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nets for people to put of there beds, and we would always give things to the people there, I don’t know why, Legend didn’t like people, but she seemed to like helping them over there, she said they could keep a secret. Over there she said they knew what we were and let us live with them any ways. “Oh yeah, remember those necklaces. To bad I lost mine”, Atalanta said, I laughed.

I started to make things to eat. I came up with brownies, steak, potatoes, veggies and cake. Yum. Atalanta shouted out “I like I found some thing!”, I ran over, “there is a village in Africa, right next to the jungle”, she pointed to the screen, I rolled my eyes, my excitement gone, should of known “yes, there is, lot’s of them”, I said in a voice like I was talking to a two year old, Atalanta waved me off “no, look, it looks like the one we went into remember. They said they were the only village with a flag, and the flag being that color, it represented them being at the end”, the end of what? I have no Idea, but Atalanta was right. Now I got the giddy filling again “how do we get there?”, I asked, Atalanta frowned “plane”, I laughed. Atalanta went on “boat, and I think bike, and car”, oh god. Ceto took Atalanta’s place with the lap top, because Atalanta is like a puppy, she can only stay on one subject to so long, then she gets bored and ruins it, I wanted to get her away from the lap top before she ruined it.

Atalanta and I were in the kitchen eating dinner “I’m so happy, we might meet Legend again”, I said, “don’t get your hopes up, she might be dead. Wait get your hopes up, she might be dead!”, Atalanta didn’t like Legend as much as I did, but she loved her. “Don’t be mean. Hey, may be we could stay with her again, may be none of them are dead! may be we can be one big happy family again!”, I was acting like I did when I was 12 Legend was my world, Atalanta rolled her eyes “you acting like you did when you were 12, get over it, they are dead! there’s nothing we can do about it”, I frowned “why do you act like that”, “like what”, “like there’s not a hope in the world, that every one is dead and gone, that we have no body but ourselves”, I pouted, and Atalanta rolled her eyes “you acting like a two year old now, just all I’m saying is don’t get your hopes up, ok”.

I walked up to our room, we had finished our dinner. I looked in the at the tings Legend gave us, the thing I loved the most, it was a locket, it was in the shape of a paw, of course every one got one, you could talk through it, it had purple jewels in it, the boys weren’t a fan of it. I never tried talking through it though, not after the killings of my pack. I clicked a little button and listened to the last conversation that was recorded with it.
Me: Erebus, I got a present for you, I sang into it
Erebus: oh really, what is it?
me: a birdy, I laughed
Erebus snorted: please not another dead one, don’t tell me, it had it’s eyes plucked out by Atalanta and the wings plucked by you. I laughed
me: how did you know! you ruin every thing. I giggled some more
Gaia: oh, thanks girls, didn’t get me any thing
Artemis: oh Gaia, don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll get the bird feathers and I’ll get the eyes
Atalanta and I: how’d you know! *we giggled some more*
Erebus: ok guys drop the bird there’s a vamp in the northern forest
me: hey I’m in the northern forest *giggles* I’m not a vamp! *my voice turned serious, just ab- it* Oh I see her.
I hear a ripping noise, it was me turning into a wolf, then a howl, the connection breaks.
I opened the locket, now or never. “Hello, purple eye twin 1 online, purple eye twin 1", I said into the locket. “Hello, purple eye twin 2, purple eye twin 2", Atalanta repeated into hers,
“I miss using this, it’s been a long time. Hey what happened to the bird any ways?”, Atalanta asked, “oh I kept then gave it to Erebus and the rest. Remember we had to find one for Ouranos after, just to be nice”, we both laughed, Atalanta was standing in the door way. I closed the locket. She did too. “I miss them”, I said, we hugged each other. “Well, at least we get one good thing out of this”,
“using our 2nd language?”,
“Tanning”, Atalanta corrected. I laughed.

We went to sleep, this time Atalanta hummed the lyrics to “love you like a love song”.

Ceto was already on the computer, she ordered the tickets to Africa, the nearest air port to the village with 28 miles away. “Our trip starts in a week”, she announced. Good.

We spent the week getting ready, we had gone shopping, packed, every thing. I remembered that we haven’t trained in a long time, I was going to suck. Damn. It was the day before and I heard Atalanta talking to some one on the phone. “She’s fine”,
“Don’t even”,
“bye”. She hung up, “who were you talking too?”, I asked, “oh no one”, I think that was the first time Atalanta lied to me. I rolled my eyes, “ok, sure”, I said. “sis?”, she said, “yeah?”,
“We’re going to Africa tomorrow!”, she came up and hugged me.

