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Book online ยซI Don't Want To Love 2 : Don't Give up On Me by Nyree (if you give a mouse a cookie read aloud .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Nyree

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ran my fingers up and down his hard,chizzeled chest.I didn't want to move or go any where today.I just wanted to stay hear,in my soft bed with him.But i started to think about Sapphire And Sophia,who would probubly be wakeing up right about now.I just can't amagine it,any of it.I never imagined my self a mother at my age.So many good things were happening to me.I had a wonderfull husband,two beautifull kids,a new loving family.I just tring to prepare my self for the bad thats soon to come.Who's gonna try and come after me or who's going to try and come after my family.I would rather die before anyone or anything comes after the ones i loved.I have to addmit it but some of the times did have thoughts of suicide.

I thought it would make eveyones life easier.But i new with Darren it wouldn't and i two lovely daughters.I am prepared for anything now.When the twins get big i really want to teach them how to use there powers together.When there together they can creat force feilds so strong nothing can go through them and electricity that would stunn ten million men and taze a tazer.I could keep imagining the outcomes of there power together as one.Whats wrong Fara you looked terified and then happy.I looked at him with a fake smile like nothing was going on.But there really was a lot going on in my head.
I went to the bathroom and combed out the nots and tangles in my hair.I ran to the closet and picked out pair of faded blue jeans and a tube top.I tooke a shower even though i really didn't have to.I like the smell of soap.Besides i was use to takeing a shower so much every morning it's become a habbit.The water hit my back and it just beaded off.It kinda tiny little fingers pokeing me.I got dressed and put my hair into a pony tale.I couldn't get use to my face.What do you think?Nice.very beautifull.If i could have blushed i would have.

He got dressed in less the amount of time it took me.I sat on the bed watching him get ready.then i watched the sun rise.There we so many colors emenating from the sun.Then i saw the the tree's sway in the wind.I took my hand and pulled me slightly up into his arms.I smiled and then said "The twins".He smiled and said "Okay".I know most of his smiles and those smiled take us places.Spmetimes they took us to happyvile,then twin vile,then awckwardvile.Their were lost of viles.I sometimes couldn't keep track of most of them.Ready?Yeah you bet.He grabbed my hand and kissed it then me.

A few quick jumps and stides,we were there in no time.I saw Sophia starring out the window,i guess she was looking for us.I ran through the door and smiled at her.I saw Sapphire in Rodricks arms still asleep.Sophia was wide awake.She tuched and grabbed my hair a few times.She did look more like me.The fact that i have two beautiful baby girls finally started to sink in a little bit.I just loved spending time with then.I saw how Sapphire liked her father more and how Sophia loved me more.But we showed them the same amount of love for both of them.Over the course of a few days.The twines started to get taller.

They were just two months old and they both looked like they were almost a year and a half old.

We took them home with us a few weeks later.The loved there rooms.After there first birthday they started to talk to us like they were actually ten years old instead of one.When they talked and showed use how strong they were getting it just amazed me.sophia wanted her room Painted a hot pink colr wich was my my least faveorite color in the world.I kinda just wanted to put that out their.She wanted that color in her room so we repainted it.Darren and i didn't mind because we had nothing better to do at one in the morning.Sapphire wanted her rooms painted a light blue it dark blue spots on some of the walls.

We did the same thing with her when she was asleep we painted.The children were very picky with what they ate,wore,did and much much more.Sophia would mostly eat human foods and where cool vibrant colors.Sapphire ate/drank mostly nothing but blood,a few human foods.But not many because she complaind about certain smells.

I had to agree with her,some of the food smelt terrible.They mostly smelt like rotting fish that were left outside in the hot sun for a few hours.After a few months i started to get use to the smell.We would have put Spphire and Sophia in school by now but we wanted to wait till the looked a little bit older.we sometimes wen tot the welshes house and brought the twins over to see them.Other times they came over hear to see them.We tought them sometimes how to use there powers seperatly and together.

