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Book online «Perfect In his Eyes (finished) by Danielle Palmer (book club suggestions TXT) 📖». Author Danielle Palmer

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ready." I said back through the bathroom door. I heard my door open then close. I walked back out and looked through my drawer. After a few minutes I decided to wear my light skirt with black fish net leggings under and my black v-neck shirt that says 'Keep calm & Carry on'. I ran back into the bathroom and turned on the water. After it warmed up I stripped off my clothes and got in.
After washing my hair and body I got out. I blowed dried my hair and curled it. I pulled the side with no bangs back and pined it with a zebra bow. When I was done I did my makeup and brushed my teeth. I was putting on my ugg boots when Keegan walked in.
"Babe we have-" He started but never finished. He looked at me up and down. I walked to my mirror but didn't see anything wrong. "What?!" I said turning back to him. His mouth was open as he stared at me. "Hello?" I said. He shook his head like he was coming back to reality. "Oh sorry. You just look... Hot!" I smiled and he smiled back.
"Keegan, Destiny let's go!" Josh yelled from down stairs. Before I could responed Keegan was kissing me. I kissed him back for a sec but pulled away and grabbed my backpack. I grabbed his hand and pulled him down the stairs. Everyone else left but Josh and Gabby waited so they could take us.
"Dang girl you look hot." Gabby said. I smiled. "Thanks you too!" I replied. "Tiny why are you wearing that?" Josh asked. I raised my eyebrow at him. "Cause I wanted to?" I was confused. "You shouldn't go out-" He started but I instantly cut him off "Keegan likes it. Plus were going to be late." I grabbed Keegan's hand before Josh could respond and walked out to his car.
We drove to school in silence all the way to school when we got there Keegan and Josh said they had football practice today so they had to stay after. Me and Gabby told them we will walk home. It took much convincing for them to finally let us walk home but they finally agreed. They whole day went by slow but im finally in 6th period with 10 minutes left.
"Destiny you ok today?" Zayn asked bringing me back to reality. I looked and him smiled and nodded. He smiled back. I didn't feel right today. In 1st period we had to talk about our parents. I could only say good things about my mom. It actually made me realize how muched I missed her. I have only been to her grave once. I felt a tear slide down my cheek and I instantly whiped it away.
The bell finally rang and I sighed in relif. I packed up all my stuff and walked out in the hallway. Gabby was already waiting for me. "Hey do you think we can go to my mom's grave before we go home?" I asked getting straight to the point. She looked confused. "You sure you want to Dest?" She asked. "Yeah just my mom though." She smiled and nodded.
We started walking down the now empty hallway. We were almost to the door when I felt a cold hand grab onto my wrist. Before I could reacted I was pulled back and slammed into the wall. I looked up and saw Nick. "Hey beautiful." He said grabbing my waist. "Let go you jackass." I said back. He lifted up his hand and backhanded me. "Don't test me Destiny. You know I have a short patience." He said grabbing my neck but to were I could still breath.
"Let me go!" I heard Gabby yell. I looked over to her. Jessie and Shane were holding her back. I looked back and Nick who was looking at me with lust filled eyes. He moved one of his hands to my thigh and started playing with my leggings. The other stayed around my neck. "You know Destiny. You should really leave Keegan and be mine." He whispered in my ear. I couldn't help but gag. He noticed and his hand shot up again. I waited for him to slap me again but it never happened.
"Let her go and leave before I chew you to piece's." My eyes shot open at the familiar voice. Zayn was standing there holding Nick's hand back. I looked at Nick who looked scared. "You'll get what you deserve." Nick said looking at me before he walked away. Shane and Jessie on his heels.
"Thank you. Gabby you ok?" I said. "I should be asking you that. Your the one that got hit." She looked a little shaken up. "I'm fine. Do you wanna go home or still go," I glanced and Zayn but looked back and Gabby before continuing "to the graveyard?"
"We can still go to the graveyard." She replied smiling. "Can I join? I would like to go see someone to. I can drive there and then give you guys a ride home." I looked up at Zayn. Who could he have lost? "Yeah you can come." I said smiling. We all walked out the school and out to Zayn's car. The whole way we only spoke a few words each. I could tell something was wrong with Zayn but I didn't know what.
When we got there Zayn parked the car and we all got out. "We can go to yours first." Zayn said. "Ok." I said back and led the way. I didn't know how I remembered where they were but we wound up right infront of there graves. I completly ignored my fathers grave and nelt next to my moms.
