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the waiting area for the Headmistress’s office. And just intensified that feeling that my stomach was coming up through my throat. Headmistress Williams had one hell of a reputation for not putting up with stupid ass bull shit. I do cuss, but she normally doesn’t and those were her exact words from what I understood the last time that we talked. Only because one of her upper classman students got into a fight with me that landed them in her Academy’s hospital wing. And she thought that I had started because his buddies were too ashamed to tell her that they were inappropriate with me. And I took care of it myself instead of getting teachers and eventually my brothers involved. Yet, it seemed like every possible outcome went through my thoughts in what felt like years, but was really just twenty- five minutes.

“Everyone, please come in I’ve got some news that may or may not be something that you will need to act on. We have been given a security camera feed that shows an iron bladed swilder short sword being stolen from a blade specialty shop. I am going to show you all the feed however there is only one of you that has to come to a decision.” Headmistress Williams said as she turned on the shops surveillance feed.

“As you can see you and me, are their only targets. I can personally say I’m not giving into their demands. Nor am I going to back down from a fight. I’ve gone up against them before, hell I’ve gone up against worse and I’m still standing. And from last night’s encounter I don’t see you backing down either. Do you disagree?” Guardian Teno stated.

“No, I don’t disagree. However, if I may suggest not only do we do nothing we act as if we never watched this footage. Nor would I increase the amount of Guardians we have on the academy grounds unless we have announced guess. This way they are not even treated like a threat. I wouldn’t place any more Guardians on the grounds for at least four months. I only say this because I looked for what was going to be set into motion by last night’s events. I’ve learned over the years that to stop the unfortunate side effects that I need to go looking into the future. Not letting the visions come to me seems to be the best way to stop them. I know those looks you’re wondering what side effects I’m talking about. When I vision that is unexpected it causes my body to expel magic that turns men to stones and women to glass. I am positive I’m never going to know what causes that to happen or how to stop it completely.” I expressed.

And for those out there thinking that I’m that person that get the description for Medusa, you’re wrong. I don’t have her snakes for hair. And if anyone was going to get anything from anyone it would be the other way around I’m not the only one that has had this particular side effect on people. Those that think that I have a blade to stab people with that turns them to glass, your wrong. I promise you that I am not Cinderella either. I am just me and it just happens that I have similarities to these two women. Okay, now then.

“You have seen them attacking the academy?” Headmistress Williams asked diplomatically.

“Yes, yet I don’t see with the right training and preparations that we wouldn’t be completely prepared for them. When they do attack the academy. And when they do they are going to be wielding iron covered weapons targeting me more so with that than any other student here. Which brings me to another subject, I am apparently severely allergic to iron and I was thinking that during my afternoon Guardian Section trainings that I focused on protecting myself from iron weapons. I could actually use some practice repelling it from my body during a fight. Cause as it stands I would not do so great from such wounds.” I explained sounding as diplomatically as possible.

Which surprised the living and dead hell out of me. I was beginning to think that those Princessing classes were starting too actually pay off. And that caused every word that came out of my mouth to scare the hell out of me in ways that I didn’t know were possible. Only because it took me for the longest time to pass the damn Princessing classes that you are required to take from the fourth grade to the eighth grade. (And yes we have more than twelve grade levels for grade school and then there is whatever it is you wish to go to college for. And that can add anywhere from four to ten more years.) And somehow I just felt like I had given everyone a direct order or something that is official and that scared me even more that what I said or how I said it.

“Then that is what we shall do until then. You may go back to your classes now.” Headmistress Williams said as the bell for eighth period rang.

We all walked back in what could only be described as complete and utter silence. That was up until the Guardian section practice bell rang. I was the only one of the four of us that could participate in these sessions. So that meant that if there were any attackers it was my job to protect any and all civilians. Which meant that only had seconds to get three people even further down the hall to a group of five and start fighting back. While protecting those that either couldn’t participate or weren’t even thinking about signing up for Guardian section. “Alright, this may hurt you three just a bit.” I said as I used air to move them all to the same spot, so I could protect them easier.

“Which means you are going to enjoy this.”

