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stuff” he said I smiled
“So do you have any idea on what you want to be when you grow up, Sasha?” he sounded as if he was really interested
“Yes I do actually sir” I said smiling
“May I ask what it is you would like to be?”
“I want to be an author” I said and he smiled at me
“Do you right books?” he asked
“Yes I do sir, erm I think I have wrote 2 books so far that are completed and I am half way through my 3rd book” he smiled
“May I read one of your books” he asked me a blush slowly crept up on my face
“They erm, there about romance” I said looking down
“That’s fine could you bring one in tomorrow” he asked me I nodded and he smiled
“Well let me give you some work” I frowned
“Or I could doodle” I said, he smiled then nodded and I pulled out my paper and drew a bird sitting on a branch.
The bell went so I put my name on my doodle and left it on the table and walked over to gym. The teacher told us to do laps every one groaned but me I just started running and before I knew it the bell went I ran to the changing room and had a shower and got dressed so I was late to history only to find Mr. March was my teacher
“Get lost Miss Johnson?” he asked me I could see the amusement in his eyes remembering earlier I smiled
“No sir, I just had gym and I was still running when the bell went so I had to jump in the shower and get dressed sorry I am late and please call me Sasha” I said sitting in my seat
“That’s fine Sasha but don’t be late next time” he put emphases on my name
“Ok” I said lesson went so quick I found that the bell was going of just after 5 mins (but it had been an hour)
“Time fly’s when you’re having fun” I mumbled to myself
I met up with Rick and told him about my day and he said to ignore it so I did, I didn’t eat from the canteen, because I wasn’t hungry, so I earned my self a telling off by Rick saying that i should eat and all that
“What have you got last” Rick said dragging me away from my thoughts
“Erm art” I said with a smile
“Good” just then Rick’s friends came over and looked strait at me I blushed and looked down when they all smiled at me
“So who’s your bird” one of his friends asked I laughed they all looked at me and then at Rick he was blushing
“Sister” I said smiling
“Well that’s good then” one of the boys said
“Keegan no” Rick said I smiled at him then looked at Rick and back to Keegan
“Hello” he said holding out his hand I looked at rick and he nodded
“Heya” I replied
“Ok..., ill introduce you then” Rick smiled at the boys
“Ok this is from right to left Danny, Keegan, Lorenzo, Marco and Sammy” he said they all smiled
“Hey erm im Sasha” I said they smiled
“That’s a nice name” Lorenzo said I smiled ‘fit’ was all I could think when i looked at him, he was fitter than all the other boys and had manners ‘catch’
“So what you got now” Marco asked me
“Art” I said smiling
“Are you good at it?”
“Good she’s amazing” Rick said I blushed
“Im not that good” I said quietly
“Show them your doodle book” Rick said I gave it to him and he showed the others they looked impressed
“Wow” they all said
“Thanks” I whispered
Just then the cow came over and I sunk in my chair trying not to be noticed but of course she noticed me
“Soo you alright orphan” she said and then Rick stood up
“Excuse me” he said i stood up and grabbed his arm warning him to keep calm
“Rick... why are you sitting with her?” she said looking disgusted with him
“Because she’s my sister” he said she looked shocked
“Rick just, sit down please” I whispered
“No, she shouldn’t be bulling you should you Claudia” he said looking at her
“He’s right erm im sorry orph...”she cut her self short “I mean Sasha”
“S’okay” I mumbled and sat back down putting my hood over my head so they couldn’t see my face
Rick pulled my hood down and he saw that I was upset
“What’s up” he said
“Why am I treated differently” I whispered
“What do you mean differently?” he asked I tied my best not to cry, I saw all the boys looking at me in confusion
“Because im an orphan and im in a care home” I whispered back
“I don’t know they shouldn’t sash trust me, remember we are related so we are in the same boat” he said trying to make a joke out of it
“Then why are you not treated differently” I said I knew just as much as he did he couldn’t answer that one
“Exactly” I said standing up
“Wait were are you going” he asked me
“To lesson” i said walking away.
I had art with Mr. Edwards so we didn’t do much. So i just sat their thinking
“You know you shouldn’t think so much” the teacher said dragging me away from my thoughts
“So iv been told” I said smiling at him
“Do you want to talk about it” he offered
“Maybe later” I said he nodded
“I’ll hold you to that” he said I smiled just then Rick walked through the door
“Sir I need to talk to Sasha” he said walking my way
“Why? She is in a lesson can’t this wait” he said
“No” he said stubbornly
“Yes it can” I butted in
“But I need to...”