Sophie can create orbs of electricity.I saw how much fun she was having throwing them at the tree.Sapphire she could create felids around things and people.Them both combined and working together could create elictrical force feilds and mini orbs.

They fought some of the times,no one really one anyway.My power startd to set into me as well.I didn't tell anyone till i was sure about what i had.I could read the minds of the people i focus on.I Kinda liked ease dropping on people.It's been quiet for tyhe past couple of weeks.No weird creature has came nocking on my door and tried to kill me or my family yet and i'm SOOOO FREAKING HAPPY ABOUT THAT !!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 11:Damn It,Why Are You Hear

Day's started to pass and my little daughters started to turn big.The twins were almost my height.Sophia started to looke more like Darren than me.Sapphire didn't change at all.The both started to change less and less each day.To the untrained eye you could Barley even notice a change in height or size.

Sapphire stayed in her room most of the times reading,Practicing her powers.She was a determined child.Sophia was a go with the flow kinda girl.She read a little hear and there,mainly watched t.v.She only practiced her powers when she was board and wanted just to burn thing.The kids realy didn't need use that much after They were 5 years old.Julie and Maddie kept on saying that they look like eight year olds.Everyone and everything was cool,calm and collected.The kids were with his our family because they were missing then.Finally me and Darren can have a proper honeymoon with no kids,family,people none of that for one full weekend.

But that all changed as soon as the bell rang.Let it ring.No what if it's about Sophia or Sapphire.He looked at me with a sad expression on his face.Just give me a sec.Okay fine,go get the door.I booked it out the room faster than normally.I opened the door and their he was again.I never thought i would see his face again.The last time it was hard to say good by to him.Well it wasn't that hard because i left,moved and got married on.I looked into his Sea blues yes for a second.My mouth opened in aw.Mathew hey.I'm not trying to be rude or anything but why are you hear.Thats the way you treat an old friend.I said hi or hey.

I just wanted to see and old friend.Yeah then why are there two big bags.Well since you want to jump to the point like that.I need a place to stay can you help me with that.I heard Darren footsteps slow as he walked towards us.Mathew don't you have any other place?My family was killed a few years ago,so now i have no one.I'm really sorry to hear that Darren.I know how it feels.Yeah,you were the only person i could think of and that i trusted.Darren finally came in and rapped his arm around my waist.I thought you said a second.Mathew stared at me and then Darren.

I focused on what Darren was thinking about for a second.He wasn't too happy with this guy who obviously had or still has a thing for me wanting to stay.

Then i focused on what Mathew was thinking for a second.He looked the my left hand and layed ontop of Darrens.He had a suprised expression on his face for a second and then his face went back to like he didn't see anything.He kept on saying in his head "Why she marry this loser" and "Why didn't she want to be with me" and "I still love her".I smiled a little at the last thought.Darren honey this is my old friends Mathew.He was wondering if he could stay with use for a while.Hey Darren do i still have that apartment downtown.Yeah why,OH oh i understand.Mathew i have a perfect place for you.Darren where's the key.I'll go get it.He kissed me and released his grip on my waist.So Darren how have you been?I've been good,traveling.Where did you go?Many places.

So how did you find me.I asked a couple of people in town.Oh okay.Darren reappeared dangeling a pair of keys in front of my face.Thank you honey,No problem,he kissed my face and dissapeared to some part of the house.

Darren i'll be back in a little while.He reappeared behind the door.where are you going?I gota show Mathew were the apertment is.Oh okay,what car are you taking?i don't know the Honda Civic is that okay.Yeah i don't care.Where are the keys?Their in the kitchen on the fridge.Thank you,you two stay hear and chat.I ciuld tell that Darren hatd him for some reason that i didn't understand.I could tell We were probubly going to have to retry the first honeymoon AGAIN.

I listened in as i got the keys slowly.Mathew's breathing tensened.Darren started
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