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Book online ยซI Don't Want To Love 2 : Don't Give up On Me by Nyree (if you give a mouse a cookie read aloud .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Nyree

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is tha my lamp from the apartment?Yeah most of the things in the apartment i moved hear.I can't wait for you to see the rest of the house.

Honey can you ge me some water please,i'm kinda thirsty.Sure,he flashed out of the room and then back in.Hear you go,somehing to quench your thirst.He handed me this red liquid.I don't want kool-aid,i kinda wanted water or some milk.Trust me,this will deal with that thirst.I started to drink the red liquid and it tasted nice.The burn in my throat started to disapear.This is good,what is this?Don't freak out okay.Yeah,sure,what ever.You drinking blood.Normally if someone would have giving me blood i probubly would have puked it up and freaked out.But thinking about it and and feeling the kids kick me,i couldn't be mad.Besides it tasted pritty good.

Can i have some more please.Sure,coming right up.He flashe out.I looked out the window on my left.The house was posissioned so nicely that it over looked the moutains and the trees.I walked towards the window and saw the tree's,the moutains,the roads and some of the city.It's beautiful isn't it,he handed me a cup and wrapped his arm around me.Thank you and yes it's beautiful.I thought you would like house with a veiw.Do you want to see the twins room?Yeah,i can't wait.He took my hand and guided me down the hallway.Their were two doors at the end of the halway one door was named Sophia in sparkeled letters.Then the other door had the name Sapphire also in sparkeled letters.

I opened and walked through the door that said Sophia.The room was a light shade of pink.There was a little crib.The room had shelves with a few books on them.I was amazed by how wonderful it looked.I saw a second door.That door leads directly to Sapphires room.I walked through it.The room was almost the same way.The wall was a light shade of yellow,shelves with a few books on them.I started to cry a little bit.Do you think they will love it.I grabbed his hand and placed it on my stomach.They started to kick a little bit more than normal.Yes i think they'll love it.He smiled at me and then gave me a hug.I had a soon to be family and i couldn't wait.

My stomache started to growl and rummble.I'll make you some lunch,what do you want?I don't know something good suprise me.He kissed me and then vanished.I went back to our room and took a nice long shower.I went to the closet to find something for me to wair.I walked down the hall and followed the smell of eggs and bacon.I looked threw the house,seeing some of the rooms.I saw the living room and i was beautiful.White table.T.v and a fire place.I walked to through the room towards the kitchen when i saw Darren sliding food onto plates.Wow,all i can say is wow.He smiled at me and then chuckeled a little bit.

So i take it that you like the house then.Like it i love it.It's so big open and vibrant.Every thing in each room goes with with each other.Well i guess i should call my sisters and my mother so you can thank them.They did all of this.Yeah,i halped a little bit though.I'm sure you did.I flashed him a sarcstic smile and looked away.Ha ha,very funny.What,i just don't see you as the decorative type.

What every,i made you some oatmeal,an omlet,bacon.I didn't know what you want to drink so..Okay i'll have some milk please.Sure.The Way Darren cooked i thought i had my own private chef cooking for me.Hey i i always wondered why theyspelt the word chef with a ch.Why not spell it with a sh.When your in kindergarten you your abc's and that each letter says to sound like A it sounds like Ah and Ey.Are you seriously talking about letters and sounds and how they should be prononced and spelt.Why yes i am.I'm random like that thank you very much.I know and thats another thing i love about you.

Yeah yeah,i know.Ah.What whats going on.I think my water just broke.I'm about have these kids.

Chapter 9:Giving Birth Is A Bitch

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!.The pain was agonizing.It felt like somone was braking every bone in my body slowly.Then they tried to ground me into dust.I felt my ribs brake,my spine snap.My pelvis shatter like glass.Hold on Fara,I got you.He picked me up off the floor and carried me into this dark grey room.It looked like a miniature hospital set up in my own house.He laid me on the bed and stuck a neddle in me.I felt the kids thrashing on my stomach.I heard a sudden voice call from the hall way.Darren answered back.

