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Book online «Broken Fay-te by Cama seeney (summer beach reads .TXT) 📖». Author Cama seeney

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freezing. Alone and afraid. If I didn't move, I too would soon die. Hyperthermia would eventuall take me. I needed to move but I couldn't, slowly someone aproached me in the water, walked smoothly through the water, the mud and rain like it had no real effect on him. It was the black haired boy with the green tinge. His black teeshirt was plasted to his chest, his black jeans were mud coated. His eyes held mine, though the rain hid my unstopable tears. He took my filthy hand in his, leading me gently from the water. I was so lost. Terrified. What was I going to do? 


He led me to a rock on the waters edge, it was rounded and overlooked the pounds shiny serface. He sat down and pulled me down with him, I flopped like a dead fish with no energy. How could I go from okak. Too no energy, no life so quickly? 


'What are you thinking about?' He asked looking generally intrigued. I cleared my throat it felt like it handn't been used in hours. 'Ever seen the statue of the man holding up the earth? Ever noticed how he was on one knee. I always thought he was standing up slowly. That he could manage the weight. I've now realised that I was wrong, he couldn't manage it. That sculpture was taken as he was falling. That's how I feel now. Like the darkness is pulling me down. The gravity force is so strong my shoes are sinking. I felt. No I feel like the oxygen is being pushed from my fragile lungs. Crushing me slowly, soon I wouldn't be able to breathe at all.' I explaied, Once I had started to explain I couldn't stop.  


'Why are you here?' He asked sounding confused. 'I needed to bury my mother.' I informed him a little insulted, I had just burried her. 'No I mean here in the forest. Why don't you stay with your farther’s mother and then leave?' He asked rudely. 'Because they will refuse me work. I need to undergo a physiatric evaluation, my mother was sick a long time. I thought the whole town already knew' I whispered almost to myself. He nodded but didn't look any less done with me. 'Yes but you don’t have to do it here, you can go anywhere.' He raised his voice a little. 'I happen to like it here.' I informed him. Plus I needed to try, I had failed mother in every other way, sense and form. I would try for her. I would try for Mason. 'You have reasons?' He asked sounding certain. 'Obligations.' I corrected instantly knowing it was true. 


'Then you need to wake up every single morning and think of thoes reasons. List them if you must. Because they will be the only thing that carrys you through the night, you can't do this every time you loose someone. Not everyone is worth it... Through the lonliness of life, thoes reasons if not remembered will float away on the horrision. Yes you have lost your mother, she was very dear to you. You may feel like you've lost your way, that you don't have a place on the earth anymore but you do. All of the earths creatures do. You can wake up each morning freezing without her or their love but you can't let that change you. You need to think that you aren't alone. Not completely, no one ever is.' He stopped his deep brown eyes survaying the serface of the water. 'Why are you here?' I asked really pronoucing the you. 


'Because someone has to answer your cry. The sound of a shattered heart echoes for all to hear' He replied taking his hand and trailing it across the water. Leaving little tidal waves in his wake. Sighing I rest my head against the strangers shoulder. 'Why do you keep saving me?' I ask generally confused. 'I'm a sucker for a damsel in distress.' He replied chuckling as I weakly punch his arm. 


We sat in a comfortable silence for a long time, around him even the coldness fled. The lonliness and betrail were gone... Siging I closed my eyes. 'Thankyou.' I whispered sincerly as sleep finally took me.


Chapter Nine

 I awoke with a strange taste on my lips, a rich berry taste. I opened my eyes too see the strangers face inches from mine, something in me didn't care and wanted to go back to sleep. Another part of my brain was screaming that something was missing, where was I? I closed my eyes for a second and he was already walking back through the door. Sighing I closed my eyes. Again. For some reason the taste seemed familiour, like home? I should be enraged, insulted even. But for some reason I wasn't.


On the couch was where I spent the remainder of my day. The night too. I just couldn't find the will to do anything. A strange man with almost green hair plagued all of my thoughts, consumed them. Eventually I sighed. I needed some kind of release. I needed to run, hike, swim anything. I looked down at the dress I wore but it was ruined. I didn't even have the enengy to change. 


I couldn't manage it. I couldn't do anything. 


Yes you can. You are not alone. Your being foolish. Get up. 


