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Book online «Perfect In his Eyes (finished) by Danielle Palmer (book club suggestions TXT) 📖». Author Danielle Palmer

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As we drove up to the front of the school I dreaded it even more. I looked at Keegan and he gave me his most famous smile that warmed my heart. I rolled my eyes and climbed out of the car.
First period went by good. I got all my makeup work and the teacher completely understood the situation. As I walked to second my heart raced. This was the only class I had with Nick. I didn't have any with Shane or Jessie thank god. I walked through the door and walked up to the teacher asking her for my makeup work. She greatly gave it to me and told me to take my new seat. Which happens to be in between Josh and Nick. We took notes the whole class so I just doodled. Nick didn't talk to me or Josh but I caught him looking at me a few times. He smiled at me but gave up when he saw I wasn't going to back. Never will I ever be friends with him, Jessie, or Shane. NEVER.
They rest of the day went by a blur till sixth period. Me and Gabby had sixth together but she got moved out and into a different class. It took forever for the late bell to ring but when it finally did the teacher walked in. She was my favorite teacher and always let us sit where we want.
"Good morning class. We have a new student," She looked to the door before she continued. "Come in Mr.Hudson." As she said that a guy that looked about 6foot walked in. He had black hair and gray eyes. He looked like he would play football. He was adorable. "Everyone this is Zayn Hudson. Zayn is a Senior here and I expect all of you to make him feel welcomed." She smiled at him and gestured for him to take an empty seat. There was one in the front or one by me where Gabby use to sit. He looked around for a second then smiled and walked back to take the seat by me.
"Everyone I wasn't able to use the printer so today you have a free day." The teacher said. Everyone cheered and pulled out there phones or ipods. I, of course pulled out my ipod and listened to music. I looked over at the new kid and he was just sitting there. I decided to be nice and introduce myself.
"Hey im Destiny. Zayn right?" I said. He smiled and nodded. "Well it's nice to meet you. Are you new to the school or new to the city?" I asked. "I'm new to the country actually." He said. His voice had a hint of an Irish accent. HOT! 'To bad im taken or I would be all over him.' I thought to myself. I smiled.
"Let me guess. Your from Ireland?" I guessed. "Wait how you know?" His eyebrow arched. I laughed and smiled. "Your accent." He joined in on laughing.
We talked for the rest of the class and he turned out to be really amazing. I told him I had a boyfriend and he said all he wanted to be was friends. I also told him that I like with 11 guys and 1 girl other then me. He was amazed.
"Hey come on i'll introduce you to everyone and you'll have a lot of friends in no time." I said as the bell rang. I pulled him outside and to everyone else who was waiting for me. "Hey guys this is Zayn. He's new to the Country and is pretty cool." I said as I walked over to Keegan and hugged him. Everyone introduced themselves and as soon as he talked I saw Gabby melt. We both love I mean LOVE Irish accents. Good thing we both have boyfriends or would fight over this guy. Plus I love Keegan. Zayn is just a cool and nice person that will probably be good friends with the guys.
"Well i'll see you guys tomorrow I have to go." Zayn said. He did that weird handshake thing with they guys and thn hugged me and Gabby. I saw Keegan and Josh's eyes go instantly to flames when he touched me and Gabby.
"I don't want you talking to Zayn anymore." Keegan said as we climbed into Josh's backseat. "You either." Josh said to Gabby. Me and Gabby both looked at each other. I was the first to talk "Why? We cant have a guy friends? I think we live with 9 other guys." Gabby nodded he head and said "Exactly."
"So what if we live with other guys. They not your friends there like your brothers. We just don't want you to be friends with him and that's final." Keegan said and Josh nodded in agreement. Me and Gabby looked at each other again and rolled our eyes. "Whatever." We both said at the same time.
Me and Gabby locked ourselves in the room when we got home and ended up falling asleep. So Keegan ended up in sleep on the floor in Josh's room.
I seriously hope my and Gabby's plan works.



