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more Female Dominionites, female demons from Demarian’s Realm, and more. The only way to fight her with as much magic and power she’s got is with brute force and hefty magic.”
“We need to put our qualms about not hurting women out of our heads.” Lady Adellandra’s own twin Adarramena was known as the Grand Magus of the Realms as her sister was Lady Guardian. “These women are more powerful than their male counterparts used to be.”
“At least we got rid of Bane and Orthos, eventually.” Dran’a’vir remarked. His best friend Karrath nodded.
“It would seem the women were the true power behind their males.” Karrath supplied. “We have to treat MagDaliah and whomever she’s gathered like any other evil opponent.”
“With due care,” Lady Adellandra sighed. “Can’t we bring Destria for this? She’s dealt with MagDaliah and her female-minions before.”
“If you want to lose yourself again, dearest, go for it.” Draconis growled. “The last time you merged with her, she took over you and caused destruction around the Demon Realms. Not even Demarian could control you.”
“Point taken,” Lady Adellandra remarked. “What about the Companion Armies along with our own Draconian?”
“Last time we did that, she turned our own Lady fighters against us.” Drakkar remarked.
“Which brings us to where we started,” Sir Anton supplied. “No amount of magic – Draconian, Wolfkin, Mystic or otherwise – is going to stop her this time.”
“I do believe we have something this time around that we didn’t then.” Dranus eyed his twin. “Lexi and Dia.”
“Are you able to, after the resurrection spell, Alexia?” Lady Adellandra asked, worried.
“Never underestimate me, Lady.” Alexia grinned. “I’m Draconian and Ancient Mystic, same as you. We heal fast.”
Lady Adellandra nodded, grinning at her new Branna.
“We also have Dia,” Dracora looked at her own twin. “All of Dratyr’s children are powerful together.”
I can speak for myself, ‘Cora. Dia frowned. She opened her mind to the group and sent. I might not be any help, for my powers are still weakened.
“We’ll work with you, Kana.” Brakkon announced. “Meanwhile, we need to form a plan.”
“She’s not done anything yet, Dratyr.” Drakkar supplied. “Has she?”
Alexia nodded. “She’s been terrorizing innocent children, Bratton.” She supplied. “The entire reason I’ve returned is to help fight her. I believe if we pull together the power of Ishanar, we might have a chance of destroying her for good.”
Draconis cried, “Ishanar! Are you mad?”
Lady Adellandra looked at her Branna and had an idea of what she was thinking. “She’s got a point. Didn’t you teach me that the Power of Ishanar is a formidable foe for those that wish to harm us?”
“Well, yes, but –” Draconis sighed. “Do you happen to remember what we did Samhain some-odd years ago, and why we’re both Realm- and Earthbound to handle it?”
Lady Adellandra grinned, “Exactly.”
“I don’t understand.” Lady Adarramena remarked. “How can we pull the Power of Ishanar to help us battle MagDaliah?”
“All it takes is a little Family Binding.” They all heard a female voice behind them. They turned to see Brakkon’s two Mystic mates coming up to them, hand in hand.
It was Lady Locarra that spoke. “Power wrought by the Binding is power unparallel.”
“The only way to do so is to bind the families together.” Lady Sibylline responded, eyeing both Dragonwolf twins. “I do believe the Lady Guardian and Grand Magus have already done half the work for us.”
“You’re saying we should do the same with the Draconian Families?” Karrath asked, speaking up and eyeing his own mate.
Both women nodded. “Males, along with females, must work together.” Locarra supplied.
“’Cara-mia, how do you know?” Brakkon asked.
The women looked at each other. “It has been ForSeen.”
“So it has.” Lady Adellandra supplied softly, staring into space. When Draconis looked, he saw her eyes were purest of silver, a sign her Goddess-form was Speaking, and all should listen. Once the Goddess of Light A’isha had their attentions, She spoke again. “Dark Ladies and Dark Lords never think when in war. The time of Ishanar’s ascension is here, and the way to balance will be clear. Work together, not apart, and you will find in your heart, the Path for Peace will be Here.”
Lady Adellandra’s eyes closed and her body fell limp in her mate’s arms.
“I guess that’s our cue to depart.” Anton broke the tense silence.

The Battle Room was soon empty but the twins of Dia and Dracora and Dracora’s mate Karrath.
“Visit with Dran’a’vir, m’love.” Dracora instructed, kissing Karrath’s lips.
He knew when to obey and could sense the twins needed some time alone.
Once he left, Dracora and Dia stared at each other.
“Dia,” was all Dracora could supply before hugging her dear, silent twin. “I knew you would return one day. I just hoped it would not be under these circumstances.”
Dia hugged her sister back, still trying to think of what their last words were. I’m just sorry our last words to each other were in anger. I never meant to hurt you.
Dracora held back, looking into her sister’s eyes. “I do not even remember what the fight was about.” She grasped Dia’s hands in hers. “Is your voice still silenced? Why do you not speak aloud? Use to be once you spoke, it would be hard to silence you.”
Dia knew she was teasing, and smiled. “So much has changed, Sita.” She used the Ancient Wolf-Speak word for ‘sister’, her voice scarcely above a whisper. “I am afraid I will not adjust properly.”
“It takes time.” Dracora supplied, squeezing their joined hands. “Has anyone given you the Memories yet?” Dia shook her head. “Do you wish to learn what you have missed, from the good to the bad?”
Dia gulped and nodded her head. “All that you know. It is my will.”
Dracora placed her fingers to her sister’s temples, sharing memories of over two-hundred years with her.
It took a moment, but when they were finished, Dia stared at her. “It would seem I have been resurrected in the nick of time.”
Dracora nodded. “That you have. We will figure everything out together, I promise.”
Dia smiled.

