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Book online «Broken Fay-te by Cama seeney (summer beach reads .TXT) 📖». Author Cama seeney

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to the soap isle, I picked up a bubble gum smelling shampoo and conditioner. A face scrub and some roll on anti prespriant. It was much better for the environment and lasted longer. Something about defusion of the particles.


Suddenly my legs were circled by two tiny little hands. I looked down to see Joshes little brother smiling I pull of my headphones and pick him up, balancing the six year old on my hip I carry him to the check out. 'What have I told you about walking off sweetie?' I asked kissing his head softly. He scrunched up his face in thought, his nose wrinkled adorably. 'to make sure I was in eye site?' He asked grinning mischievously. 'And sky I am in eye sight, yours silly ' I rolled my eyes technically he had me. 'Who's lookin after you today?' I asked him a little worried, already knowing the answer. 'Lee.' He replied sighing dramatically. 'S'matter?' I asked him knowing he was about to play me. 'He was too busy talking to a girl.' He said hiding his head in my neck. I swallowed and looked around not wanting to knock into them. Me and Liam or Lee as Mason called him had a past and I didn't end to well. He never wanted me to leave, he was possessive and commanding which annoyed the living day light out of me. He was sweet and considerate too, well sometimes anyway.


I put all my items through the self scanning machine, and bagged what I couldn't fit in my backpack. With Mason still on my. Hip I felt like I was juggling with a bag in my left hand and a backpack, I knew I wouldn't drop him though. Stepping outside was like stepping into a completely different world. It was darker now, the weather colder. Mason shifted closer hiding under my hair and closer to the warmth of my skin. His breath danced across my skin, nap time I thought smiling to myself. Liam was still stood outside talking to a tall blond girl wearing short shorts and a light blue top, little ankle boots to match. I didn't know how she wasn't freezing. Her long golden hair was weved into an intricate plait that never seemed to end. 'Mase?' Liam asked, looking and the child hidden under my coat. We hadn't talked in three years. Since the day I left without saying anything. I nodded silently waiting for his first move, slowly he stepped forward no longer looking relaxed. Looking down I saw Sasha taking a step forward, protecting both me and Mason.


She knew mason more than any of the other family, Josh would leave him with me alot whilst he was at work and I never minded Mason was like my own little brother. 'He always gets to you first.' He retorted walking passed the girl with little care. I rolled my eyes at his rudeness. 'Hey I'm Sky.' I said bending down to put my bag down and put my hand out to take her hand. She grinned a massive smile and shook my hand. 'Annie.' She replied jumping on the spot. 'Are you teaching us Monday?' She asked. I nodded and her smile came impossibly bigger. 'I've heard so much about you. My mother owns the vet your helping out at.' She said smiling. 'Oh cool, please thank her for allowing me to live in your family erm.. Cottage?' I replied alittle confused as to what it actually was. 'Oh anytime no ones using it till the re-build. We were all surprised when your farther asked us. Its a little run down and he lives alone...' She trailed off blushing.


'Why didn't think a city girl could tough it.' I replied winking, she let a big great of air out obviously worried about insulting me. 'Na we all know your... Well your different.' She said looking down at Sasha with another goofy grin. I clicked my toung and nodded, Sasha jumped up and walked over to Annie for a fussing. She knelt down and immediately began fussing her. Sasha rolled over and shower her belly asking for a tickle. I smiled softly, that's why I had Sasha really she made me smile when nothing else could. I was so completely alone in this world. The smile fell from my face, looking down at the sleeping Mason I cradled his head. 'I missed you, my little man.' I whispered stroking his head... In his sleep like state he reached out with his hand and curled it around a tress of hair. 'And no it was your other brother to find me first.' I said to Liam, looking up into his strange blue eyes. They were harder now, his laughter lines had completely disappeared. He reached out to take Mason from me, mason however clung to me further. 'Sky.' He said sleepily, meaning he wanted to stay with me. He'd always been like this with me. Liam sighed. 'Can I have my brother back.' He asked annoyed. I looked up into his face hurt. I wouldn't hurt him. 'Look your walking through the forest. At night. Alone, you are not taking my brother with you.' He retorted angrily.


'I would never put him in harms way.' I whispered back angrily. 'No? You leave him with your mutt constantly. God knows what the half breed could do to him.' He half shouted. 'Oh you mean the puppy he grew up cuddling? The pup he helped raise?' I retorted just as angry. Annie looked up afraid and began walking away with a sad little wave my way. I nodded and clicked my fingers, Sasha walked back to me swaying all the way. Sas and pride in every stride. I nearly laughed aloud. She growled as she passed Liam and licked Masons dangling foot. 'We both know he's safe with me. We both know I wouldn't walk through the freaking Forrest with him so what's your real problem?' I half shouted back. 'You left us. You left him, he had nightmares for months after you left. He would wake up shouting for you. And now just as he began to forget you, you come stalking back in looking like someone's dragged you through a hedge backwards by the way and think its okay to see him again? Its not okay.' A single tear traveled down my face. 'I never knew.' I whispered defeated. 'I never chose to leave. But we couldn't live here. Not then.'


