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do for fun? Are used to having a code word in case something goes wrong? If so what word are you confrontable with? I apologize beforehand if these questions seem a bit, for lack of a better term odd. It's just these exercises are meant to prepare us for real experience with dealing with the people that we are going to be protecting.” I told her.

“That’s fine. To answer your first question I don’t have a food that I don’t like so much as the foods that I am allergic to which happen to be strawberries, cucumber, pickles, green beans, basically all beans, and cherries. The answer to your second question is my favorite colors are green, red, pink, and black. I am used to having a code word with my official Guardians on the off chance that something does go wrong. We use ‘I would like some strawberry smoothie, please?’ but if you have something else in mind that would be great too. And none of this is really that odd.” She answered.

“Well, you don’t have to worry about the strawberry thing ever while staying in my dorm apartment. I am also allergic to strawberries. Strangely so is my entire family. But what can you do about something like, you know. Although, I think that we should find something that we can use just for these exercises. So that your official Guardians don’t think that there really is something going on.” I told her as we were walking back to my dorm apartment with her belongings.

“Wow, I never thought that you were actually going to wear any of the clothes that you made this summer or not. Yet, I now see what you were making some of those things for anyway. Although, you do realize that you have access to people who can do that for you. Not that you doing it your self is a bad thing. Actually it is quite a redeeming quality to have. Not that you can find it that often these days. What is going why is Princess Kelly Stolian doing putting her clothes away in one of your guest rooms?” Shelby asked as she came into my dorm.

“Don’t do that. I could have just killed you for not warning me that you were coming in. I’m in Guardian section training. And she is my charge. So what are you doing up this early? You normally don’t get up for another, what hour and a half or so. But, thank you I thought it was a good choice to start out with. Just give me like five minutes to change, and I’ll be right back.” I told her. I changed into the blue version of the very same dress that I was just wearing, except one detail which is that instead of having the black and blue pattern on the right side shoulder. It is solid blue all the way. The only difference in this outfit was that I was now wearing my blue knee high boots with 4’ inch wedge heels.

“Thought that you said you were changing. I didn’t realize that it was so you could go on a super model super run way. I don’t get why you are having to wear all that in the first place. But, that is one reason that I am not even signing up for Guardian section training until next year.” Shelby articulated.

“Well, this is part of the exercise we are having to act as if our charges are needing us to blend in to a crowd, so that we are able to throw off any attackers. And for your information the point of wearing this is that the attackers don’t know exactly how many Guardians there around the event. That they think there is only what you see in uniform or black tuxedos. So have you seen or even heard from Elizabeth this morning. I am not looking forward to seeing her. I know that she officially started Guardian section training today. Or maybe she starts tomorrow, I don’t know. Or at least I am not sure when she starts I am kind of hoping that she starts today, so that she has no reason to cause something to happen to my outfit. Not that I am going to let something happen. Also, have you seen Huegi, I could really use his wisdom right about now. Oh, did you know that being an all-white furred wolf automatically makes you the academy alpha if they don’t have one. Or even if they have a stand in from the chain of command. The reason that I am bringing this up is that I have all-white fur and I am now the academy’s alpha. I’m head student and teaching a class every Thursday unless an exercise is prescheduled.” I told her while wanting so badly to add ‘Oh, and my mother and father were murdered not died from a random accident. Did you know this or was I not the only left in the dark.’, but kept in held tightly inside. I knew that with something like this I was going to have to wait for the right moment otherwise I was going to give away everything I had up my sleeve so to speak.

“Oh, no I didn’t know any of that. And way to go for becoming head student on first day of school along with alpha of the academy’s pack. I have only seen her once heading to breakfast. And Huegi haven’t seen him yet but it is pretty early for him and me so I never know. Not that I keep up with his sleep schedule. So how long is this exercise going to last? Or is never going to end?” she joked.