“No you don’t we can talk about this at home” I said giving him evils
“Fine” he said angrily and walking out slamming the door I looked down and let out a long breath
“Great” I mumbled
“Right class we are going to watch a movie” he said they all cheered but I didn’t
“May i be excused from the movie please” I said
“Yes i need to talk to you outside Sasha” he said i nodded and walked outside.
Two minuets later he came out and looked me in the eye
“So what’s up” I asked him
“Tell me what’s going on” he said softly and keeping at steady gaze with me
“It don’t matter, trust me” I said looking away from is steady gaze
“It does matter now tell me please” he said softly I shook my head
“If it’s troubling you it is important please” he said I looked at his face and I fell under his power and confessed everything
“Fine but you can’t tell anyone” I said
“Promise” he whispered back
“Right I lost my mum and dad after they walked out and I had to go to a care home and have been their ever since I was 10, anyway well some girl keeps calling me orphan and all that and I feel like im treated different just because of that” I whispered I could hear the pain in my voice so i know he could hear it too
He looked me in the eyes and I slid down to the floor and cried
“Give me two minuets please Sasha” he said walking away I tried with little success to slow my breath but he came back out of his room before I could slow it down
“Come with me” he said I stood up but fell back on the floor I felt so weak so i knew my legs had turned to jelly, he put his arm around my waist to steady me and then helped me walk over to an office
“Stay here” he said he walked in the office and then came back out with Mr. March
“Sasha?” he said shocked
“You know each other” Mr. Edwards said
“Yer Mark” Mr. March said looking at him
“Please come in and tell me the situation” he said looking at me
“No” I whispered then walked off i heard them calling me but I just decided instead of going back to lessons I will just go home
“I can’t tell another teacher. I aint a rat” I scolded myself for telling in the first place
“God how could I have been so stupid” I said angrily
“What’s wrong” James said as I walked in the house and stomped upstairs making sure I slammed every door I could get my hand on to warn people off. Once I got to my room in the attic I ran to my bed and laid their and cried myself to sleep.
Ricks point of view
“All I wanted was to talk to my sister I new it was hurting her to be treated different but nobody ever said anything to me” I said angrily to Lorenzo
“Because they know you kick the crap out of them” he said to me
“True” I mumbled
“Why don’t you just talk when you get home” Marco offered
“No she won’t talk to me” then I had an idea
“How about you guys come home and talk to her” I said
“NO. This is family business and no one else needs to be involved” Lorenzo said with an authority I sighed
“Fine” I mumbled just then Mr. Edwards walked into my class
“Excuse me sam... I mean Miss Brown but I need to speak to Rick” he said looking at me I grabbed my bag and walked out
“So what’s up” I said he smiled as if remembering something
“Erm Sasha has walked off” he explained I was confused Sasha would have never done anything like that he saw my confusion and explained more
“She told me why she was upset and broke down so I took her to the head teacher and told him and he wanted to talk to her but she said no and ran off” he explained
“WHAT!!” I yelled he looked shocked that i flipped out
“Why would you rat her out? She doesn’t want attention as it is being new and that, and you go give her more” I spat he looked down as if her was sorry
“It needed to be sorted out, Im sorry if I have offended her but she must know that know matter how big the problem is a problem shared is a problem halved” he said looking at me
“Not with sash she’s not like that. She wants no attention, she wants to be quit get on with her work and not be bother just fade into the back ground” I said angrily
“I apologise” he said
“Don’t apologise to me” I spat and walked back into the class room mad as hell.
“What’s going on” Keegan, Danny, Marco, Sam and Lorenzo said together
“She confessed something to that teacher that came in hear and he ratted her to the head and she ran off” I said looking down
“What?” they all said confused im guessing as why i was so mad
“She didn’t want attention so she thought she could deal with it, but ended up braking down in front of a teacher and he told and now there is too much drama for her so she ran” I said sadly
“Go to her now” Lorenzo said as if disgusted with me being their with them now
“I can’t...lesson” I said the all nodded but not Loz
“Listen Loz why don’t you come home with me and help me talk
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