The plane ride was longer than Atalanta could take, but with a little yelling and free music and food, she settled. Ceto was asleep the whole time, she was so cute when she slept, her long curly black hair covering her cheeks, it felt weird looking are her. Her eyes opened. “Can’t you sleep?”, she asked me, “not really”, she smiled, “your excited”,
“Yeah, I guess I am”,
“You really do miss Legend don’t you?”,
“Yeah, I do, i mean no matter how bad she is, she’ll always be my mother”,
“I don’t think Atalanta likes her that much”, Ceto giggled,
“well, she just wants Legend to be more of a loving mother, she’s not really fit for the job”,
“I know Legend did more for you than you told me, I think she liked you guys more than she liked me”, I didn’t even think about Legend and those guys
“no, she likes us both”,
“I think she misses you. Some times, I heard her talking, but no one was there but a locket she always had around her neck”, Ceto couldn’t be saying what I thought she was saying, “oh, look you have on just like it”, she fiddled with my locket
“I guess I do, what did Legend say?”,
“Oh, some thing like ‘the old Legend, hello the old Legend”, I was shocked, she had tried calling us. “Do you know any thing about that?”, Ceto asked me,
“I guess, I don’t know, it is unlikely”, Ceto pondered for a moment before saying
“You know, your way of speaking has changed over the last couple of weeks”,
“What do you mean?”,
“Like, you say unlikely, or say things like Legend would be very disappointed, Atalanta told me it you talked like that when you were young”,
“I have not noticed”, Ceto smiled than went back to picking food off of the sleeping Atalanta plate.

Soon the plane ride was over and we were at the air port, we had to hop on a bus, then a car, then a bike, then a boat. “dit zal niet gebeuren, die kerel is vuil”, Atlanta squealed in dutch, it meant “this will not happen, that guy is dirty”, she said it so that the boat driver guy wouldn’t know, I snorted “JE hebt meegemaakt Nog erger, gewoon overheen en krijgen in de boot”, I was alittle rusty but Atalanta got in the boat so I guess she got the message. We were riding on the boat, for about an half an hour when Atalanta whined “Het is warm Ik wil gewoon naar het dorp”, I rolled my eyes, “wacht een paar minuten, bent u zo vervelend”, I was getting better at my dutch, I was feeling proud, now I could impress Legend. Soon enough we were off the boat and Atalanta dropped to the ground and kissed it, then realized the ground is dirty, she spit out the dirt from her mouth. Gross. I shook my head “dom”, I don’t know why I was still speaking in Dutch, I didn’t want people to hear the conversation, or what ever “waar te?”, I asked, it meant “where to?”, Ceto pulled out a map, then handed it to Atalanta “volg mij”, it meant Follow me. We walked through a forest and out the other side was a jungle. I saw the flag, it was the village. I looked over and saw a group of children playing soccer, their mother watching them, with a baby in her hands, I walked up to her, “hello”, I said, the women looked at me for a few minutes, stunned, or some thing, “can you speak English?”, I asked slowly, the women rolled her eyes, “little Athena, I thought you would grow up to be smarter than that”, I now remembered the women
“Jaka? Is that you?”, I knew it was now, “of course little one”, Jaka said. Atalanta perked up, I think she liked Jaka more than she like Legend, “Jaka! oh I missed you so, so much!”, Atalanta ran up and hugged her, “oh little one, you are all grown up, no need to do your hair any more”, Jaka smiled, but Atalanta pouted “if you could?”, she begged, she loved it when Jaka did her hair, “ok, but first, let’s find you your mother”. She lead us to a little cabin, she knocked on the purposely horrible made door, “we got visitors”, she said, she opened the door and let us in.

That’s when I saw her, looking no different from the last time, pale, blond, pretty, wise, strong, Legend. I gasped and held on tight to Atalanta, this is what, who, we came here for, I didn’t know what to say. Legend didn’t show any sign of emotion, she looked different with her African get-up on, but still Legend. I think I saw some thing flash in her eyes, was it love? “Girls?”,
“Yes mother”, I said, Ceto was hidden behind us,
“Prove it”,
“hoe in godsnaam doen we het bewijzen het?”, Atalanta said to me,
“Ik weet niet”, I said back,
“is ze in staat om ons

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