That afternoon, Lady Alexandria and the Empress walked the Garden that surrounded the castle’s rear.
“May I ask you a personal question?” Alexia asked.
“Always Alexia,” Adellandra grinned warmly.
“Do you remember what you say as your Goddess-form?”
“As A’isha is my truest form, of course I remember.” Adellandra said. “Even I have to work out what riddles the Goddess-form Relays.”
Alexia grinned. “You have changed, Adellandra.”
“Is it so bad for one to change and grow?”
“Oh, never!” Alexia cried. “Change is good.”
“If you are worried about the Blood-Link and what it will do to you, do not.” Adellandra supplied. “All that I am is now a part of you. The only reason I Linked us is so we would be able to sense each other when we’re apart.”
“I’m not worried about that.” Alexia looked at her palm, which now bore a crescent-moon shaped scar.
Adellandra studied her Branna carefully, daring to use Tel-empathy to sense her worried thoughts. A memory-vision flashed before her eyes. It was a time when they both were much younger and long before she was ever mated to Draconis.

Young Adellandra Dranna and Alexandria Dratianos sparred with wooden swords in Sir Airemus’ arms class. The two of them fought with such precision and perfection, they seemed to dance. The purple winds of the Companion Wolfkin magic came from Adellandra whilst the red winds of Draconian Magic came from Alexandria. Their dance produced ribbons of their ever-winding dual magic together, forming intricate symbols in the air.
All was silent around them. There was nothing but their sparring dance.
“Adellandra!” Sir Airemus cried, realizing the Wolfkin magic coming from his daughter was being pulled out of her. “Yield, both of you!”
“Aye, Sir!” They huffed, stopping and standing at attention.
The winds of both their magic dissipated.
“What have I told you about using magic in a duel?” Sir Airemus asked both of them, frowning.
“Lose your magic focus, lose the fight.” Adellandra had said. “I know, Dratyr, but.”
“No buts, Adellandra Dranna.” He supplied. “You will learn to battle without your magic. Only when you learn without it will you begin to learn with it. Is that clear?”
“Aye, Sir.” Adellandra bowed her head.
“Princess Alexandria?”
“Aye, Sir.”
“Very well then.” Sir Airemus remarked.
Adellandra had a mischievous smile on her face once he turned his back. She nudged Alexandria and waved her hand toward her father’s blade that lay dormant in its sheath by his side.
Alexandria watched as Adellandra’s own reddish-purple magic wind came from her fingers and headed to visually grab her father’s blade from its sheath. As he moved, the blade simply stood in air, mocking him.
He noticed his students were laughing around him, or trying not to laugh. “What is so funny?”
Another of the Royal Dratianos siblings pointed to the blade that was hanging in air.
Before he turned, Adellandra closed her hand and the blade returned to its sheath.
Sir Airemus couldn’t help smiling at his daughter’s antics.
The girls grinned at each other, sharing a private moment that would tie them together as friends for the rest of their lives.

Thinking of that scene now, Lady Adellandra shared it with her new Branna. “Are you worried that I have grown so hard, I am no longer the playful Dragonwolf pup you once knew?”
Alexia nodded. “What I’m worried about is your skills at a fighter.” She teased, stopping in their tracks and tapping her sheathed sword. “Can you fight without using your magic?”
“I would not be here if I couldn’t.” Adellandra pet Spirit at her back. “Shall we Dance, Branna?”
“And risk you killing me?” Alexia asked, grinning. “You’re on!”
They sparred for the better half of an hour before noticing they had an audience.
Alexia could vaguely see the forms of both sets of parents and siblings. She ignored them, continuing to test the Lady’s powers.
“Now, Adella, show me what magic you can do!”
“I’d rather not, Branna,” Adellandra huffed, sidestepping and watching Alexia’s blade, “for I’ve grown quite powerful as of late.”
As their blades crossed in a ‘T’, Alexia looked into her Branna’s eyes. They were pure silver.
“A’isha!” Alexia yielded, stepped back and bowed.
“’Bout time you showed up again.” Lord Brakkon Dratianos supplied as the group walked up to them. “Good sword-work, by the way.”
“Who do you think taught you, Death?” A’isha supplied with a mischievous grin.
“Why return so soon?” Draconis went to her side, “and why in the middle of a sparring session?”
A’isha had nothing but love in her eyes and heart for her beloved Draconai. “The time draws ever nearer. What have you done to combat MagDaliah but sit and wait in worry and fear? You do not have the luxury of time, Draconai and there is naught to fear, for Ishanar will defeat her.”
“How so?” Katarina asked.
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