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Book online «Broken Fay-te by Cama seeney (summer beach reads .TXT) 📖». Author Cama seeney

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full of folded clothes so we just slept on the floor. Which wasn't as bad as it sounded. The wodern flooring wasn't uneaven or paticulary cold. 


I woke with a birds nest for hair and freezing feet. The fire was still slowly burning (though it was down to half a log now). I stoked it up without waking the snorning Josh and began searching for something to make for breckfast. I was running out of milk and everything. I really needed to shop.



Chapter Ten

The new or slightly old beginning


So starting, back where I'd already lived wasn't so hard. I didn't know the school, last time I was here I had just turned sixteen. The school term had finished and the three month summer break had began. Back then I hadn't cared about much. I just never wanted to miss an opportunity. There wasn't a party I wanted to miss, there wasn't a meet I would overlook. But that didn't make me bad. I worked on an hours sleep before going back out with people who I tried to call friends. Truth is the kind of never were. They were distractions. I had thought I needed friends. Because mum was okay back then. But when she suddenly wasn't people didn't understand why I once again withdrew. I was called shelfish, a bitch and spoilt. It was apparent they thought I believed I was better. Truth was I wasn't I had just matured quicker. That didn't mean I'd lost my virginity or gave my 'love' to any guy who would pretend to give me theirs. That's not growing up. Growing up is having to care for someone else. For putting their needs before your own. So what if I complained once in a while? That didn't make me a bad person, infact it made me human. I remember thinking I had people who cared for me, but they never did. I became sick of peoples selfish behaviours and turned tail and walked away before I could get emotionally invested.


The week started normal, I met new people. I even talked to a councler but it all seemed so unsignificant now. Thinking that though, how could a whole week be so... 'Fuzzy?' I remembered being introduced to new people yet I couldnt remember what I'd taught... it was more introduction games to be honest ice breakers. The week at the clinic had been quiet. I'd spent too much time in my own mind. I think thats why I thought of  joshes offer so much... there was just something he was hiding. From the way he looked, his whole demener was wrong. I'd packed it away but now I was alone I knew something was up. That was the last I'd seen of him, Mase and Liam for a while. I missed them. I was actually painful, a sharp twisting in my heart. I knew I woudn't make it much longer. I was sad to admit but I needed them. I changed quickly and rang an old aqatence. 


Jesse turned up an hour later, meeting me at the edge of the forest. He had the same crappy truck he always had, he even hadn't bothered to cut his hair really. It still sat in that slaker style he'd always adored. His black shit fit his thin body well, his dark blue jeans hung loosely from his hipps. He didn't look as healthy as I'd once known him. His truck smelt a mix of something to sweet and a mix of herbs. Spice? 


Some one had taken drugs in his car, looking into his puipils he seemed fine. 'How are you?' I asked uncertainly closing the door. He shrugged flicking his hair from his face, it was an action I'd seen him do often. 'Things could be worse...' He muttered refering to his crappy home life but shrugged it off eaisly. He had it much the same as i had, though we hadn't really spoken about it we knew if needed the other person was always there. 'I get that.' I replied nodding tersly. 


Wherest my mother had chosen drink his mother purfered harder substances. I didn't feel sorry for her, she could be horrible to Jesse I didn't feel sorry for Jesse either. If he wished to he could have left. We both knew I would take him in. He looked at me sadly but didn't appoligise for my mothers death, I'd seen him at her funeral but he hadn't said anything to me. I didn't think I could have taken it if he had. 


'You holding together?' He asked starting the engine, he knew the answer. I was walking wasn't I. I sighed 'Councling sucks.' I replied, he snorted but didn't comment. The ride went in a confortable silence. There had never been anything between me and Jesse, never would. It was a respect that kept us as friends. Before he left however he grabbed my hand and sweezed it, his eyes held mine. Be careful they seemed to scream at me, I nodded before sqeezing back and letting go. It was time to face the music. 