“Hey, that reminds me that I need to eat. But, she probably isn’t eating, she’s planning on what she can do to try to screw me over. Sometimes I wish that she would give that shit a rest. She’s the one who pointed out that we are no longer in middle school, that we are officially high school students. And that we should act as such. Yet, I have this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that she planning something really bad this year. I really need Huegi, he always helps me feel better.” I told her. “Well, speak of the devil. And hey what do you mean that that reminds you that you need to eat. I didn’t know you needed reminding. I mean you are the queen of scheduling every little detail into something required to be done during the day.” She said as he came over and kissed me.

“It’s not so much she needs reminding, just that she completely forgets to eat. And that’s why she can down more food than I can and still look oh so beautiful. So, did you find out any more about your new role with the academy? You know the whole being the academy’s alpha and all. Or did you want to wait until you had some free time. To do all the lovely research that that gorgeous mind craves.” He said giving me a smart-assed smile.

“Wow, you work quickly. Princess Kelly Stolian meet my boyfriend Huegi Hidel. Huegi Hidel meet Princess Kelly Stolian. She is my charge for the next three days. So, she is going to be staying in my guest room down the hall. Friday is the day that we go to her palace so that I can receive the Stolian Medallion. Which reminds me would you be so kind as to escort me to the ceremony. It is after all being held in my honor. Did you know that my mom received the very same one when she was my age? By the way babe what day do you and Elizabeth start training. And are you going to sign up for next week’s super training? And he isn’t the devil she is. I told you saying someone’s name too many times would actually cause them to appear.” I said as I fixed my hair, as Elizabeth came through the door way. Zane wonders how someone so short deals with hair that weighs as much, with is half the length that I am.

“Well, I was actually told to report to you this morning. I was also told to ask you if you know anyone who would agree to trading weeks with me or if there was an extra charge that was available. Apparently, you are the head student and academy alpha, so all this goes through you.” She blabbed.

“Yes, I am aware of that I just wasn’t aware that you would be willing for this portion of the training. I figured that you would wait until next year when it is actually required. Shelby since you aren’t in Guardian section training just yet I think I have the perfect opportunity for you both. For Elizabeth this will be way for her to truly understand that she may end up with a client that she doesn’t particularly get along with. For Shelby this will give firsthand experience on what it is you will be doing next year when you officially start. So, give me just a moment to go through the list and type up your assignment Elizabeth, once you have it you will then share it with your charge and only your charge. The official Guardians will already know your assignment so don’t worry about it on that end. One more thing go find something in my closet to quickly change into during this exercise you are to blend into the formal evening event that your charge is going to. Huegi is that why you are here? Or did you just come to see me this morning all dressed up if so just give about twenty minutes and I’m sure that I could find someone who can be your charge.” I said. “Sort of both.” He said as I went to my desk and type up her and his assignments then handed it to them both Huegi was always dressed in formal wear on Tuesdays. So he didn’t have to change.

“I’m still in the process of finding you a charge. But it shouldn’t take too much longer.” I said as JC and John walked in the door. I knew right then that they would be prefect for Huegi cause part of his assignment was to protect two or more charges and seeing as they were identical twins that was prefect. “JC, John you are going to be Huegi’s charges for the next three days. Any questions?” I said. “Just one” JC said. “What do we have to do?” John asked. “Well, that is something that you will have to ask him. I am not allowed to discuss it.” I told them.

While the guys discussed their jobs, Elizabeth and Shelby were discussing theirs. Somehow, Princess Kelly and I were the only two people not talking about the current assignment that we all in same way shared, in my dorm apartment. Instead we were both working on some of a project of sorts that she had started and she was giving me pointers on my next dress project that was going nowhere at the moment. Trying to come up with a design that was both flattering and confrontable to fight in without looking an idiot, was proving to be a strangely difficult. But she was proving to be more helpful than I ever would have thought.

“I don’t know about the rest of you, but I do know that Rachel needs to go get or make herself something to eat before something very bad happens. So, do you want to order something to go, go to the cafeteria or just go to your kitchen?” Huegi said. “I think that I will order something. Do you have something in mind there sweetness?” I dissertated, while giving him a look that said thank you for being the smart ass that I need so bloody

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