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Book online «Perfect In his Eyes (finished) by Danielle Palmer (book club suggestions TXT) 📖». Author Danielle Palmer

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it want to him. “No keep it. It looks sexier on you.” He said peeking me on the lips before walking away. I stood there shocked.
Walking inside I tried to hide my smiles but it wasn't happening. I walked into the living and saw all the guys were still watching TV. There were no stops left so I sat on the floor with my legs crossed.
No one even noticed I was inside till Keegan looked over at me raping me with his eyes.
“KEEGAN STOP STAIRING AT ME.” I yelled looking at him wide eyed. “Oh sorry Dest.” We both laughed but then everyone looked over at me staring. I looked down to see what they were looking at and saw Shane's jacket. I looked back up and saw Josh getting up. I stood up really quick and looked at his face. “What's wrong? Did I do something?” I stood there trying to play it off. Think Destiny. Think. I could feel them all staring at me. “Oh t-t-his is what Gabby wanted to s-show me. Its cool huh? It's mine to k-keep. Her brother made it for me since he is on the b-basketball team.” I said taking it off and then realizing it had Shane's name on the back.I was done for it. “Um then why does it say 'Shane' on it.” Josh said furious. He hated Shane and he knew I was friends with him. He also knew I had a crush on him for like ever. “OK you know what Josh I don't care anymore. I'm dating Shane and there is nothing you can do about it.” I looked around noticing everyone was mad. They all had flame in their eyes. I was done and didn't want to hear what he had to say. “I DON'T WANT Y-” At this point I didn't care. I ran out the house and down the street to Shane's house. When I was around the corner from my house I called him.
Shane: “Hello baby.”
Me: “Hey um so they know. They saw your jacket and now I dont know what there going to do.”
Shane: “Ok hold on. Oh FUCK I did let you have my jacket huh?”
Me: “Yeah. So I don't know what to do.”
Shane: “I guess just go home and wait in your room till things blow over.”
Me: “Hold on someone is calling me.”

I looked down at my phone to see it was Ty calling me.
Me: “Shane let me call you back.”
I hung up the phone and answered when Ty called me again.
Me: “What Ty?”
Ty: “You can come home everyone else left but me and Jessie. I don't know where they went but you free to come.”
Me: “ Ok i'll be home in a sec.”
Shit. What am I going to do. I don't want Josh mad at me or any of the other guys but I love Shane. I walked around the corner and into the house.
“Hey Dest come here.” I heard Jessie say. I walked into the living room and stared at him waiting for him to talk. He could tell I was pissed and started talk. “ Just want you to know were only looking out for you. Shane is bad news.” Why can't everyone see Shane how I see him. I turned around and walk up stairs. Walking into my room I heard the front door open and the rest of them come inside. I slammed my door shut and locked it. Falling on my bed I fell right to sleep.



Me: “No daddy i'm sorry I really didn't mean to break it.”
Dad: “You break my table I break you.” He said snapping my wrist like a twig. I started screaming and crying.



