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for epi pen. We even had fake needles to practice getting the air bubbles out of them. We were even given sharps boxes. How fun, I thought sarcastically. Oh joy my sarcasm is back.


All the fun people are insane. I thought melodramatically .


I walked to gym with little if any enthusiasm. My black mood surrounded me like the plague. An inky, endless blackness. I sighed and held my head high. Cam was already leaning against a table with our food, some kind of soup and fun free brown bread with seeds. I sighed to myself and swallowed my pill and shoved my headphones in my ears. I just didn’t want to talk right now, I took my pill and ate in silence. The soup was tasteless and bread - like a sponge. And not in the absorbent way, more like a dried in the sun one.


I stretched my back and my neck, I clicked all my knuckles before walking back to my room alone. I saw Seth but ran past him and sprinted into my room. My dirty clothes lay outside of my room, Cam had left them there. I threw them in the laundry bin and changed into clean ones. I put my hair into a simple pony tail before walking to the gym. Cam stood in the corner looking at me a little concerned. I hated that look. Detested it. That look deserved a bath in bleach riddled crocodile water. I thought smiling a little. I walked to the middle of the room, throwing my phone to Cam. He nodded smiling a little, least I wasn’t hiding right?


‘Pair up, stretch and spa. I’m too busy for you lot right now!’ Our little nuts teacher called from a supply closet. I walked up to Lincoln quietly, stretching out my hamstring I heard him mutter. ‘I’m not sorry.’ I nodded, I thought it might have been him. I put my hands on the floor and walked them forward. I continued stretching – thinking. ‘How many have read it?’ I asked. ‘I don’t know, but only me and Cam have read your medical and psych records.’ Translation; only me and cam know about your brother. I nodded a little relieved, the less the better – right?


     I got into a defensive position, weird thing was – this session wasn’t too bad. Maybe he wasn’t working me as hard. Maybe I was getting better. Stronger. I even got a hit to his face in – which even I had to admit felt amazing. After an hour of profoundly sweaty boxing, we began working on knee, elbow and kick shots. Which was fun – I even got to kick a little portable little hand punching pad. Everything was a little numb and red on the skin that hit the bag but it felt good to hit something. At the end of the session I was smiling. Three hours of learning to hurt something makes you smile just a little.


‘Come on, we’ve got a date with the beach.’ Cam called passing me back my phone. ‘Erm, water.’ I called passing it back, he gave me a look but put it back in his pocket. We jogged there slowly, it was nice to take it slowly for once. ‘Come on shoes off.’ Lincoln called pulling his trainers off grinning like an idiot. ‘What? My feet are gross!’ I called looking embraced, I looked down at my shoed feet disgusted. ‘That’s the point princess Rosa, the sand will brush away all dead ‘gross’ skin.’ He called rolling his eyes, he yanked up the legs of his jogging bottoms – the elastic on them both making it possible.


I bent down and removed my shoes and odd socks, my feet looked like little frozen sausages. I giggled before shoving my feet deep into the sand. I sighed as the smooth sand slid over my feet. ‘Come on princess, let’s get a move on!’ Lincoln shouted much like the commander had. I laughed before running after him, Cam stood back looking amused and a little cold. He was drinking a cup of something warm; something I was half inclined to steal. I ran instead, coffee slows down your metabolism remember Rose.


The sand was scolding cold and just as rough but it felt strangely wonderful. Suddenly it started raining, not like a gentle caress but an insane downfall. It was wonderful, like a serious deep tissue massage. I think they called it a Haikou? Or is that a lymric, erm maybe a Chinese poem. I don’t know. I’d look it up on the internet but it seems there is none. ‘Oh no my shoes!’ I thought suddenly. ‘What’s the matter you have more right?’ Lincoln asked. ‘Sure I do, like one pair – there all soaked! I was only given three, the first is mud clogged, and second sand drenched and the third is now saturated.’ I replied huffing as I ran. ‘Such colourful words.’ He called back turning and sprinting back. ‘Hey!’ I called racing after him. ‘We all know I’m faster!’ I shouted back laughing.


An hour of sprinting back and forth later, Lilly came running over. ‘Hey – Master said you can go in!’ She shouted shivering a little, she wore a blue rainmack that covered her from head to knees. I laughed and nodded soaked, I was so cold even my bones shook. Grabbing my shoes and damp phone I ran inside, to cover.


