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Book online «Hate To Love (Completed and Editing) by Amber Foster (good books to read for young adults .TXT) 📖». Author Amber Foster

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Party at Felix's house...


     I wipe my tears with my sleeve and stood up. I breathed in and out before I open the door. I opened the door and I realized I missed two periods already. It was P.E now. I sighed as I walked to the girls' locker room. I saw Hannah ,who looked like she was going to kill somebody.

"Hannah." I hardly muttered out.

"Chris?! Where the heck were you? I've been trying to find you for two freaking periods." She said.

"Sorry, H. I had a little break down or something like that." I said.

She handed me dark purple violet short shorts with a yellow shirt. I put them on and we walked into the the gym. I saw James, Stella, Josh, Felix, and some other students but no Zane. I guess I do fell guilty but I hate him even more.

"Hey Hannah. I'm not feeling so bright. I'm going home for the day. Tell the teacher I went home sick." I said and she nods.

I walk down the hallway and hear giggling around the corner. I stand beside the wall and peek around th ecorner. I see James and Stella talking but then James kisses Stella. My hearts shatters and I walk around the corner. James sees me and he's eyes widden.

"Stella! Why'd you kiss me?" He asked as if Stella kissed him. 

"Nice try James but Iim not stupid. By the way we're done." I said.

"No I'm the one who breaks up with a girl. James doesn't get dumped. James dumps the girl." He said.

"Not this time." I said as I walked out the doors to the parking lot. I started walking home, which was 7 miles away. 


     I saw a sigh that said 3 miles to 23rd Ave. Street. I groaned. My feet already hurt but I kept walking. I finally got to my house and one of my shoes had a hole in it just from walking 7 miles. I walked to the door and turnd the door knob. It was unlocked. I walked in and shut the door behind. I took off my now dirty holed shoes off. My feet hurt so bad. I began to walk but I could't.

I fell to my knees and cried in pain. I closed my eyes and wished for a miracle to happen like my feet to stop hurting or superman would pick me up and carry me to my room. Just thinking up things to cheer me up. I felt arms around me pick me up and I open my eyes to see Zane.

I looked away because after what I did I don't even want to look at him or even talk to him. He carried me upstairs to my room. He walked over to my bed and laid me down on my bed. I heard the door shut and I let out the air I was holding in. I set up and grabbed my bottle of advil. I took two and laid down until Hannah comes home. It's awkward to be home alone with Zane when you hate him as much as I do but I'm not in the mood to even insult him. I got a text so

I pulled my phone out and opened it. "Hey. You still have to come with me to buy a dress for you and me." Hannah texted me. I text back,"Alright but nothing pink nor girly." I looked at the time and it said 2:58 p.m. Two more minutes Josh and Hannah will be home. I sighed and hugged my pillow. I set up and grabbed the advil. I took two and my feet stop hurting for now. I heard the door open and two voice downstairs. I got up from my bed and opened my door. I walk downstairs avoiding any eye contact with Zane. "Chris and I are going to the mall. Do you wanna go guys?" she asked them.

"Yeah I really need somethings anyway." Josh said. "Any you?" Hannah asked Zane. "Sure." He said. We walked outside and walked over to Josh's car. We all got in and Josh start the car up. Then drove toward the mall. An hour later of silent when got to the mall and parked the car. We got out and walked inside. "I'm going to Sears." Hannah and Josh say at the same time. "Are you going to shoeshow?" Josh asked me. "Yes I have no choice." I said. "Well Zane go with Chris were no jerky pervert touchs her." Josh said as Hannah and him walk off toward Sears. I roll my eyes and grab Zane's hand. I drag him to Showshow and to the converse. I notice I still was holding his hand. I let it go and picked out two different pairs of converse. I held up on pair with Hate