"Hey mom. I'm sorry I haven't come to see you. I just wanted to say I love and miss you very much." I felt tears fall from my face and on to her grave. "Well I have to go. I'll come see you more often. Love you." I stood up and looked down at her grave. I walked back to Gabby and Zayn. As I passed my dad's grave I didn't say anything.
"You ok Dest?" Gabby said as she pulled me in for a hug. I nodded and hugged her back. "Zayn lead the way." I said as we stopped hugging. He nodded and started walking. He stopped a few graves down. I watched as he sat down by the grave.
"Hey mom." I heard him whisper. My mouth fell open but I closed it right after. He whispered a few more other things and got up. "Ready to go?" He asked when he turned back to us. Gabby nodded but I just stood there. Thy both looked at me. "Im sorry." I said looking at Zayn. He raised an eyebrow at me. "For what?" He asked. "I didn't know you lost your mom to." I said my voice breaking. "No it's ok. She died 8 years ago when I was 10. I'm ok now." He said. He was acting perfectly fine.
"So you live with your dad then?" I replied. I knew I was getting personal but it slipped out. He shook his head no before replying. "My dad left when he found out my mom was knocked up with me. He said he didn't want kids." He said looking down at his shoes. Sadness flooded me and tears threatened to spill over but I held them back. "I'm sorry. Then who do you live with if you don't mind me asking." I said.
"No not at all. I used to live with my aunt but once I turned 18 she kicked me out and now I live in my car." My mouth fell open. I felt so bad. I walked over to him and hugged him. He hugged me back. That's when an idea poped in my head. "Hey you can live with us. We have an extra room!" I said happily. I looked at Gabby who was smiling.
"I don't think your brother and boyfriend would like that." He said. "They'll get over it. We'll talk to them tonight while you stay for dinner." I said smiling. He smiled back. "Ok if you insist." He replied. We did a group hug then walked back to the car.
They whole ride home we laughed and talked about crazy stuff. He asked me how my parents died and why I didn't say anything to my dad. I told him the truth and he apologized for asking. I told him it was cool. When we got to the house we at snacks and watched t.v. till the guys came home.
"Hey were home." Josh yelled as I heard the door open. I looked at Gabby who looked nerves. All the guys came walking into the living but stopped when they saw Zayn. "What are you doing in my house?" Josh asked as he walked over to Gabby and pulled her protectivly beside him. Keegan did the same to me.
"Destiny asked me over for dinner." He said as he stood up. Everyone looked at me. "Can I talk to you and Josh in the kitchen." I said pulling both them into the kitchen. Gabby was pulled into the kitchen to by Josh.
"Destiny why is he in my house?" Josh asked. I could tell he was straight pissed. "Josh you don't understand what he has been through. He has no one. He lives in his car and has to work whenever he doesn't have school. I don't know why you guys are being so rude to him when he didn't do shit to you guys. He isn't trying to get with me or Gabby. He already has his mind set on a different girl." I finished. Josh and Keegan looked at each other.
"And he saved me and Dest from N-" Gabby said but I interrupted her "He saved us from having to walk home." I said smiling. Gabby looked at me and got what I was doing. They didn't need to know what happened at school but with my bad lieing skills I knew they could tell we were hiding something.
"Babe what were you going to say?" Josh said looking down at her. My hand shot up to my cheek that I had hid with foundation when we got home. Gabby looked at me and I just nodded. "Nick hit Destiny while Jessie and Shane held me back." Keegan turned to me and of course saw my hand covering my cheek. He pried my hand away but looked at Gabby when he saw nothing. She nodded like she read his mind.
He grabbed a paper towel and wet it. He walked back over to me and whipped my cheek. There was a small cut from his ring and a brusie around it. Keegan looked mad. "Why did you try to cover it up?" He asked. I shrugged. It wasn't that big of a deal.
"Josh, I was wondering do you think Zayn could live here. His mom died and he never knew his dad. He has been living in his car ever sence his 18th birthday when his aunt kicked him out." He looked at me and his eyes softened. "I don't know Tiny. Are you sure he wants to?" I smiled. "i'm positive. All the other guys like him. It's just you 2 that don't." I said pointing to Josh and Keegan. Gabby laughed a little. I looked and Josh who was looking at Keegan and then at Keegan who was looking back at Josh. It was like they were reading each other's mind. Keegan nodded at Josh and Josh nodded back at Keegan.
I raised an eyebrow at Gabby who shrugged. Keegan was the first
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