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Book online «Hate To Love (Completed and Editing) by Amber Foster (good books to read for young adults .TXT) 📖». Author Amber Foster

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you freaked out and walked away

It's the plane you wanna catch to Vegas
Things you swear you'd do before you die
It's the city of love that waits for you
But you're too damn scared to fly

[Chorus x2:]
Hit the lights
Let the music move you
Lose yourself tonight
Come alive
Let the moment take you
Lose control tonight

It's the time that you totally screwed up
Still you're tryna get it out your brain
It's the fight you had when you didn't make up
It's the past that you're dying to change

It's all the money that you're saving
While the good life passes by
It's all the dreams that never came true
‘Cause you're too damn scared to try.

[Chorus x2:]
Hit the lights
Let the music move you
Lose yourself tonight
Come alive
Let the moment take you
Lose control tonight

It's a mad, mad world
Gotta make an escape
It's a perfect world
When you go all the way
Hit the lights
Let the music move you
Lose yourself tonight

So let's go (go, go, go) all the way
Yeah let's go (go, go, go) night and day
From the floor to the rafters
People raise your glasses
We could dance forever

Hit the lights
Let the music move you
Lose yourself tonight
Come alive
Let the moment take you
Lose control tonight

It's a mad, mad world
Gonna make an escape
It's a perfect world
When you go all the way
Hit the lights
Let the music move you
Lose yourself tonight

I pulled into the drive way when the song went off. I turned the key and cut the engine. I grabbed my bag and open the car door. I got out and shut it. I locked it and walked to the door. I pushed it open and walked into the living room. My eyes widen and my mouth drops. My brother and Hannah was making out. I cleared my throat and they pulled from each other. They looked at me wide-eyed.

"Oh. Calm down. will ya?" I asked them as I sat down. It was silent for about five minutes before Josh said something.

"Look, Chris-" He said but cut him off.
"I might stay." I blurted out.
"What?" He asked, surprised.
"Well if you guys want me to. I've.... been thinking...about staying." I said.
"Really?" Hannah jumped up and ran over to me.
"Yeah....." I said.
"OMFG!" She yelled.
"ugh! Don't yell. It hurts my ears. So are you bro together now?" I asked her.
She shrugged and turned to Josh.
"Are we?" He asked.
"I guess." She looked nervous. Come on she was just kissing him about a minute ago.
"Come you guys was kissing a minute ago!" I yelled as I stood up.
"Calm down, Chris. We're going out." Josh said.
"My mission here is done." i winked at them as I made my way to the front door because I forgot to shut it. I saw Zane. He looked sexy, sad, nervous, and tired.

"Zane..." I whispered. He waved at me and gestured me to come outside. I walked out the door and shut it behind.

"Look I came here to tell you something." He said.
"Tell me then." I said. He cleared his thoughts and sighed.
"I thought about what you said." he said as he put his hands in his pocket.
"And?" I said.
"I think your with that... I've...moved on." He muttered. My heart broke into little pieces bit by bit.
"Oh..." Is all I could say...
"And that I think you and Felix are great together." He said and in his eyes I saw disappointment.
"Do really think so?" I asked but it came out as happy like. I mentally slapped myself. I meant it in a sad way.
".....Yeah....." He shrugged.
"Do you really think so?" I asked again but happy like. What is wrong with me?!
"YES! OKAY!" He shouted.
"FELIX! Why do you think I like Felix?" I asked.
"I don't know! Maybe I don't understand but I know I'm glad i'm over you!" He yelled and then ran off. Tears fell down my cheeks and dropped onto my hands. I felt miserable, tired, sad, heartbroken, and unloved. I dropped to my knees and it began to rain. I put my hands on my face and I heard footsteps come up to me. A umbrella blocked the rain from hitting my now soaked body. The person helped me up and I turned around. I hugged them so tight. I let go and looked up to see Hannah. She smiled at me and hugged me tight.

"Come on. Your going to get sick." She said as she started walking toward the door. We made it inside and I felt dizzy. I closed my eyes and didn't feel Hannah anymore.


What happened to Chris?
Is she going to go to Texas?

-Amber M.

Kiss me (Part 1)

Okay.....SADLY I'm just going to do this chapter and I'll do Kiss me (part 2) Tomorrow :D But thanks for reading my book. I hope you liked it!!! :) ENJOY

-Amber M.

I woke up to the smell of hot soup. I sat up and Hannah was in a nurse outfit. Am I hallucinating? or is Hannah really wearing that?