Chapter Eleven

 Dancing with no shame 


I walked into the room and surpassed the people who were grinding on one another. I didn't actually want to see that. Hands groped me as I passed, it took every ounce of my being not to break someone's bones. I didn’t fit in here, with the sweating bodies smelling profoundly of fake flowers and sweat. Alcohol was spilt all over the black and white checkered floor. My heels slipped a little and I worked my hardest not to fall.  


The kitchen was almost a relief. Other than watching the guy throwing up the contents from the cup he had just drank. Sighing I walked around him and knocked into the blond girl, platinum heals and all ass. Sighing I grabbed a sealed beer, she shot me a look but continued bitching about some guy and how he'd been distant lately. I sighed and choked on the stench of cigarettes and marijuana. The fog roamed around me making my head spin.  


 I sighed and pushed off the kitchen counter. I could no longer see the colour of the room. I took a couple steps forward but the room began swimming intoxicatingly so. The music seemed to even become louder. Slowly I let go, I walked into the another room swigging my drink, the music wasn't clear but the beat was enough for me to want to dance.  


 The beat was heavy and the song loud, as soon as I’d entered the room the lights called to me, it was a dim purple in here. I let go of everything, thought became too much effort. My skirt twirled around my legs lifting up my arms I span in a slow circle closing my eyes I felt free. Suddenly arms were around my waist but I knew by the weight of them exactly who's they were. The smell that surrounded me was nothing but his.


  I had missed him, now that I was back I felt like we did nothing but argue and avoid each other. I span in his arms still not opening my eyes. I rested my head on his shoulder the room stopped spinning so much as I began. He took the drink from my hands and placed it somewhere, I looked up into his eyes long enough to see his dart from my own eyes to my lips. Slowly I crept onto my tiptoes, the decision was all his. Instantly his lips were on mine, I sighed into his mouth knowing that this was something we had both wanted for so long.


  He tasted sour, this was wrong. He’s not the guy you’ve been thinking about all week and you know it. I tried to push that voice away. I tried so hard to push that voice away but I couldn’t I needed room to breathe. I stepped back and grabbed his hand, his eyes were foggy, his pupils dilated.I didn’t think it was down to me either. Hmm. I dragged him back into the kitchen and grabbed a sealed bottle of water. I pushed it into his hands, but he shoved my hand aside and grabbed my ass instead. Sighing I brought my knee up, so close to his man area but not that close. ‘One more move and I’ll knee you.’ I warned in a low voice, almost a pur.


  'You are so beautiful. You always were. So shy and innocent hiding away behind your  hair that begged to be touched.' His hands instantly went to my hair, his hands though didn't stop when he reached the hairs tips his hands went down further, sighing I prepared to move them from my ribs to my hips. They had already began their upwards mission.


 ‘Hey Celine. I think I’ve found the bitch who's trying to steal your man.’ I looked over sharply. The blond chick who’s knocked into me before. The one who was bitching in the kitchen. ‘Liam, darling.’ Her voice started soft sweet even. ‘What the fuck are you doing with that slut?’ She growled out. Opsie. I tried to push Liam away but he was too busy latching onto my neck. ‘Liam.’ I whispered pushing him away with every ounce of strength I had, he stumbled back shocked and looked at me surprised and then at the door where Celine stood. ‘Shit.’ He cussed looking from me to her.   ‘How long have you been seeing that slut?’ She asked snorting at the look of me. Hey I was innocent here, I’ve done nothing! Well kind of, I was getting angry at the accusations. ‘She’s not a slut. And were not together Celine.’ Liam muttered annoyed. I stood awkwardly to the side, Josh stood on the other side of the other room  looking worried but there was no way he could know what was being said. He must have known.  


 ‘No? Whose bed have you been creeping into for the last five years?’ She screamed at him. I turned then, five years. You mean three years ago when we were together… What a bastard. ‘Liam.’ I growled angry now. ‘You said there was no one else. You made me believe…’ I stopped shaking my head. Ashamed and so incredibly angry of course someone so perfect someone so normal would never want just me. I stepped forward and punched him straight in the face. I pushed down the angry and emotion I had no place feeling. That was three

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