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Book online «Guity until proven innocent by Cama seeney, Monique x (howl and other poems .TXT) 📖». Author Cama seeney, Monique x

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had no sausages or toast but I had some porridge. ‘Nommy’ I muttered happily picking up the wheat free bowl of food. He passed me my meds before I began eating hungrily. ‘I forgot to ask your likes or dislikes.’ He said looking at his own bowl of food with dislike. ‘You don’t have to eat the same as me.’ I told him smiling at the thought. ‘How can I expect you to function if I don’t know the food is enough or even edible.’ He replied steadily eating. ‘I dislike mushrooms, pork and erm any type of fish.’ I replied to his earlier question. ‘Cool, do you take any vitamins or minerals?’ He asked. ‘Vitamin c I guess.’


After finishing my breakfast I walked into one of the class rooms, they lined either side of the hallway leading away from the food hall. As I walked into the room labelled ‘English’ I could hear the sound of maybe beatboxing from the outside. A guy and a girl maybe? The first voice was heavy and masculine as I walked in I saw a dark skinned guy say ‘Awh I messed up’ He had hassle brown laughing eyes, his sister quickly took over. She laughed ‘Ya’ll all suck!’ She called out blasting her own beat out. Hers was like nothing else, she made sounds like gun fire – higher and lower in base. ‘Forgot I lived?’ Heavy breathing ‘Remember me die.’ She called out suddenly. ‘This is no battle, I beat you already.’ She called again, this time louder. ‘Capture that!’ She called again making a totally new sound. ‘Forget round two – I finished on that!’ she called lastly as she finished her turn.


Even though I knew nothing of beatboxing I knew she was good, really good. ‘You have a serious pair of lungs on you’ I told her as she stood up and bowed. ‘What cause I’m fat, you skinny bitch?’ She asked walking towards me. ‘You could have the same size lungs if you ran all day, I didn’t comment on your size but on your lungs.’ I told her rolling my eyes. ‘Oh yhea pick of the fat chick.’ She called out angrily. I sighed ‘Even if I say no you’re going to say that I offended you cause of your race next right? ‘Oh now it’s cause I’m a black beatboxer right’ no I would have said the same if you had a penis, if you liked girls or if you were ridiculously hot, if you were skinny or over weight. My point is you have a good set of lungs.’ I sighed and took one of the single desks near the window. Exactly the same, I thought sadly as I blasted music through my headphones.


A single female’s powerful voice commandeered my ears with only a guitar and her voice. She sung about what it was like when her other half left her, like she couldn’t breathe. Like the ocean was trying to carry her away. I smiled sadly and awaited the teacher’s entrance, ten minutes later an military looking man walked in. ‘Arses up, phones away we got us some competition folks. Cam seems to think our new delinquent can beat my fastest female athlete. I think we got ourselves a little bet!’ He called out laughing in my face.


‘Ha, her? She doesn’t fit in!’ The African American overweight girl called out. Cam stood behind the intruder looking sorry. I smiled softly at Cam, if he thinks I can do it then he better get me trained and ready. ‘Commander, you must give her a week – she’s just got here!’ He called out looking a little worried. I nodded at Cam saying I agreed. ‘In the Army we run on demand.’ He called out angrily. ‘Well are they asked the day they get there to run your fastest?’ I asked crossing my arms over my chest, and tilting my head to the side. ‘No, I suppose we don’t. You have a week kid.’ He called out before retreating with Cam.


English sucked, I could barely concentrate. I was too busy wondering how Cam was going to prepare me. Math’s sucked worse I hadn’t a clue what I was doing and I was too scared to ask. Biology was better, Science was something I understood. Law was all about legislation and boring shit I would have normally yawned my way through. Luckily taking notes was easy. First aid, however was interesting we covered the recovery position and how to resuscitate someone after an attack or fit of some kind.


I ran up to my room to find Lilly waiting for me, she smiled and waved as she entered her own room which was two doors from my own. After I changed, throwing all my ‘school clothes’ onto my bed I jogged over to Lilly’s I knocked before she shouted ‘Come in’. I opened the door as she was putting her hair into a pony tail, I quickly did the same to mine. ‘Heard Cam got you into a race.’ She called out looking interested. ‘Him and his big mouth.’ I laughed jogging down the stairs. ‘You think I’ll win?’ I asked curious. ‘Depends.’ She told me. ‘On?’ I asked. ‘Weather you want it bad enough.’ She replied with a devilish grin. ‘Who is the chick I’m running against anyway?’ I asked curious.


‘She was on some track team or something, won some big.’ She shrugged but didn’t look me in the face. A week to train? Could I win?