I silentally cursed the stupid voice that sounded strangly like a certain strangers. It was a new day now, I had one day. One I needed to do something. Anything. Suddenly the door flew open and Sasha ran in, my farther with her. Liam and Josh carrying a book case, my farther carrying two rubbish bags full of clothes and a coupple picture frames. There was a bog cafufel as all of my things were delieved. Liam walked over to me slowly assesing my mental health I supose. 


'Hey sweetie, I think it's wise some one stays with you for a while. Your not mentally ready for all this...' He trailed off at my raised eyebrow. 'To be honest, I got left out in the rain too long and crashed out on the couch. Thats a pretty normal saturday night for me to be honest.' I lied a little it was a only a small lie. Half of one. 


'My point still stands you can meet all kinds of creeps in the woods. You should really have someone with you for a while. Or go with your granmother for a while?' He suggested looking generally worried. 'If you wanted to move in so bad you should have asked.' I told him sitting up and rubbing my eyes. 'I can't, I work from home most days. My secatary wouldn't aprove of the crappy signal.' He replied smiling worridily. Glancing at josh with the same expression, something in my mind was screaming I was missing something but I overlooked it. I wonder what he did...


'Talking of secratarys..' He announced looking down at his phone as it had began to ring. Sighing he walked away 'yes, Olivia I'll be back soon.' He continued to speak to her as he left the room. I rolled my eyes and turned to Josh who watched his brother walk away with an angry expression. 


He said nothing for a long time, instead turned around and left. Coming back a little while later with a tonne of books. Thats how it worked for a while, Liam found random places to hang pictures, Josh collected books from his car complaining about how many there were and I sorted them. And folded my clothes in between times where I'd ran out and Josh was getting more. It was nice it was quiet and my farther had left which made everything better. 


The day fled slowly, Liam left as soon as he was done with the pictures but Josh stayed to help me make this shack into a home. He refused to fold clothes on account of his manliness and capibility. Instead choosing to build a fire with wood he decided to chop. We were waiting on the couch now, for the embers to die down so we could cook a pizza.


It was a nice day and a nice night. Not much was said but with Josh words never were really needed. I knew somthing was on his mind and eventually when he was ready he would tell me. Whilst the pizza was cooking I bathed quickly and came out wearing sleep shorts and a random baggy teeshirt I'd some how claimed as mine. Josh stood infront of the fire burning mashmellows and drinking hot chocolate. 'SHARING!' I shouted running and pouncing on his back trying to steal his drink. 


'You have one get off me you crazy naked woman' He complained as I pulled his arm away from his mouth and ate his marshmellow. Grinning I gobbled down the sneeky melted treat. The couch was far enough back that there was enough for maybe three people to lie down infront of the fire with Sasha somewhere squeezed in, it seemed silly to me to have a couch facing the fire but I generally liked watching the fire burn and it wasn't close enough to get burned, spat on or melt. I found my drink on the fireplace, away from the heat. Decafe coffee was in mine. 


Sighing I placed my head on Josh's belly and reclined. I began humming softly to myself 'Theres a party friday, you should come.' He told me sounding more serious than excited. It was his way of telling me / not telling me somthing. Sighing 'I'll think about it okay.' I replied smiling softly, maybe I'd make friends. 'Oooh hows it going to look going into school tomorrow with a tearcher?' I asked poking Joshes arm gently. 'Well they all know I'm a woman slayer.' He replied chuckling softly to himself. 'Whens your first class?' He asked. 'Erm I think I have year tens and elevens for road safety. I need to talk about the rules on moving hit animals, on basic first aid. Then I have a twice a week shop for health and safety like more of a hands on experence. I think there on Monday and Fridays. Tuesdays, wednesdays and thursdays I'm working in the local vets.' I told him, I thought he'd already have my scedual memorised, apparently not. 


'Why the tens and elevens?' He asked sounding confused. 'Well they arent sixteen yet. Its too late talking to the sixthformers they have all pretty much learned to drive. Thats why theres a first aid workshop, I think mondays session is durning a free for the tens, elevens, twelves and thirteens. So youll be there' I told him sticking my toung out. 'We dont all have frees at the same time?' He asked. 'No your right there. But durning the first three periods thoes years all have frees. Its manditory to atleast come for an hour a week. The other is after school for the curious teens.' I told him yawning. 'Makes sence. So I have to see you first thing, monday morning?' He asked sighing. Josh was the year bellow me and Liam. 


We chatted for a while and eventually slept next to the dying embers. My couch was completely

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