"Hannah?" I said.
"Yeah?" She said.
"What in the world are you wearing?" I snapped at her. She looks down at her clothes.
"What you don't like it?" She asked with disappointment in her voice.
"YES! I hate it. it's weird....Anyway what happened?" I said to her.
"You must of fainted because you haven't ate for a week! A WEEK?!" She shouted.
"Oh....haha. I ate this week." I lied.
"Don't lie to me, Girl." She said as she pushed her finger in my face.
"Okay...I haven't ate." I said as my stomach growled from the smell of the soup.
"Eat!" Hannah yelled at me as she pointed at the soup.
"Sir! OK! Sir!" I yelled as I picked the bowl up and put it on my lap. Hannah handed me a spoon and I began to eat it.

"Hmmm?" She said.
"Gemme a fork!" I shouted. She laughed and ran down stairs. I chuckled because I heard some bangs and crashes a few times. Then she came up rubbing her elbow and handed me a fork.
"Thanks." I told her.
"Your welcome." She said as she sat down on the end of my bed.
When I finished the soup she dragged me out of bed and told me to get dressed in something nice. I don't know why and I sure don't care. I had grabbed my black short dress. Won't describe it but I'll show it to you.

Something like that. Anyway I also grabbed my leather jacket and my favorite black vans. I walked into my bathroom and laid my clothes on the counter. I stripped off my clothes I had on yesterday and threw them in my hamper over by the door.I turned on the shower and wait for a few seconds to get in.
I stepped in the shower and began washing my hair. Then everything else I had to do. I got out about ten minutes later and got dressed. I added a little bit of make up but not that much. I slipped my vans on and my jacket. I smiled as i walk downstairs. Hannah was giving Josh a lecture about something. I chuckled at their expressions they were making. I finally got to the bottom stair and they stopped talking. They looked at me and smiled.

After a long drive (well it seemed like it) wherever we were going we got there. Hannah looked at Josh and Josh looked at Hannah. Hannah and Josh got out and walked over to my door. Josh opened it up and Hannah grabbed my arm. They covered my eyes and pulled me in some building. They uncover my eyes and turn on the lights.

"Surprise!" They all yelled. I jumped about a foot away. NO. I'm serious. I really JUMPED a foot away.
"....Thanks....." I said.
"It's a goodbye party." Hannah whispered kinda sad.
"How did you-" I began but Josh cut me off.
"We know you, Chris. We just know you." He said. I smiled and hugged them both at the same time. It was weird because everyone was kissing at least someone. I mean WOW. Hannah and Joshed kissed at least five times now, I saw Stella kiss some guy, and I saw James making out with some blond twit. I really don't know who inviting him. I shrugged and walked over to Felix.

"Hey." I said.
"Hey." he replied. It was silent for a couple minutes until Felix grabbed my hand and pulled me into a room. He closed the door behind him and turned to me.

"I need" He stuttered.
"Okay. Tell me." I said as I sat down on the bed and I patted beside me. He came over and sat down. He cleared his throat and looked right at me.
"It's..well...the...reason. I can't explain it so i'll just show you what I want to tell you." he said. He leaned in closer to me and then it hit me. He had kissed me and I kissed back but i pulled away fast.

"What, What's wrong?" He asked.
"I don't like you like that, Felix." I said as polite as I can.
"Oh." He whispered.
"Your a great guy n all but I like it if you'd stay as my friend and nothing more. I mean any girl will be lucky to be with you but me. I I'm in love with someone." I say.

"I understand. Well I fell....stupid. Look I'm sorry, Chris. Your right." He said and then hugged me. I hugged him back and smiled at him. We stood up and walked out of the room. A slow song came on and Felix had asked me to dance with him just as a friend nothing more. I shook my head 'yes' and he started dancing with me.

It was a long day and I'm leaving tonight. I wish'd Zane would be like one of those guys who run to the airport just to tell his girl that he loves her. I Sighed. That would never happen. I had already packed my bags and loaded my car. yeah...I have a car but you'd probably never knew about it cause I always stole Josh's car. I chuckled and started the engine. I turned on the radio and waved goodbye to Hannah and Josh. I swear I saw Hannah cry. I pulled out of the drive way and glad you came by The Wanted came on.

The sun goes down
The stars come out
And all that counts
Is here and now
My universe will never be the same
I'm glad you came

You cast a spell on me, spell on me
You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me
And I decided you look well on me, well on me
So let's go somewhere no one else can see, you and me

Turn the lights out now
Now I'll take you by the hand
Hand you another drink
Drink it if you can
Can you spend a little time,
Time is slipping away,
Away from us so stay,
Stay with me I can make,
Make you glad you came

The sun goes down
The stars come out
And all that counts
Is here and now
My universe will never be the same
I'm glad you came
I'm glad you came

You cast a spell on me, spell on me
You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me
And I decided you look well on me, well on me
So let's go somewhere no one else can see, you and me

Turn the lights out now

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