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Book online «Hate To Love (Completed and Editing) by Amber Foster (good books to read for young adults .TXT) 📖». Author Amber Foster

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and it was Three thirty exactly. "See ya tomorrow freak." I smiled evily as I walked out of the room to the front doors. I put on my shades and walk toward the feild. I saw boys and girls gasp at me but Ignored them. I had enough of that freak, I had enough of james, enough of the crap here, but mostly enough of Stella. I walked over to the bench where Hannah was cheering Josh and Zane on. "Who's winning?"I asked her. "Our School." I sat down beside her. "The game is about over though." hannah said. Before you knew it Our School won. Zane and Josh run over to us. "Good job." Hannah said. Josh looked at me. "Chris. What happened to your lip?" He asked. "Oh nothing. I just ran into the wall. It's nothing." "Are you sure?" he asked. "Yes. I'm sure." I said as I hugged Josh and then Zane. "Go change and we can have a awesome bro, bestie, or friend celebration." hannah said. Josh and Zane run into the School. Hannah and I walk to Zane's Dodge viper. I rub my hand on the left side of the dodge viper. "I love you. Where have you been all my life?" I asked the car as I kiss it. "Are you making out with my car?" I heard a voice behind me. "No. I was telling it I loved it and then I kiss it." Everybody laughed as they got in. I as well got in crossing my arms. After a hour and forty-five miuntes of driving when got home. I ran inside and upstairs. I walk into my room and put my bag down on the floor. I walked downstairs to the living room. Hannah was wrestling Zane for the remote and Josh was trying to get them to calm down. I rolled my eyes and sat down in the floor in front of them. "Psh bunch of childish seventeen years old." I said as I snatched the remote out of Zane's hand and turned it to Dora the Explorer. "No, not Dora." Hannah whined. "Yes, Dora. Since I have the remote you have to watch it." I snickered at them. Hannah and Zane look at each other and nod. I look at Zane and then Hannah. They jumped at me. Zane was on top of me when Hannah tried to find the remote. I looked up to see Josh have. I laughed. Hannah and Zane looked up at Josh. Hannah jumped up and chased Josh while Zane was still on top of me. We looked into each others eyes and then............ Hate rises

Chris looks up and laughs. Hannah and I looked up at Josh. Hannah jumped up and chased Josh while I notice I was still on top of Chris. We looked into each others eyes and then............there was a knock at the door. I got up and walked to the door. I opened it to see my ex girlfriend, Stella. She jumps at me and hugs me tight. "Stella? Why are you here?" I asked her in shock. "Please take me back. I'll tell James off." She begged. She seemed really sorry. "OK." I mumbled. She kissed me and I heard a ugh or was it a throat clearing. I just remembered about Chris being in the living room. I departed with Stella and turned to see Chris leaning against the wall. She rolled her eyes. "Oh Hi Chris. Just noticed you." Stella said. "Uh-huh sure. Anyway have a great life because I know I won't." She said with anger and hatred rising between me, Chris, and Stella. Chris walked upstairs. "She's pathetic, Zane. She clearly hates you and me. Give it up. You can't be friends with someone who hates your guts." Stella said as she hugged me. I got the idea, Chris. I hate you and you hate me. There is no friendship in the future for us. There was slight band upstairs but ignored it. Stella kissed me on the cheek and then wrapped her arms around me. "I hear Jenna is having a party tonight...Can you go with me?" Stella asked. "Sure." I said not caring about Hannah, who was irrupting us by jumping in between. "What party?!" Hannah asked anxious to know. "The one that you probably couldn't handle." Stella said as she looked at her nails. "Whatever...Stella. Chris and I will be there." Hannah said as she walked upstairs. "OK. Zane. I'm going shopping for a dress so see you later." Stella said as she walked out of the door. I shut the door and groaned.

I walked upstairs to my room. I punched the wall and then I sat down on my bed. I offcial hate Zane. NO wait. I hate his guts. Hannah walked into my room with her usaul happy-but-we-have-to-do-something smile. "What is it?" I asked her. "We're going to Jenna's party. No excuses. No complaining. No replies." Hannah says with her hand on her hip. "OK. Fine...I'll go." I said as I rolled my eyes. "Oh Honey you had no choice. It's rather go or go." She said serious. I groaned as I laid back on my bed. "What am I supposed to wear?" I asked her. "Hmmmm... We're going shopping." "Alright." I got up and we walked downstairs. Hannah walked to the door and I followed. "Bye Josh! Bye pathetic low life Zane!" I yelled. Hannah opened the door and we walked to Josh's car. She unlocked the door and we got in. "Wait...Why do you have Josh's keys?" I asked Hannah as she started the car up. "Hehe." That's all she said because she was too busy smiling evilly. "Did you take his keys when he wasn't looking?" I asked about to laugh. "Yep." She said popping the P. She drove off when Josh walked outside yelling. We laughed the whole way to the mall. Hannah parked the car and we got out. She locked it and then all of sudden there was a Beep.