I woke up to Josh holding me like he always did when I had nightmares of my dad. I was crying and holding my wrist. I opened my eyes and hugged Josh.
“I'm so sorry I woke you up.” I said looking at all the other guys that were in my doorway.
“It's OK just go back to sleep. But we have to talk tomorrow.” Josh said putting me back in my bed and covered me up. I didn't want tomorrow to come but I had already fell back asleep before I even realized.
The next morning I woke up at 10:36. I knew I had to face them today and tell them the truth and I was freaked out even thinking about it. When I looked in the mirror my make-up was every where. I wiped off most of it and threw my hair in a ponytail. Right when I was about to go down stairs I heard all the guys go running out of their rooms and down the stairs. I waited for a second an then walked down half way listening to there conversation.
“ Josh was last night all about? With Dest?” Anthony asked. All the other guys all chimed in saying “Yeah what was that?” at the same time.
“My dad use to hit Destiny and one day he even broke her wrist. That's why she has a scar on it. And almost every night she has nightmares about it.” Josh said. I could tell he wanted to say more but just left it alone. “Oh that's why she flinches when you grab her or something.” Ryan said. I knew he would say something. He's like that. “Yeah exactly” Josh said. I sat there for a second and then thought the longer I sit here the longer it's going to take for them to except the fact that me and Shane like each other a lot. I walked down the stairs and into the room. I wasn't going to be the first one to bring it up so I just grabbed a cup and got some apple juice. Walking out of the room into the kitchen I felt all eyes on me. Josh knew I was ignoring what 'we' had to talk about. I sat on the couch and heard them all come shuffling in after me. They all took there seat filling up the whole room.
“So are we going to talk or what?” Josh said looking across the room from where he was sitting.
“What do you wanna talk about?” I said being a smart ass. I smiled at him knowing he was going to blow up on me.
“You know what im talking about Destiny Cheyenne. Don't play dumb.” All the guys I looked at him surprised. I hate when people say my middle name.
“What's to talk about I already know what your going t-” He cut me off “ No you don't know. I was going to say you can date him but don't bring him around me.” All the guys looked at him gasping. “Your seriously going to let her date him Josh?” Damien said. They all joined in say “Yeah's?” and “Seriously?”
I was so shocked that he was going to let me date him that I didn't know what to do.
“Yes I am guys and if he breaks her heart then im done.” He said serous looking at all of them. “I'm with you on that one.” Bryce said. All the guys agreed. I ran and hugged Josh. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I screamed in his ear. “I wasn't done yet Destiny. Your not aloud to do anything but kiss. And not in front of any of us.” He said motioning to all the guys. I just laughed and hugged him. “Im serious Destiny.” He stop laughing and looked at me.
“Ok Josh I get it. But just one thing for me? Can you please just be nice to him? I wanted to have a party and I was hoping he could come?” I said giving them all puppy dog eyes.
“Fine. But not in the bedrooms alone. And we need to talk to him.” I thought for a second. “Yes to the first one and no to the second one.” I got up and ran to my room to grab my phone and text Shane.



Me: “Baby they know were dating! Oh and were having a party tonight and your coming!” I sent it to him.
I threw my phone on the bed and grabbed a towel and some clothes. I got in the shower washing my hair and body and getting all my make-up off. I wiped off my body and threw on my black tight fit skirt that went mid-thigh up. I grabbed my purple v-neck and pulled it on. It showed some of my chest and I knew Josh would be mad but that's how I liked it. I smiled just thinking about all their mad faces. I plugged in my straightener and did my make-up. Just a little bit of eyeliner and mascara. I straightened my hair and teased it. When I was finished I grabbed my purse and threw 200$ in it. Looking at my phone before I put it in my purse. I had a text from Shane.
Shane: “OK babe.”
I decided to call him instead of texting him.
Me: “ Hey baby wanna go shopping with me?”
Shane:”Yeah I’ll be over in a sec.”
Me: “Um no ima just go there.”
Shane: “ OK baby see you soon.”
I hung up the phone and ran down the stairs. “Josh ima go get Gabby then go shopping for a dress for the party tonight. Be home later. Oh and will you guys get drinks and stuff for the party?” I said walking into the living room. All the guys started drooling at me. I rolled my eyes and looked at Josh. “Dude guys stop staring at my sister.” They all looked away knowing he was mad. “Well bye guys.” I grabbed Shane's jacket and ran out the door.



I watched as Destiny threw on the jacket Shane gave her and run out the door. I shook my head. I had to change this. Wait? Wasn't Gabby away for the summer?
“Jake did Destiny say she was going shopping with Gabby?” I looked at him.
“Yeah. Why?” Jake looked confused. I looked at all of them.
“Shit. She lied to me.” I was furious. I grabbed my phone and dialed her number.
Destiny: “Hey big brotha what's up?”
Me: “Can I talk to Gabby?” I knew i'd catch her.
Destiny: “Um she is actually trying on a dress right now.”
Me: “Then can I speak to Shane?”
She gasped. I knew she was hesitating which made me realize she really did lie to me.



I didn't know what to say. I forgot he knew that Gabby was on vacation. I might just have to tell him the truth and hope he understands.
Me: "Im sorry Josh. Im with Shane. Please understand that I like Shane. If you don't want him to come to the party tonight then I understand. But understand that i wont be there either."
I hung up the phone. Im not going to let him ruin it. Ruin mines and Shane's relationship. My phone vibrated. Josh was calling me back. Shane took it from me and turned it off. He pulled me to him and whispered in my ear. "It's our time together. Do you wanna come over tonight? My parents are on a business trip. We can you know." He looked and me and smiled. I whispered on his lips "Sounds fun. I'll be there." We crushed our lips together. Licking his bottom lip he let my tongue enter his mouth. "I got to go." He said looking at his phone. "I got to do a couple things before you come

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