She's in hear.Okay Darren i'm really gonna need you're help hear.Yeah okay doc what ever you need me to do i'll do it.Fara do you think you can push?I looked at him,Yeah i think i can.I started to push,It felt like hell but i kept on trying.Okay fara you can stop now.What the matter doctor,Why did you stop her from pushing?I think the placents had hardened,we have to move quickly.Why?Becuse if we don't hurry then the baby could possible sofacate.I looked at them both scared.Can you give her some morphine and some anesthesia.He put the mask on my face,in minutes i felt the anesthesia working.I barely felt him stick the needdle in my body and pump this fluid into me.

I felt the sharp knife cut into my skin,I screamed a little bit,but i tried not to.I knew that Darren didn't want to see me like this.In all this pain.Being ripped and cut open like a peice of meat.I jerked a little bit But something helt me down.I stared up at the seeling,i saw a grey figure above me.It's going to be just fine Fara,we'll get through this together,Forever.The sound of the word forever made me smile,that was the last thing i heard for a while.

I started to awake to this burning feeling in my skin.It felt like some one was holding a lit lighter under my skin.I felt the pain burning and scortching me.I looked around and i wasn't on fire.Since i just went the the pain of child birth it didn't hurt the same amount.But it was pretty damn close to it.Pain and the bin started to receed.My skin felt warm again.I felt a warm touch on my forhead.I opened my eyes in wonder of who was touching me.Hey.My eyes focused on the face stairing at me.I jumped off the bed and next to the wall and crouched,ready to atack.I examined the figure walking towards me slowly.Don't atack me please?The voice sounded familiar but different.I jumped at the figure.I knocked it down and looked at it more.

I heard it speak,but it's lips didn't move.Darren,i stared at the beautiful man.He lied on the ground and stared at me.Yeah it's me,can you please loosen your grip on my neck.I didn't realize i was chokeing him till he said something.Oh sorry,i just stared at his beautifly flawless face.He touched my face,it didn't feel cool like it use too.It was smooth and warm.He kissed me and i felt the urge to grab him and never let go.He pulled away.What did i do?Nothing,you just have to be alittle bit gentel with me.I was kinda happy to feel all the power and strenght.I kinda felt invinsable.

He kissed me more feircely and passionetly.I finally know what i was missing when Darren kised me.I returned the same way,but i tried to be gentel.He rapped his arms around me and held me close.It felt like something was missing.Something that was there was no longer there.I pulled away and normally i don't.I looked down and saw my flat no bulged stomach.Were are they?He looked at me and then looked away.Sophia and Sapphire are with my family.You in your state right now you're not ready to see them yet.You must be hungry so lets go.Go where?You need to feed before you can see or be around anyone human.I thought about what he said for a few seconds but i didn't care that much.I kissd him ans said "Okay,lets get this over with".I wasn't really hungry or thirsty in my case.

I'll race you down stairs.Sure,on your marks,get set,GO.I ran and i could see everything that i past.It was like i was walking and seeing everything in super hide defination.But a lot better.I guess now i know how bella felt in breaking dawn when she turned.I never had t worry about not seeing any of my family again when i became a vampire because they were all gone.I could see evey leaf,pice of dry dirt,bug.Pretty anything a human normally wouldn't see at these speeds.We stopped at the middle of the forest.

I felt him stare at me.But i didn't mind,i was kinda use to it.Your so beautiful.I turned around and kissed him.Thank you,thank you very much.I wonderfull smell passed my nose.It made my throat burned a little bit.Something in me just said run.So i ran,i started to hear the beat of it's heart.I stopped looked at the creature and leaped.It was a wolf.It smelt soo good,ven better close up.I held it to the ground.At first i watched it squirm and try to bite me.But i bit it first.I sank my sharp teeth in to wolfs neck.My teeth cut through it's shin and meat like but.I felt it hit one of it's veins.The rush of blood hit my tongue.At first i let the blood rush into my mouth.

When the blood started to slow i sucked it.Pulled the rest out of a wolf and into my mouth.As soon as their was no more blood in the dead wolf i stood up.I saw Darren sitting i the tree out of the corner of my eye.What are smileing at?Well theres alot
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