Hannah jumped and I saw Zane's car pull up beside us. I groaned as Zane rolled down his window. "WHY GOD?!" I looked up and yelled. "Missed me." I heard Josh say on the passenger side. "No." I mumbled as I made my way over to Hannah. I grabbed her wrist and stomped off toward JcPenny entrance. We walked in and looked around. Of course Josh and Zane followed. Hannah dragged me to all kinds of stores. When it was closing time we walked back to Josh's car.and Zane's. We put mine and Zane's stuff inside of Zane's car. Since Josh was being selfish and put all his and Hannah's stuff in his car. "I'm taking my car." Josh demanded. "I'm going with Josh. Since my stuff is in his car." Hannah said annoyed. I just nodded because I knew if I complained Hannah would of gave me a lecture later. I got into Zane's car and shut the door behind. He's car was a little bit of a mess. "Hey. Your a guy." I said sarcastic. "Hey. Your a girl." Zane said as he pulled out bra. I rolled my eyes. "Jerk." I mumbled. "Dork." He said back. "Pathetic loser." "Nerdy twit." "Low life." The rest of the way home I started out the window and Zane drove. It was silent the whole way home. When he parked the car I opened the door and slammed it shut. I burst inside the front door and into the living room. Zane followed behind me yelling my name. "Chris! Don't ignore me." He yelled at the same time as he demanded. I rolled my eyes and said,"I will if I want to." "Grow up, Chris. Your always acting like a big baby." He said as he crossed his arms together. "Me? The baby? have you looked at the mirror, Zane?!" I yelled/asked him. At that time Hannah and Josh walked into the living room. "Let's go get ready." Hannah said as she looked at Josh and then dragged me to my room. I closed the door behind and the bags were already on the floor. I got my clothes for the party and took a shower. I came out of the bathroom wearing a black thigh length strapless dress, leather jacket, my hair was curled, and I was wearing my black all star converse. "UGH! I'm a tomboy for HEAVEN Sake! Why do I have to wear a dress?!" I yelled at Hannah. "It's a party, Chris. A girl needs her dress and you have your converse." She pointed out. I rolled my eyes and we walked downstairs. Zane, of course was wearing a dark blue shirt with his leather jacket and some dark black jeans. Josh, well he was wearing the 'usual'. Hannah was wearing a blood red mini dress with some red high heels and her hair was straightened. We made out way to Zane's car because Josh was complaining that he didn't want to take his car. We all got in and Zane started it up. Then after a few minutes we were at Jenna's party. Woho.....the most boring yet getting wasted time. I got out and every boy stared at me and drooled. It made me uncomfortable. Hannah grabbed my arm and we walked inside. She let me go when she saw her new crush, Vince. She ran off on me, leaving me alone with bunch of creeps, they raped me with their eyes, and so I walked upstairs. Yeah...You know what goes on upstairs but I had no choice. It's rather getting drugged, dragged to a empty room, and then being rapped. Or other wise being pinned down and raped. Either way I'm doomed. I heard girls screaming in pleasure, which made me want to puke. I heard Stella's voice in a room but she sounded scared so I put my ear to the door. "Let me go!" She yelled. "Don't tell me what to do!" A familiar boy's voice yelled back at Stella. "Get off of me, James!" Stella yelled as she tried to catch her breath. 'Did she say James?' I asked myself. I snapped out of my thoughts and kicked the locked door in. Stella was pinned down on the bed by James. "James! What the hell do you think your doing?!" I yelled at him. James ignored me, which made me get even more mad than I was. I walked up to him and grabbed him. I pulled him back but he turned to me and slapped me on the face. Then he turned back around to Stella as i hit the floor.

I was dancing with two Hot blond chicks when I notice that Chris and Stella wasn't in my sight. I walked around looking for them downstairs and then decided to go upstairs to look. I made my way to a room with Chris, Stella, and James. WAIT....James? I peeked in and saw James slap Chris. She fell to the floor and James turned back to Stella. I was about to run in and attack James but Chris got back up. She pulled on James jacket and pushed him to the wall.

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