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Book online «Unlucky Yet Deadly by Elaine S (i love reading .txt) 📖». Author Elaine S

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Tell me that you didn’t just become statues for the fun of it. I have never seen this kind of complete incompetence, why did most of you do this? Please tell me what this is all about?” Guardian Teno demanded. “I have half a mind to make you all take a class by her. And demote the rest of you to a level under her. She will be the head Guardian in training sessions starting now. When that alarm sounds you better meet up with her and do whatever she says to do. Do I make myself clear? And as of every Thursday you will take a class that is taught by Rachel Elaine Jaren. If I hear that one of you gives her hell, you will end up in serious trouble more than you are right now. Set the alarm back forty minutes.” Guardian Teno instructed. After that I just ran off and never stopped until I realized that I found myself on the east side of the grounds. I found that I like the east side better than the rest. Half the time I never understood what always seemed to bring me to the east wall, a lot more than normal people. Most people don’t like if looking in this direction, let alone come over to this wall. I was thinking what on Earth was I going to do, I certainly wasn’t going to tell my hero/ Head Guardian that I wasn’t up to this. But, I certainly had a challenge on my hands. I as over the by east wall, when I damn near walked into a member of the Stolian royal Family, like an idiot.

“I’m so sorry Ma’am. Please forgive me from my rude and dishonorable manners.” I said. Somehow, I managed to gracefully get into a standard form. I had my hands behind my back, my legs at shoulder width apart and yet firmly planted to the ground. My head held high and never giving a facial that said anything good or bad.

“Please, don’t call me Ma’am. I’m Princess Kelly Rowan Stolian. I am the eldest daughter of Queen Serah Kim Stolian. I’m here because my family wants to keep me out of reach for the Becerra or as you call them the Bacreeda. The second Lieutenant’s son wishes to force my hand in marriage. My parents don’t want any of that. They want my marriage to be my decision and my decision only. Um… I know that that may sound strange. I know that the royal families in the text books say that we are very precise on whom our young married and didn’t marry, but that is not true. You must be a Guardian, that stance is the very symbol of Guardians. It’s odd though you seem a bit young.” She said.

“Well, to be honest with you, Ma’am. I am not yet a Guardian, I am only in training to become one. I am fifteen and a freshman here at the academy. But, thank you for the compliment.” I told the Princess.

“You don’t have to call me, Ma’am. You know I am the same age as you are.” She said.

“Oh, and there’s a man in the Bacreeda, who is trying to force your hand in marriage. My I ask why you decided to come to an Academy, where a student is being targeted.” Is what I should have said. But this is what comes out. “In about seven minutes, I’m going to be putting you in protection circle. And then will be in a session mode which means, that I’ll be fighting off fake attacks from the Guardians and Teachers, who are pretending to attack the academy.” I said.

“Well, aren’t you very formal?” She stated. “May I ask what you are doing at this part of the Academy? Especially, seeing as you aren’t around your Guardians. Should I go and find them for you? Did you move faster than expected? Only as long as I’m not over stepping my bounds.” I asked her.

“No, your fine. I actually asked for some time alone here. And I find this part to be the most beautiful part of all grounds here at the academy. If you don’t mind me asking, you why are out here and so formal?” she answered and asked her own questions.

“I’m drawn to this part of the academy. I don’t know why, but I don’t complain either. And you’re royal, that means that you require formalities where others don’t.” I said. “I’m the same age as you are, I barely require Guardians. I’m not worthy of all that, so how am I worthy of so much respect from you. Someone who doesn’t know me from Evia, I mean seriously what makes me, so special that I can’t get treated like another teenage girl? Not some royal woman.” She pleaded.

“I don’t have any answers for you. But, it’s time for the protection circle that I was telling you about.” I told her.

As I finished the protection I had nine coming at me and about four hundred seventy some odd students coming my direction and noticed twice that in fake attackers just what I needed. I also noticed that Guardian Teno was part of the attackers this go around. She was most likely going to be coming after me and leading the attackers. I did the best thing that I knew to do and covered myself in flames and electrical sparks completely. As in my body, clothes and all were covered in flames and electrical sparks. “You wearing the red shirt, you’re going to take the left half of the students and take the left half the attackers on. You in yellow you are going to take the right side of them with the right side of the students. The five of you are going to keep an eye on everything else, and make sure no civilians get anywhere near this area until that bell goes off. The rest of you are do the same throughout the academy grounds. Do I make myself clear?” I demanded.