I continued , something in me was breaking. Tearing in two. My poor little Mason, he didn't even know his mum. She died giving birth to him. Their dad died a couple months into her pregnancy. They were all alone too. 'Why did you leave?' He asked. No longer shouting, he was just sad now. 'Her cancer came back. Grams couldn't keep us.' I told him ashamed knowing it wasn't a good enough reason. 'I could have helped you.' He shouted, his face contorted in anger and betrayal. 'When have you ever known me to take anything. She was my problem Lee not yours.' I whispered, my heart physically hurt. I think it was breaking in two. I couldn't take much more of this. Clutching it with my spare hand and looked at the floor ashamed at myself. Ashamed I could never admit I needed help. 'How would it have been fair to put you in debt too?' I asked.


'You think I care about money?' He shouted, angrier than before. A deep rumbling sound escaped his throat. Was he growling? Sasha stood up and pressed her body against mine, a whining growl left her own mouth. I could feel her physically shaking. He took a threatening step forward. And then suddenly he was stumbling back. 'Don't you dare.' Someone was standing behind him, grabbing his shoulder. Pulling him away from me, from us. A sneer crossed Liam's face. A flash of black hair was all I could see before Liam threw punch at the mystery person in the shadows. 'Liam stop! What are you doing?' I called loudly, shit what if Mase wakes up.


'Liam I have Mason stop now!' I commanded. He didn't listen, just continued throwing and blocking punches. Mason stirred in my arms 'stay here sweetie' I said placing him on his feet. Dropping my rucksack I ran a couple steps forward and threw myself in front of Liam. 'Take your brother and leave now.' I shouted at him, I was angry now. He was physically shaking all over. Taking a step back I bumped into the stranger, Sasha stood at Masons dude growling loudly. 'Get away from that freak.' Liam spat the words in my general direction, but he kept glancing at Mason wondering on his level of safety. He made up his mind and turned his back on his little brother. For some reason this enraged me. 'No. You don't get to turn your back on him.' I screamed racing forward and slapping his face. He stumbled back looking ashamed of himself.


'You take him home now.' I told him in the coldest voice. 'Skylar.' He whispered. 'Leave.' Was my only reply. Nodding he turned to Mason and picked the small boy up. Mason had tears streaming down his face. 'I'm so sorry I left you Mason.' I whispered to myself, I had done this. Me. This was all my fault. I sighed, the air seemed to fly out of me with a whoosh. 'Thankyou for all your help, I'm sorry he hit yo...' I turned around to see the black haired guy from earlier. Why did he look so familiar to me? 'Hey, do I know you?' I asked confused. My lips tingled and unconsciously my left hand reached up, my index finger softly swept from one side of my bottom lip to the other. I tilted my head watching him curiously. 'Its okay. He's an idiot anyway.' He replied smiling slowly, his voice was deep and very masculine. 'You two have a rap sheet?' I asked walking back to where my bags lay motionless. I slid my backpack on and then reached down to pick up my shopping bag, Sasha was already trying to eat the uncooked chicken.


He looked at me sadly, nodded and began walking away. 'Thankyou again.' I called to his retreating form. 'You know you really shouldn't walk through the wood at night.' He called back sounding concerned, his brown eyes borning into mine intensely. 'The forest will forever and always just be a forest. Regardless of the time I awake in it. Its the people who constantly change. They will never be the same from one day to the next.' I called back turning left instead of right. The further I walked the more I thought about him and his steady growing smile. The concern that always seemed to linger in his gentle eyes. Why did he seem so familiar, so kind? All in all I have only lived here for two months before I had Sasha. After my sixteenth birthday it was only three weeks before we left. Three months of my life was spent here, surely I had seen him before it was a small town. I breathed in the nights air smiling softly to myself. I knew I would freak out about what I have done to Mason, how Liam one of the funniest people I knew had lost his laughter lines, how tomorrow I had to bury my mother, face my farther.


Suddenly I couldn't breathe anymore. The airways in my body just all seemed to be closing all at once. I felt like the was a constrictor around my throat. Slithering tighter, twisting so I couldn't free myself. Sitting on the ground I gave up walking, I just gave up. Placing my head in my hands , but I couldn't keep still. My whole body seemed to shake with exhaustion and left over adrenaline. Sasha bullied her way onto my lap and curled up there,

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