a male, he was seven teen and handsome, hee didn’t know that we were wolves just like him, all he knew was two pretty girls wanted to hang out, I guess that was enough. We were at the beach with him, “Hey Drew!”, we heard a deep voice say, Drew, the wolf we wanted in our group, looked back, our eyes followed, the was a large group of boys, about ten of them, that’s when I knew that I would not get this catch, Atalanta and I walked away, because we thought at least one of them would know we were wolves, and we didn’t want to take the chance.

The days were long, the sun usually shining too bright, and burns were appearing on our faces, we didn’t take enough money so we spent most time sleeping on the beaches or if we could find one we’d rent a boat to go search a island, then sleep there. At night Atalanta got so tired some times she didn’t even sing or babble on and on, it was horrible, yet lovely at the same time, but most I just missed her voice. At least Atalanta and I got to spend time together. We walked in the forest, leaping over fallen trees and listening for sounds, Atalanta lost of her spirit at the ending of the second week, she now was just tired and miserable, it had been two days since she last talked expect to tell me that she needed to stop for a bathroom break or food. It was terribly quiet and I loaned to hear her perky voice once again, but she was silent.

It took for the sun to shine, the trees to change, and the bird to sing, to realize that we were home, we must have taken the long way, it had been almost three weeks, this would be the

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