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Book online ยซI Don't Want To Love 2 : Don't Give up On Me by Nyree (if you give a mouse a cookie read aloud .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Nyree

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a loud howl.

Fara,fara wake up honey stay with me.I could hear the panick in his vioce.I opened my eyes to see his face one last time.I gave him a little smile.I felt his cold embrace around me.Don't worry Fara you'll be at the hospital in no time.I felt the rush of air him my face.Try and stay with me Fara don't give up on me.I tried to hold on to what was left of life.But it was like grabbing nothing but air.I felt the feel of a soft bed under me.I heard voices surounding me.I felt Darrens hard cool touch in my hand.

After about what i think was an hour of pain was over i felt Darren's hand again and small more unfamiliar voices surrounding me.Mr. welsh i have bad news for you.Yes doctor is She going to be alright.We think so,her vitalls are fine.But i'm sorry to tell you Darren that she is in a coma.I could feel his face on mine.No i can't be in a coma.I feel fine.I wanted to yell i'm fine rapeddidly but my mouth wouldn't move a muscle.I look around and it was dark.I saw something in the distance whearing a white outfit.Welcome Ms. Mackavie.Welcome were,were am i.I knw you must have many question for me but i will try to answer most them if i can.My name is Stacy Aini and this is Inner Thoughts.Okay,what the hell is Inner Thouhts?Well to specific were in you're mind.

Chapter 4 : I'M A Fighter

The werewolf that bit you was sent by the witches to carry a specific disease or spell to obsorbe into you're blood and slip you into a coma.

The only way you will wake up is that you fight the watchoo.Okay so now i guess you want to know what a watchoo.Damn skippyi do.Well the watchoo is a demon like figure that kills those in a coma.The only way for you to wake up it for you to kill it.If you die hear you die in real life.So then what are you hear for then?I'm hear to help and to train you.To you except my help,if not i guarantee you will see,touch,smell or hear Darren never again.Can you live with your self if that ever happened Fara.I turned back around and listened to the voices around me.I felt something cold touch my forhead and then it touched my hand.Come on Fara you got to fight this.I can't loose you,not to day not ever.My eyes teared up and then i started to cry.I felt his fingers wipe away a tear on my face.I wish i could have helt his hand.Okay i accept the challenge that watchoo has offered.

She raised her hand out to me and in it was a blue button.Press the button and we will start your training. I pressed the button and a bright light blue flash filled the room.You are now in the training facility and this is were you will train.You are hear for one thing and one thing only.And what is that?You are hear to win the battle,to defeat the watchoo.I looked around and to most people would probubly say that this place was the ultimate home gym.Stacy do i really need to train,besides i have magic on my side.I'm sorry Fara but in your mind you have no magical powers of any kind.Damn it,kay so what do we do first with my training.

Were going to start you off with the punching bag.I was traing so long it felt like weeks of training.I punched,kicked the bag.Then i fought a martial arts fighter to determin if i was ready.I did judo,karate every form of martial arts fighting.Darren made me more and more determined to fight to brake this evil spell.Every day he was right beside me,waiting for me to open my eyes.Fara you are ready to face he watchoo.You are the watchoo ninja.She took me were all of the weapons were.There were sords,granades,guns,ninja stars.Pretty much any known weapong known to man was there.She gave me everything a ninja would need to fight anything or beast..She took my hand and coaxed me towards the door.I opened it and i saw i was in a hospital.

I looked all around and there was darren holding my hand stareing at me.My heart started to pound in my chest and it showed up on the moniter.I touched his face and i whisperd to him " I won't stop fighting for you".He turned his head in my direction as if he heard what i was saying. I touched his smooth cool face,from the distance a little high pitched voice called my name.Fara we must hurry the beast will soon be near.I looked at her and then looked back at him.i blew him a kiss goodbye and ran towards Stacy.You must go back to were it all began.I stared at her with the look of confusion.The house was where you were bitten and that is where you must go to end the watchoo.

