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a great soldier, why won’t the Lady let me do my job and rescue your daughters? Destria asked, watching them slowly fly above her, circling the encampment. She only told me to keep an eye on them.
Oh, I know this. Adarramena supplied. I know she means well, but I’m still anxious about Harmony. I’m pretty sure she’s anxious about Arianna, and Kenny’s anxious about Aislynne.
Then why are you letting her do this to them?
Because no one can stop her when she’s on a rampage. Dran’a’vir’s voice echoed. She’s like a bulldozer in these moods; destructive if you get in her way and relentless if you try to persuade her otherwise.
You haven’t known my sister for long, have you? Adarra interrupted. She’s the Lady Guardian and Empress remember – she fights for what’s right, no matter what the cost to herself.
Is that not hard on her emotions and mind?
No, not really. It’s part of the Crusaders Oath. Adarramena supplied gently. It’s just how we at the System Agency were trained. Use your knowledge wisely and be aware at all times.
Keep two steps ahead of your opponent, and use your gifts to the best of your ability. That voice was the echoed sound of Dran’a’vir’s Immortal tone he’d long ago named Shadow.
Destria knew this was more than just a lesson on her Lady Soul-sister’s behavior. She sighed. If you are done lecturing me, may I ask what you three are doing here? Destria asked.
The same as you, we suppose. Drakkar’s voice said nonchalantly. Patrolling and seeing what our enemies are up to.
So you can send the information to the Emperor? Destria asked.
Aye, Drakkar agreed.
Than what am I doing here?
Exactly what you were ordered to do – keep an eye on them. Dran’a’vir supplied in his ‘Shadow’ tone once more.
Destria pouted and shut her mind to them. She now felt like a child thoroughly scolded and grounded from doing anything remotely fun. She scowled to herself as she slumped in her position – the best she could slump as a gyrfalcon – watching the camp and the Princesses below her.