on the left converse and Love

on the right converse. I show them to Zane and then put them down and pick up converse with hearts on them. he pointed to the Hate love converse. I put the other pair away and grab the Hate and love converse. I walked to the high heel isle feeling weird about getting a pair. I looked around for a pair that I liked but I didn't like any of them until I saw a pair of Dark blue skull high heels. I smiled wide and grabbed them. I walked to the check out desk and bought them. The clark put them in a bag after i paid for them. I walk out of ShoeShow as Zane followed quiet as ever. I saw a stupid dress store so I walked into it knowing if I didn't Hannah would of killed me. I looked around looking at all sorts of dresses. Long, way too long, short, way too short, fancy, ugly, or rather disgusting looking. I found a dress that was dark blue and was just a two inches above my thigh. I grabbed it and walked to the changing area. Zane followed behind. I turned to him and handed him the bag of shoes. I walked into a changing stall and put the dress on. Zane handed me my dark blue heels. I came out and Zane's eyes widden. "Your beautiful Chris." I heard Zane whisper. A woman walked up to me and asked if I wanted the dress I shoke my head yes. She scanned it while I was wearing and I handed her the money. She smiled and pulled the tag off gently were she didn't rip it. I walked out of the store and I felt all kinds of eyes on me, which made me feel naked. I saw a black jakcet that suited my liking so I walked in the sore bought it and came back out wearing it. I feel better now. Hannah and Josh came into sight. They gasped as soon as they saw me. "Is that you Chris?" Hannah asked. I nodded. I looked her up and down. "Is that you Hannah?" I asked her even though I knew it was her. She was wearing a red mini dress with a leather jacket and red high heels. We smiled at each other and then at the boys. "We're going to the salon so you guys go ahead and do something." Hannah said as we walked off from them. "So is this the new you or are going to go back to regular Chris?" Hannah asked me. "Like I said I'm not into the girly girl things." She smiled at me and said,"I know just making sure." We walked into the salon and sat down into seats. Two people walked up behind us. "What's your names?" A guy asked us. "Hannah and Chris." We both said. "Ok. Hannah. I'm doing your hair and she'll be doing Chris's. What whould you like me do with your hair?" He asked Hannah. "Make it straightened but silky Smooth." Hannah said. "And you Chris?" The woman asked me. "Curly smooth." That's the only thing in mind. I'm not a girly girl so i don't know about dresses, hairstyles, or anything like that. After they we're down they turned us around and I looked at my hair. Wow Chris you look dashing. Hannah looks at me when I look at her. "You look different CHris." Hannah said. "Different? What's that suppose to mean?" I asked her. "It means your you but in a dress with curly hair." I smiled and we got up and walked outside to Josh's car. Hannah and I got in and they drove off to Felix's party. When we got there we parked the car and got out. We walked to the door and pushed the door open all kinds of people was here. I couldn't believe he got this many people to come. I walked in with Josh, Zane, and Hannah following behind. I bump into Felix. "HEY!" He shouted over the lud music. "HEY!" I shouted back. "I'm Glad you came!" He shouted. I looked at Hannah gesturing to come over her enow. She walked over to me. "Would you like to dance with Hannah?!" I asked/shouted. "YEAH! I would like that!" He shouted back. Hannah and Felix start dancing. I smiled when I walked backwards into ZAne's hard chest. I turned to him. "Sorry!" I shouted. "It's OKAY!" He shouted back. I looked at the floor and remembered what I had said to him in the closet at school. "I'm Sorry for what I said earlier at school!" I shouted. "It's ok. YOur right. I shouldn't use Hannah like that. I don't need to because Stella isn't really my type!" He Shouted back. "I'm also sorry for calling you a man whore!" I shouted. "It's okay! I'm sorry for getting mad like that!" He shouted back. "I didn't know you were a virgin!" I shouted. "Well I am!" He shouted back. "Where'd Josh go?!" "I dunno but would you like to dance!" I shoke my head yes and we started dancing. When a slow song came on he shot a smirk at me. "Ugh. Fine." I said. We started slow dancing when Felix and Hannah irrupted. "May I?" Felix asked me. "Sure." I said as I take Felix's hands and started slow dancing. Zane started slow dancing with Hannah. The song stoped and enw one came on. Felix told me he had to do something so I walked over to the wall. A boy walked over to me. "Oh look it's the hottie that sits behind me in Math class." He said. "Oh look it's the dude who flirted with me or at least tried to." I said. He grabbed my arm. "Come on babe. Let's go somewhere private so me and you can talk with out or mouths. If you know what I mena." He gave me a creepy smirk. "Umm....No. Now if you would get your hand off of me. That would be nice." I said. He tightened his grip on my arm and said in a treating tone,"Come with me babe it's alright. I won't hurt you. I just want a little bit tongue action and then we get to the good part. how about it?" He leaned in closer to me. "No. Now get off of me." I closed my eyes as he tried to kiss me but I heard a voice. I opened my eyes to Zane. "Chris said to get off of her and leave her alone." He said in a threating tone to the boy. "This is none of your concern due so go away." The boy said. Zane grabbed his shirt and slammed him to the wall. "It's rather you walk out that door and walk home or I force

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