I showered and combed my insanely knotted hair, I threw on a light blue jumper with dark blue and white writing decorating it. I threw on some red skinny jeans that had like seven different pockets, I shoved on my boots not even bothering to tie them - they hung loosely and flashed my stripy thick socks. I sighed and threw myself onto my bed, for the first time here - I had forty free and nothing to do. I wondered out down the stairs and made my way into the canteen, I walked through the barren canteen and through past to the class rooms.


Opposite the English room was a library – Well that’s what it said above the door. I walked into the empty, warm but quiet room and looked around. The smell of old books quickly over powered my senses, it was such a beautiful room. Old, like from the war old. It was covered with old pictures and uniforms, the bookshelves were ancient. Beautiful oak, carved with such an intricate pattern. I sighed happily and picked up the closest book to me ‘much ado about nothing.’ I remember it was about love, some betrayal. The youngest daughter was thought to have been cheating before her wedding day – but to prove her innocent she had to play dead. It was a very interesting and old story.


I smiled sitting down and began to lose myself in the pages, of the old story. By the time people had begun arriving in the room next door I had already so close to finishing. Standing up I clicked my back and walked into the other room, my eyes still focused on the book before me I chose a random table and sat down. I hardly took notice as someone sat across from me, coughing. I said ‘hey’ but was too focused on reading to really be interested in the person across from me. ‘Seems like a good book.’ Seth called looking at me amused when I lifted my head up. ‘It’s different.’ I said thinking deeply.


‘What do you mean?’ He asked looking interested in what I had to say. ‘Well for starters people don’t fall in love in seconds it’s just not plausible, but in this its different people were forced to marry. Even in the ‘good’ families, with the kind father’s people were forced to marry their daughters away. Much unlike Juliet’s parent’s – Parent. Heroes farther didn’t want to give her away and was deeply upset when he thought her in pain – even when he was angry. It’s just nice.’ I finished lamely.


‘Ugh, Lincoln gotten to you hasn’t he.’ Cam said sitting down with our meals, he pushed me over a pasta dish (fun free might I add, translation free from). ‘Naw I’m literature’s bitch I’m afraid.’ I told him grinning before turning back to my book, from the corner of my eye I saw him roll his eyes. Lilly and Dyson walked over looking to be in deep conversation, ‘Where’s Lincoln?’ I asked not seeing him at our table, and raising an eyebrow at Seth’s presence. ‘Probably with his friends.’ Cam replied looking round too. ‘Ohh he has friends!’ I replied giggling, just then he walked in talking to a tall brunet girl – she was seriously tall and tanned. ‘I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have friends.’ Dyson said winking. ‘Shut up D, your best friends!’ Lilly said laughing, she took a tentative bit of her burger and pulled a face.


‘Man your lucky your fun free! This is gross!’ She called out quietly, she drank half her bottle of orange juice looking grossed out. ‘Ugh, never say that until you live the fun free life.’ Cam said looking sadly at her burger, she quickly grabbed his plate and gave him hers. She took one bite of the pasta and smiled softly. ‘Much better.’ She called eating hungrily, Cam sent me a sorrowful look before taking a huge bite of his burger. Lincoln walked over smiling like a man who had accomplished something. ‘Ohh that’s your – I would totally tap, that face.’ Dyson called out loud enough for the brunet to hear, in response she flicked her hair and swayed her hips. Lincoln only raised an eyebrow and leaned back in his chair.


I snorted totally unlady like, ‘He’s right don’t play poker any time soon, Lincoln.’ I replied. ‘Attractive.’ Seth called sitting by me. ‘So you all know, I don’t tap peoples face.’ I choked on my food and covered my face doing multiple snorts at once (I don’t mean the sounds pigs make, it’s like I don’t even know what it’s like...) Seth gently patted my back, ‘you okay?’ he asked softly looking concerned. ‘Bones’ I replied with tears in my eyes. Lincoln reached over and grabbed my hand placing his drink in it. I quickly drank some and returned it to Lincoln.


I rolled my shoulders effectively removing Seth’s hand from my back. His hair was a dirty blond cut close to his scalp and eyes a soft blue. Stubble covered his cheeks in a light dusting, he was attractive but I didn’t know him. ‘You coming to Dysons party?’ He asked his eyes boring into mine. ‘Na, I have work to catch up on.’ It was a half lie, I did have to catch up on work but I kind of just wanted to be alone for a while. He smiled softly and nodded, he turned and entered a weird staring contest with Lincoln who seemed to be more interested in leaning back on his chair. Suddenly it tipped over and Lincoln ended up sprawling on the floor, he quickly rolled with the force and ended up three steps behind the table. He stood from the crouching position with a look of fire in his eyes.





Chapter eighteen
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