Chapter fiftten

 Dont blame him.


‘Camm!’ I groaned as I sat down next to him. ‘Shut up, I know!’ He replied passing me my tray full of healthy pasta (fun free pasta) ‘Not the pasta you douche, I can’t believe I’m racing in a week! What if I lose?’ I complained. ‘You won’t, pretty much everyone in this room wants you to beat that pretentious bitch.’ He told me sighing as he scoped some of the food into his mouth. ‘I’m serious!’ I complained shovelling food into my own mouth, Lilly sat down next to me sighing – she had a bagel with bacon. Damn.


‘Cam, what have you done now? And what the hell are you eating?’ Lincoln asked wrinkling his nose. I shot him an annoyed look. ‘Tell me about it.’ Cam muttered pushing his plate away – he threw me one of my meds. I sighed before dry swallowing it. I slowly ate my food as Cam and Lincoln discussed what techniques to use, apparently Lincoln hated her more than me. I got up pushing Cam my empty plate with a disgusted look on my face, did they need samples of my urine too? Maybe need some blood samples? They can screw themselves. I walked out of the room without another word. I had about fifteen minutes and a five minuet walk, I ran behind one of the buildings and hid for a little while, I just needed to feel like I wasn’t being watched for once. I had no signal or internet but I could listen to music which was good enough.


After a little while I sighed and sprinted to the gym, even I had to admit the feeling was good. For those two minutes I felt free and liberated, Lincoln stood by the door and let me pass by him before slamming the door closed. ‘It’s not fair that you blame him.’ He told me looking a little annoyed. ‘He’s trying to help you, you should treat him better.’ He said, who? Wait oh, he’d just seen me be rude to his brother. I nodded and walked inside.


Everyone stood in lines of five, the teacher at the front. He was the Military guy from before. ‘As you’ve all heard we’ve got a race coming up. But that won’t interfere with my weekly training sessions. Today we will warm up and then continue outside.’ He called getting into an easy stance. He punched one hand out and then the other but stood perfectly still. As soon as the first one came back to his chest he fired out the second, this carried on for some minutes until I didn’t think my hands could take the strain. ‘Now, stretch and prepare for the mile run to the outdoor training area.’ The many chorused moans, weren’t all that appeasing nor were they welcoming. After doing stretches we lined up to jog.


Which turned into an all-out sprint, which was okay – a normal mile was jogged in ten minutes, ours was run in seven. I ran neck and neck with Lincoln – Paul his easy first place came second behind the commander. In front of us stood a massive training field, complete with; logs for running up and down on ( led steeply in the direction of a climbing frame twice the size of the one I was training on yesterday, an even bigger rope, massive boats to carry into and out of the water, and people shaped punching bags all lined up.


‘There are twenty five of you. That’s five groups of five for all you imbiciles out there. There are five boats. So stand by your boats! Move your assess.’ I ran to the closest boat and stood by it as another four people scrambled to it next to me, somehow we managed to push and pull it into the air. ‘Hold it upp!’ He shouted, his green army trousers stood out. ‘March!’ He screamed and pointed to the other side of the beach.


We ran holding this stupidly heavy boat above out heads to the other side of the beach. ‘Get on in!’ He screamed. We threw down the boats and ran into the sea. ‘Pushups!’ He screamed. I can do this, I know I can. I held my breath and plunged under, breathing out and resurfaced and then let out a breath. ‘Ten. Nine. Eight, Seven, sex, five, four, three, two, one! Get your sorry asses out!’ He shouted, Next we led on the beach doing burpees soaking wet. ‘What are you doin, get your boats!’ He screamed. He had already started running down the other side of the beach. ‘Get on in!’ He screamed. ‘Don’t you even think of dropping your boats!’ He shouted.


‘You will stand, and you will hold your boats above your head. You will not fall!’ He called out, I looked out and saw Cam standing on the edge of the sand. The boat quickly filled up with water. My arms burned, my back screamed and my belly vibrated with barely controlled pain. I began counting silently in my head. ‘Any one of you can drop out anytime. Its okay if you do, you know that course over there isn’t so bad once you run it ten times. And the twentieth time isn’t all that bad, honestly you can all do that instead.’ He called out reasonably, smiling a sadistic smile. I shook my head.














Eleven minutes later, no one budged an inch. Each and every one of us would not be the one to drop. Another five minutes ‘Come on out!’ He shouted. Shivering I ran out of the water, I was drenched and shaking. I couldn’t seem to stand still. ‘Looks like we’re going to run us some course!’ He shouted

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