While they were sourly doing what they were told to do by me. I was left with twenty-two or so attackers and that didn’t include Guardian Teno. Who was heading straight for me, I did what’s called a dry blast and knocked the others on their ass while she made her way to me. “Please, don’t hold back. That would so be a letdown after everything you have done today and your reputation. I really want to see what you’re made of.” Guardian Teno told me with a giant smirk on her face. “I wouldn’t hold back, even if I could hold back it’s not in me to hold back. That is something you would have to ask one of the other students for.” I retorted back to her as she lunged at me with some serious complete grace. It was something to see.

And doing so, she lunged at me with force and yet missed by centimeters. And I countered with a move I created, when I was still in what is considered elementary school. Basically, I do a round house kick, while doing a front hand spring and landing on my feet. She countered with several smaller moves of her own. We went hand to hand for quite some time. While doing so, she tried punching me from the right, I think nine times before realizing that I don’t have a weak side. She then did something I didn’t quite see coming and grabbed both of my hands and kicked me in the stomach, quite hard actually. But, that only caused me to stagger backwards about three paces. I came back at with a right forward jab. She grabbed my left hand and I moved it, so that I could use my elbow as a weapon. And I struck her across the face seven times before she let go. When she did my back ended up facing her, she thought she had the advantage I elbowed her in the nose and flipped her over my shoulder breaking hers. I then twisted her arm even more breaking the arm in seven different spots and every break was a clean one. She then flipped out from underneath me. Not able to use her right arm very well, at the moment she used her leg and kicked me in the face. In that moment she decided that it was a good time to use weapons such as a spilt sided spear. I decided however that I was going to go a little more primal and transform into my wolf self. For about a forty second freeze everyone stopped and stared at me like I was something made of complete gold. And I realized why most wolves now a days weren’t fully white, those that are required to be alphas of a pack that consists of at least forty members that are full bloods and two hundred other members. She came at me with the spear and I took it from her with seriously sad ease. Yet, that had given her the in that she needed, she took it to throw a rather large boulder at me. And, now that knocked me on my ass for all of thirty seconds and I flipped back up in human form, but before standing back up completely I kicked her legs out from underneath her. She countered when she got back to her feet herself and broke my left arm in only two places, before I regained. And, sadly that gave the advantage to me. I used my left arm to punch her and then elbow the hell out of one the other attackers. Before, I could look back at her she punched me with one hell of a right hook. The right hook hit me so hard that it actually broke the skin and my jaw bone. Which had not been done before. I then took a page out of her play book, so to speak, and grabbed her arms then flipped over her with them and kicking her in the back. Causing her to lose the ability use her arms in anyway, because they were dislocated from her shoulder sockets. And at that moment she countered with a back kick that knocked me on my ass somehow. But, she was the one going out of it as we all heard the bell ring. And I knew that I had earn massive points with her. Once the bell rang I let go and passed out from shock of all things.

Before, I woke though I couldn’t be certain that it was a vision, but it had all the hallmarks of one. In this vision, I’m seeing Princess Kelly being dragged forcefully away from here and very much against her will. I could tell that she had no knowledge of fighting for herself. That is the only thing I never understood, why would a Royal willing chose not to learn to defend for themselves. I mean that is just incompetence at its finest. Sadly. It wasn’t until I woke that I knew that the dream wasn’t a dream, but a vision. Oh, dear that means that the Princess is in danger right now. I jumped out the hospital bed and ran to find her and finally doing so. Seeing, these men brought an automatic response to my body, and I was defending her five times faster, than I fought Guardian Teno in session mode. Pulled the first ones legs out from underneath him by using air pulling… basically that means that I pulled the air in front of him down to his legs and to me. The second saw me and came at me he wasn’t lasting too long. I finally managed to knock him out, when Guardian Teno and Gilbert showed up as back-up.

“Are you alright, Princess, Ma’am?” I asked her.

“I would be better if you would stop calling me, Ma’am. But, thank you that

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