And I put my protection circle around them and went to work. I had nine coming at me from the left wing hall, eight coming at me from the right corridor, and four coming at me head on. I blocked the left hall from even getting passed the corner. The right corridor had even worse trouble they had the unfortunate situation of getting around a pretty nasty fire blast wall. The four coming at me, well I decided I would go hand to hand with them so that I could move the civilians safely out of the line of fire. And into a safe room, basically into a classroom that was marked with a yellow piece of tape above it. I then decided that it was best to leave them against the wall because I saw two trainees bringing five more civilians down the same hall that the heads on came from. “What do you call this? You never allow the civilians to be look outs.” I said pissed off. But, quickly decided that I could yell at them later and moved the other civilians to where I had mine stay and expanded the protection just enough to allow them to gather there. And for the moment that was great, but I knew that they only way to keep them protected that way was that one of the walls were going to have to come down. That or I was going to have to give up the protection circle and I was not going to fail because of trainees weren’t doing what they are supposed to do. So, I decided to give myself the challenge and bring down both walls one at once time, and that is when I noticed that the attackers on the left had gone from nine to fifteen. And I was beginning to not like the stakes when I saw that some other trainees were coming down that same hall, this time without any other civilians to add to the mix. Not that they actually helped matters too much. But I’m sure that the effort was there, even if it was somewhere deep inside them. I went to turn to the right and let down the wall, when one of the attackers punched me with one hell of a left hook that damn near knocked me on my ass, well actually all did was make me teeter backwards just a bit and piss me off. So, I decided to do something I always like to do when fighting in a competitions, change things up. And I did two back flips that kicked the hell out of two attackers, and while in the air on the third one I grabbed an attacker by the head and pulled him off his ass and threw him against the wall away from the civilians/potential hostages. I then, grabbed the pipe above my head and grabbed another with my feet while moving her into potion to do a choke hold with my legs, and knocked her out. Then went under by a wire that I wrapped around their legs and pulled them down causing their faces to smack the ground. Then flipped one over my back, before she grabbed me from behind.

The bell to stop sounded. And I all I could do was shake my head. “What the hell was that? You never allow your civilians to look out for incoming attackers. What the hell were you thinking?” I yelled.

“ALL, STUDENTS REPORT TO THE GYMNASIUM, NOW!!!! EXCLUDING RACHEL ELAINE JAREN.” Guardian Teno said over the intercom. I knew better than to say anything else. At same they were all going to the gym, I realized that I needed to let everyone out of the protection circle now.

“Hey, Guardian Selle, something wrong?”

“No, I am just here to inform you that you have gained the privilege to do whatever you want for the rest of the day. Basically, you don’t have to attend classes. Or training sessions after that great work you just did back there. And might I say, you weren’t very happy with several fellow future Guardians. Do know what that was all about? I could tell from the video that you were pissed about that. Not that I wouldn’t have been just as pissed, but explain to me why? I am mean most students have done that for the past five years. Why do you see it as a problem?” Guardian Selle asked me.

“Um… well the thing is that, I don’t see that is something good to do ever. I mean honestly that was a stupid move. Granted that these are just practice sessions for one thing, but that shouldn’t happen even now. Because the moment that a real attack happens is going to be the moment that several students get killed. And that is something that is very avoidable. One many things people find annoying about me is that I’m very precise about how things could happen, but it is not something that I can actually help. I have visions, so between that and the fact that I am very deductive. People tend to think of me as an insensitive know-it-all.” I answered her and Guardian Amundson just nodded his head.

After that I just walked around the academy grounds. After a little while, I found myself by the gym doors, and sadly overheard what Guardian Teno was going on and on about with the other students. “What do most of you call that? You weren’t being Guardians, you were acting like children who didn’t have any sense at all. I swear that I saw several of you just stand there and allow the teachers to attack your charges, or your civilians for those that I don’t have one assigned to you. I mean seriously. Only one student was actually doing a fantastic job. She took out fourteen teachers and seven well trained Guardians on her own while protecting 13 civilians by herself. Now, tell me how that happens?

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