After their patrol of the enemy camp, Adarra, Dran’a’vir and Drakkar headed straight to Mal’estar to report.
Adellandra and Draconis were deep in conversation with her fey-bound mate Elspeth. It looked as if the dragon maiden was worried and scared.
“Relax, Ellie.” Draconis put an arm around the dark-haired maiden. “It’s all according to plan.”
“It is good you have confidence, Drake.” Elspeth scoffed, snuggling into his embrace.
“We both have confidence, lovey.” Adellandra purred, placing a palm to the maiden’s pale cheek. “If we do this right, no one will ever dare to ruin our happiness again: we’ll be too powerful a force.”
Elspeth looked to her Lady-love with a serious frown, taking her hand from her cheek and holding it. “Is it always about power? Magical or otherwise, power is fickle. Even with all your gifts and power, plans do not always go ‘according to plan’. Both of you should know this by now.”
“We do, Ellie.” Draconis kissed her cheek. “Can you not trust your beloved mates?”
“I trust you with my heart and soul, but all the trust in the Realms is not going to stop our enemies from attacking.” Elspeth pointed out.
“Ah, the voice of reason speaks again.” Dran’a’vir finally spoke, breaking their concentration. He grinned at his ‘sister’ Adellandra, who was blushing. “I knew you kept her around for a reason.”
Elspeth smiled, attempting to hide her blush from them.
Draconis only held her tighter. “So Dran, what’s the story with Gloriana and our daughters?”
“They’re safe, Bratton.” Drakkar answered for his own fey-bound mate. “According to Destria, they’re in deep meditation.”
“Also according to Destria, Albrath’s been taunting them every once in a while, giving up after just a few minutes when she bores of their inaction.” Adarra stepped in. “Destria’s now pouting, but still doing what you told her to.”
“She can pout all she wants; she’s not going to ruin the game.” Adellandra shook her head. “I’m not letting her ruin my fun with Gloriana.”
They all looked at her strangely, even Elspeth.
“Fun?” Drakkar asked angrily. He stared at his Brattonata with red in his eyes, ready to pounce, but was stopped and calmed by his own mate and Adellandra’s duo Adarramena. He just growled at her. “Fun.”
“You’re risking our daughters’ lives just to have a little fun with Gloriana and MagDaliah?” Dran’a’vir asked, just as pissed.
Adarramena flicked her wrists to both of them, silencing them with zippers on their mouths.
“She means well – remember what we told Destria.” Adarramena supplied, frowning at her mates. “Now behave or I’ll have to punish both of you for the next month!”
Yes m’lady. All heard them chorus in their minds.
Draconis and Adellandra couldn’t help grinning. Was it just a few years ago that Adarra was having trouble keeping Drakkar and Shadow from killing each other? They never knew until they were forced to know that they had more in common than they originally thought. It was a frustrating ‘game’ getting those two to agree; but once they did, they found Drakkar and the newly-named Dran’a’vir were fey-bound to each other and connected in every way possible with Adarra herself. They now ruled Mal’estar’s sister city Mek’anar with Royal Aires.
Elspeth was happy for all of them. Their happy endings had all worked out for the best. Now it was time to make sure they stayed happy.
“What have you learned?” Elspeth asked them, still timid and unsure. The whole ‘Monarchs’ Own’ was new to her. All she’d ever known of the Dratianos’ was being their Maiden. She had never imagined herself as an authority to anyone, not even the servants and other maidens of the Houses she served in. Nor had she ever planned on falling in love with Draconis’ lady as well as the Lord himself.
“Nothing new, I’m afraid.” Adarramena continued, breaking Elspeth’s and the Lord and Lady’s trains of thought. “The kits are still in meditation and I’m now glad I insisted Harmony perfect her protective shield. All three of them are shielded from any mind reading or tricks.”
“That’s always a good thing, Sita.” Adellandra announced after a moment of thought. “Ari has also told me they linked with Ishanar and are doubly, if not triply protected by Her.”
“Question is: do they know what the girls are up to?” Elspeth asked.
“If they are Gloriana and MagDaliah, that’s a negative.” Dran’a’vir told her.
“How do you know?” Draconis asked.
“It’s one of my many confusing gifts as a new Immortal.” Dran’a’vir supplied with a grin. “I no longer need the Protectors’ Pendant-Dream Locket trinket anymore to get my special magic to work. I only need to think about it.”
“I thought you were only able to sense if magic was near?” Elspeth asked. Her eyes went to her mates. “Is that not what you told me?”
“That was when he was a mere mortal named Shane ‘Shadow’ Morehouse.” Adellandra supplied. “Now that he’s Immortal, he’s free to learn and grow whatever magic is in his system.” She turned back to her ‘brother’. “Well, what does your magic tell you?”
“They’re curious but remain clueless.” Dran’a’vir reported with a grin.
“Let’s hope they stay clueless.” Drakkar announced.
“Doubtful.” Adellandra and Adarramena chorused.
“We know more than you do about them; they’re only stupid for so long, then, when they finally do understand what’s going on, they strike without warning.” Adarra responded.
“Do you remember what she did to me when I had Destria take over me?” Adellandra asked.
“Yeah.” They chorused. Draconis hugged her close to his free side. Elspeth was still holding onto him on one side while his Lady was now on his other.
Elspeth took her Lady-love’s hand and squeezed.
“Lady Mother! Lady Aunt!” They heard a rushed male voice interrupt them. When they all turned, they saw Adellandra’s youngest Draconian son, Adrian running up to them. “Arianna, Aislynne and Harmony are in trouble!”
“We know that, son.” Draconis assured. “Don’t worry; we’ll get them back.”
“I want to get them before the Fe-Minions break through their shields and kill them!” Adrian cried.
“You’re to stay here, Adrian.” Adellandra supplied. “Ari will be fine. The Crusaders will rescue her.”
Adrian’s lips pursed. “I want to go with them.” He admonished. “No, I need to go with them. Something is pulling me to her side.”
“The twin bond.” Drakkar shrugged his shoulders.
“No, Uncle.” Adrian shook his head. “Not Ari – Harmony.”
Both sets of parents blinked. Adellandra broke away from her lovers’ embrace to search in her son’s eyes.
“Oh.” Adellandra whispered after a moment.
“Mother?” Adrian was quiet, knowing full well his mother saw something in him she didn’t want to see. “What is it?”
“You’ve Bonded with her, haven’t you?” Lady Adellandra asked, already knowing the answer.
“What?” Adarra screeched, shocked. “Your own cousin? No, Adrian. Absolutely not! It’s taboo!”
“It’s against all the laws we hold dear.” Draconis cried. “I’ll not allow it.”
“There’s nothing to allow; the damage has been done.” Adellandra pointed out. “We want to see you happy, Adrian.” She hugged him. “We will always love you, no matter what. Remember that as you follow your own path.”
The message sounded cryptic, but all involved knew it was the right thing to say.
“As for Harmony, we’ll rescue her, I promise.” Adellandra hugged her son again. “And yes, you can join them. Just remember what we taught you about your Dragon’s Fire.”
“Aye, Matéré.” Adrian said softly, shocked his own mother approved of his decision to Bond with Harmony. As confused as he was by it, his own mother had no problem with the Bonding.
“For now, ready yourself. Gather your siblings and meet us in the Battle Room.” Lady Adellandra instructed. She stood and addressed the group in attendance. “I think it’s high time we showed MagDaliah and her Fe-Minions whose boss.”
“We’ll teach her pissing off a Dratianos, especially all Dratianos’, is a very bad idea.” Dran’a’vir’s eyes turned red; this time, with bloodlust and a wish to destroy his enemies once and for all.
“Save your energy, Dran.” Drakkar pat him on the shoulder. “You’re going to need it before this battle is finished.”
Dran’a’vir could see the same bloodlust in his fey-bound’s eyes. A smile crept on both males’ faces.
All could tell it would be quite a battle.

Chapter Six
The Battle of Ishanar

The Inner-Realm Crusaders, which consisted of Lady Adellandra, Lord Draconis, Lady Adarramena, Lords Drakkar and Dran’a’vir, the Champion Karrath, the Dragonwolf twins’ younger brother Sir Anton, the head Armsmaster of Mek’anar, among others, all gathered at the camp the Jewel Knights of Mek’anar set up miles away from Gloriana and her daughters were keeping their daughters.
“So, when do we strike and rescue them?” Anton asked. “It feels wrong just waiting around like this while our daughters are held captive but miles away.”
“Relax, Bratton,” Lady Adarramena supplied. “We will; we’re just waiting for
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