I walked out of hospital and ran towards my apartment.I walked in the beat up apartment and looked around.I saw the wall that Darren was thrown into.As i moved closer and closer towards my room the wether got colder and colder.My heart started to beat slower.As my heart rate slowed i could hear Darren's breathing get rougher.I wondered what was going on but i really didn't pay it much attention.I walked towards my room.In the shaodows stood the black and red figure with bright fire red eyes.It spoke in this dark beep voice "You have come a long way Fara.I have been sent by the witches to kill you.I will make you a deal if i make you tap out in this ring three times then you will die and i will send your soul to the witches."Yeah and what if i win.Ha if you win i will let you live,go back to you're world and leave you alone forever.But there really no chance of you leaving hear alive.Okay watchoo i except your challenge,what are the three events.The first event is kick boxing,the second event is called tap-out and the third event called armed weapons.

So where is the ring.The watchoo pointed towards the center of the room,then a black swirling vortex.A bright flash went of and in an instant second a caged ring apeared.I stepped in the ring and i saw the monster up close.He was as a little less scare but i was still afraid.The first challenge was kick boxing an i new i was going to wit that hands down.The rules are simple Faraganda.The first person knocked down for longer that ten seconds you loose this round. The bell rang and thats when i new i can't loose.I punched and kicked the watchoo but it seemed like nothing had even touched him.Then the watchoo punched me in my stomache and then my face.I felt every bit of it.I fell to the mat a few times but i kept focusing on Darren voice asking me to keep fighting and not to give up and i did just that.I used ti chi and focused all of my energy and anger towards my punches and my kicks.

And that was when i saw a few bruises apear on it's face.Your love for this creature is strong Fara.I have someone who loves me and i'm not giving that up.The more and more it talk the energy i felt and i found out it wasn't energy at all ,it was love.My love for him made me stronger.I did a spin around kick and i swair i herd his jack brake as soon as my foot had contact with his face.He fell to the ground.The ref started counting "1,2,3.....9,10".The winner and new champ Faragand Mackavie. The watchoo stayed down for a few minutes.We moved to the second round and i saw more fire in it's eyes.He was mad and i didn't care i was going to get out of hear and see my future husband again and huge him.In this round you must make you opponent tap out 3 times.I looked at him with confident eyes.

He growled at me and beared his teeth at me like he was going to win.I smiled at him.The ref blew his wistle and the watchoo came charging at me.He slmost pinned me till i got him into a head lock.He tapped out once and then twice.But i know this time wasn't going to be easy as the rest of the tiimes.He pinned me down on the ground.Tap out girly your never going to win.I listend and heard Darren still sitting there in the room waiting for me to wake up.I didn't care i would rather have every bone in my body broken in this ring than have Darren go through the torture of seeing me in a coffin dead and never comeing back to life.I closed my eyes and lifted my self off of the mat.I lunged back ward and smashed hin into the metal cage.As soon as it let go of me i twirled around and put him into a head lock.He didn't want to tap out but i just tightened and tightened it.His read and black fce started to get lighter and lighter.As i helt kept him in the chokehold i started to breath a lot less easier.Then he finally taped out.

You have beaten me in the first two rounds and i will admitt that you are a worth opponet.But i have a trick up my sleeve.Have you noticed your breathing getting slower and and that it's getting harder to take in oxygen.Yeah what did you do to me.My pressece make you're hart beat less and less to your very last breath.So the lllonger i'm near you the less i breath.I could barely breath any more and i just kept on tring.I i tried to listen back to what was going on with Darren.Hey doctor is she doing any better.I'm sorry to tell you Darren but her heart rate is droping every second.At this rate she might die by tonight.No she can't dieshe won't.I could hear the pain and dispear in his voice and i started to cry again.Doctor is their something that you can do to bring her rate back up.No nothing we just have to hope for the best.

See in a few minutes you minutes you will die.Stop the talking and lets get to the final round.He smiled at me for a quick second.Okay in the final round one of us must die.The last person alive wins.Wasit why didn't we have this in the beginnging.Hello,because i have an advantage of you're death happening real soon.choose your weapon.I choose my two favorites and they were the samuria sords.They were sharp,long,black.What is your weapon watchoo.I choose my sharp claws and teeth.He bared his teeth and showed his long sharp claws.The ref blew the wistle and the animal in him really came out.I could feel darrens hand squeezing me a little everytime my heart rate dropped.I took in a deep
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