Riley's Story: Betrayal by Kaitlyn Rose Hathaway (ink ebook reader .txt) ๐

- Author: Kaitlyn Rose Hathaway
Book online ยซRiley's Story: Betrayal by Kaitlyn Rose Hathaway (ink ebook reader .txt) ๐ยป. Author Kaitlyn Rose Hathaway
Hey guys,
I'm Riley Hathaway and 16 years old and chinese. If you ignore my idiocy I'm just a normal student in a nearly normal life. I'm 16 about half a year. I always thought about my problems as a small matter, since there are many people in this world who have even worse problem, but since I entered high school my whole lives gone wrong.
I once was a quite cheerful girl, yeah, maybe I should have mentioned that I'm a girl since with the name Riley I could have also been a guy :D Well, but never mind. Like I said I once was quite cheerful. My only problems were how to survive school and to get to the computer before my father got home.
But since about a month before my 16th birthday everything started to get out of control. I had to decide for a main subject which wasn't that much of a disaster, but somehow I realized how near the end of my school life was. After school I need to choose if I want to go to university or go working...
Either way it's going to be my future. I saw that the future of mine was unknown to me and I got scared.
After that I quite screwed up my life...
First day as a high school student was too easy. I quickly found a friend, Caroline. We immediately were close to each other. Even though my class mostly consits of guys it wasn't a big deal.
I still had contact to my old friends back in the middle school. Macy and Lesh were my best friends. Even though Macy and I were closer than me and Lesh.
After the first exam I had to realized that high school wasn't as easy as middle school. My grades dropped and dropped, but I encouraged myself and put some effort in studying. Everything seems to get normal again and I decided to fun from time to time.
At that time my cousin Jase called and asked me to celebrate with him and a friend. I really wanted to go, but it was already dark outside and I didn't want to sit alone in the train for 2hours. But he told me to just grabbed a friend, so I called Macy. She immediately loved the idea. 'Coz I was always talking about my cousins in front of her, that's why she was always curious to meet them.
She agreed to go with me, but her mother didn't let her.
'Never mind', said Jase. 'We just change the date.'
Did I already told you have much I love my cousin :D Well, we change the date and Macy invited Lesh to come with us. Since nobody mind we three should go there.
On a friday after school Jase's older brother Kai picked us up, so that we just had to pay to ticket back.
We got there and slowly also his friends came. Even Mariketa was there. Mariketa is the only friend I have in the howntown of my cousins. We met through her boyfriend Stefan and my cousins who are good friends. At the end we were 10 people.
It was quite amusing as always. Lesh and especially Macy fell in love with the situation. She loved it there. Before we even went to bed she asked when we could come again. I didn't mind since I am nearly every vacation at my cousins and it would be great when I had some friend with who I can share the fun and talk about it afterwards.
Back then I didn't knew that it was a bit mistake to take them there. I didn't knew that that decision I made would change my relationship with my family and that it's going to destroy my life.
We celebrated till morning and fell in the bed afterwards.
The morning was kinda funny. Macy, Lesh and I woke up exactly at the same time xD Damn it, we were hungry, but since we didn't want to wake up the whole house, we stayed upstairs and waited.
'Riley, I am hungry.', said Macy.
'Yeah, me too...'
We joked around and then it was finally time to go downstairs. We went down and ate breakfast with Kai, Jase, my aunt and my uncle. It was kind of awkward since most of the time they talked through me. Whenever they wanted to ask my friends if they want something I should asked them. After the breakfast it was even more strange, since we haven't planed what to do. We at first sat in their room. Normally we would just do our own stuff. That's what I love about them. When we wanted we could do something together, but if we didn't the do the same things they would do if I wasn't around. And I did the same as I normally do at home. But with Lesh and Macy there we somehow had the desire to entertain them, but we had no clue how.
'So what should we do?', I asked them.
Macy and Lesh just shrugged their shoulders which didn't help at all. Even when I asked them when we wanted to go home they didn't have an opinion. Thus I had to all the decision. Then Jase had to help his parents and it was just Kai, Macy, Lesh and me...
Thank god we overcame the awkwardness after a while. Just played some games and then it was already time. Kai drove is to the trainstation, but didn't have time to stay till the train arrived.
At first it wasn't a problem at all, but then some strange guys came and talked to us. We could smell the alcohol...
Macy whispered to me: 'Why couldn't Kai stay. These guys are scary.'
The guys were definitely trying to hit on us. They were touching us. I really wanted to call Hawk who lived near the station, but he definitely still wasn't up after he celebrated with us the day before...
Thank god the train came and we rushed in and headed in the different direction the guys were.
After we sat down we sighed.
'That was a close one. Why didn't you call Hawk?!', asked Lesh.
The tone she used wasn't my liking at all and I said: 'Because the train was about to come and he wouldn't have come in time.' -.-
Lesh was about to say something, but Macy said: 'Hey, don't argue, 'kay?
I agreed since I hate to argue with my friends. The ride was long since we didn't talked much.
Back at home Macy: ' Next time you go there take us along, kay?'
'Sure thing.' ;)
Lesh: 'Hey, how about autumn holidays?'
'Don't think so since our autumn holidays and theirs are totally differtent and I don't want to disturbe therir studies.'
'Mmh... then sometime later.'
'Definitely.' :D
Back then I still had no clue about the future that's going to come, but somehow I felt something. My heart felt uneasy and when I had listened to my heart then I could have known. But it was already too late to stop it.
After the party
The change started right after the party. Now that I think back it was quite clear, but I just didn't wanted to see it. Macy told me that Kai and Jase wanted to tag along to some event. I didn't mind, so we all made plans together. But some days before the event something happened in the family and I thought that my cousins wouldn't go due the family issue. That's why I told Macy and Lesh that they shouldn't asked further questions when they cancel our meeting and of course they promised. They didn't asked a single question and I appreciated that.
Still I was really worried about them and wanted to check on them. Somehow my father knew about how I felt and suggested to pay a visit. I didn't know how to thank him for that. I normally don't show my feelings and didn't how to tell him how much that meant to me, but he is my father and understood without me saying a word.
My worries were justified. Kai didn't show how hurt he was like always, but I know him my whole life and knew that something was wrong. But I also knew that he wanted to be left alone, so I didn't disturb him. Jase instead was always more opened which was why we were much nearer than me and Kai. The usually so cheerful Jase was sad, but he wanted to hide it. I could see that he tried very hard, but I could also see that he knew that he couldn't hide it from me. We talked a bit about it and then I just watched him. Just sitting there without talking would normally be quite awkward, but not with him.
Then it was time to leave. Before I left Kai told me that they still wanted to go to the event with us. I didn't mind like aways but I was worried. He saw it and ensure me that it wasn't a big deal.
Somehow Macy and Lesh already know that it wouldn't be canceled before I told them. Macy said that Lesh told her and that Kai told her. At that time
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