In the morning me and Gabby went back on our plan. Gabby decided it wasn't worth it to her to lose Josh. I knew she was right but i'm stubborn. Keegan can tell me what to do but there's a certain extent and me being friends with Zayn is past that extent to where he can control me. I seriously didn't want to fight with him but I can't believe I can't have a guy friend out of the house. He can't stop me but if I have to choose his love is more important than any guy.
"Destiny come on." Gabby said tugging on my hand. We tiptoed down the hall each holding a bucket of cold water. We woke up early before any of the guys were awake to play a prank on Josh and Keegan.
"Is it locked?" I asked in a almost silent whisper. Gabby turned to me and shook her head no. We exchanged smiles. We slowly walked into Josh's room and smiled when we saw they both hand only shorts on. I looked at her and counted to 3. On 3 we both screamed at the top of our lungs and when they both sat up that's when we dumped it on them. They were both instanly to there foot.
"GABBY RUN!" I screamed and we both took off running down the hall. Josh and Keegan almost caught up when we ran into my room and shut and locked the door.
"Babe open the door." I heard Keegan say as they banged. Me and Gabby ran and jump on my bed. It was only 5 in the morning so we didn't have to get ready for 30 minutes. We laughed everytime they banged and pleaded.
"Baby and Tiny were not mad just let us in. We need to talk to you guys." Josh said this time. Me and Gabby exchanged looks. I didn't think we should trust them. "What do you think Gabby?" I said loud enough for them to hear. "Um I dont know Dest? Maybe we should let them in but why trust them?" We laughed again. My side started hurts and I instantly stopped laughing.
"What is all the noise?" I heard someone say. I think it was Ryan. "They poured ice cold water on us." I heard Keegan say.
"Dest you ok?" Gabby said her voice sounded worried. "Yeah. Yeah i'm fine." I said. I felt like I was telling myself that just to hide it. I've been trying to stop taking the pills because i've started taking them way to much. I liked the feeling of knocking out but it wasn't good for me to be addicted to pills. No one liked me taking them and i'm starting to realize why.
I walked over to the door and unlocked it. I ignored Josh, Keegan, and Gabby and walked over to my closet. I grabbed my shoe box and pulled out the pill bottles. "Baby what are you doing? You cant take those." Keegan said. He walked over to me and tryed to pull them away but I pulled them out of his reach and ran to the bathroom. He followed me and right when he was about to protest he immeditely stopped once he say what I was doing. I opened the tops of both the little bottles and poured them down toliet and flushed them.
"Tiny why did you all the sudden just throw them away?" Josh said. I turned to see him Keegan and Gabby all im my bathroom doorway. "I felt like I needed them to much. I'm getting addicted. They were controlling my life and I couldn't take it. Every time I have pain i'll just have to live through it." I said. Josh and Keegan instantly forgot that we just poured buckets of ice cold water on them like it never happened. "Thank you." Keegan said as he pulled me in for a hug. "What?" I whispered in to his shoulder. Why was he saying thank you. "I was going to do it but you beat me to it. I'm just proud of you." He said as he pulled away. He leaned down and kissed me. I smiled against his lips and kissed back.
"Guys can we skip school today?" Gabby asked as we broke apart.
"I'm down." Keegan said. "Me to." I agreed and smiled. We all looked at Josh. The final decision was always his. "Fine but we have to go back tomorrow." He said after a minute of thinking.
We told all the guys that we went going to be at school today and they all said ok.
When they were about to leave I pulled Ty to the side. "Destiny what do you need? I'm going to be late." He said slightly annoyed. I rolled my eyes. "If you see Zayn will you let him sit with you guys? He doesn't have anyone. Please i'll do anything. Well not anything but you know what I mean." I smiled at him and hoped he would say yes. I really felt bad for Zayn but I guess I would understand if Ty said no. He does live in Josh's house. Well it's mines to.
"What if Josh or Keegan finds out. They'll be pissed." He said. I nodded my head and went to walk away but he pulled me back. "Fine he can sit with us. I'll tell the other guys he is going to." I smiled and hugged him. I said a quick thank you and he slipped out the door.
After a little while Josh and Gabby went back to be so me and Keegan decided to too. I was almost asleep when I heard someone knock on the front door. 'Who would be here at 12?' I thought to myself. Whatever who cares. Keegan pulled me against his chest and instanly feel asleep.

CHAPTER 14 (last chapter)



I rolled over and reached over Keegan to turn off the alarm. I ended up having to straddle him to be able to reach it. When I looked down he was smiling but his eyes were still closed. His hands when up to my sides. I decided to mess with him. I lowered my face to him and pressed my lips to his. He immediatley resonded. I tangled my hands in his hair and he moaned against my lips. I felt Keegan jr. on my thigh. I smiled against his lips and pulled away. Before he could protest I got up and ran to the bathroom.
"Babe that's not funny. Come back." He pleaded. "We have to get ready for school. Now go get

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