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Book online «Too Young To Have A Baby by Kimbasue (best free ereader TXT) 📖». Author Kimbasue

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called your phone and it was turned off. What is your deal? He is a good boy down there that wants to get to know you and is mad as hell that the daddy left.” Jamie said with fire in her voice.
Jamie doesn’t go off on someone unless she thinks that you need it. She was really mad at Tara for no reason as far as she was concerned, she should not have gave the boy her number in the first place, though if she was honest with herself she thought Doug was sweet and now that she saw the boy in person, oh wow was he hot. He has brown hair with emerald green eyes that could pierce you where you stood.
“I am sorry Jamie; after I told him that I was pregnant I thought that would be the end of that. I was not trying to be mean to anyone and I was only trying to protect myself. I don’t think I should be dating right now do you?”
“I will tell you this, if you like him and he likes you and he is willing to be with you even though you are pregnant by you should at least be his friend and see what happens later. That is what I think.” She said nodding her head.
With that said Tara finished dressing and found her flip flops, her feet were swelled lately. She was tired of not being able to wear her tennis shoes as she was always in tennis shoes. She smiled over her shoulder to Jamie and said,” I guess I am ready to go. This better be worth my time Jamie, I was planning on lying on the couch and taking a nap.” They both laughed.

Being Around Friends Again

Tara said bye to her mother and followed Jamie and the boys to the car. They jumped into Jamie’s car; she was going to sit in front with Jamie but of course the boy that Jamie was seeing wanted to sit in the front, She didn’t learn his name until Doug said,” James let Tara sit in front she is p…” she did not let him finish that sentence, she jumped into the back seat with Doug.
“I am sorry you got stuck back here with me. I promise that I will not bite and I will even stop talking to you if you would like me to.” He said husky.
Tara didn’t know what to think of him, yes he was nice but so was Jake and he ended up being a jerk. He didn’t care about her like he said he did and he had lied to her she found out.
“I am sorry; I don’t mean to be so cold towards you. I am having a hard time being social again after everything. I would love to talk with you.”
She smiled at him, he was good looking and she wished she could have met him first but that is not how her cards fell. Oh well he could be a good friend.
“So have you been around here long? I don’t remember seeing you before. How old are you?” she threw out there for him to answer.
“I have been here about four months now, though I didn’t get out right away. I was sent to live with my dad because my mom doesn’t know how to deal with me. Neither I nor my father knows what she is talking about, so here I am and I am happy.”
They chatted on the ride over to see Jamie’s mother in the motel on the other side of town. Jamie looked in her rear-view mirror and said,” we are here, I am sorry you guys. After this we can do something fun if everyone wants.”
They pulled into the” Red and Blue Inn” Tara smiled at Doug who was going to wait in the car with James. She climbed out and almost fell out of the car when her flip flop got stuck somehow on the floor mat. Her face turned red and she hurried out of the car, making sure to not look back so she didn’t see the boys laughing.
“What do you think of Doug? I saw you guys talking and you would giggle and cover your mouth so no one would hear you.” She wiggled her eyebrows at her.
Tara started to giggle again. She didn’t laugh much these days and she was having a good time with it today. “I have been having fun learning things about him. He is a nice boy you were right, I wish things were different but you are right he can be a good friend.”
They walked into the motel and up to the desk, “I am here to see Mrs. Spritsail, I am her daughter in case she needs to know that information.” Jamie told the man behind the desk.
We had to walk around the corner to the left and ride the elevator up to the third floor and then she would be in room 212. That wouldn’t be so bad; we got on the elevator and giggled while they chatted about normal teenage girl stuff.
Tara had a smile on her face from the time she got into the car with Jamie and she could not wipe it off if someone had asked her to, not that she wanted to either. She stood next to Jamie as she knocked on her mother’s room door. When Mrs. Spritsail opened the door Tara didn’t recognize her, she wondered if Jamie did.
“Mom what is going on with you? I am going to stay a while this time but I have friends in the car, is it okay if they come up? One is my boyfriend and one is Tara’s.” she told her mother.
Tara wanted to say something about Doug being her boyfriend but she held her tongue and went to get the boys so Jamie could have some alone time with her mother. She was going to have to tell Doug that they were a couple.
She walked over the car and saw the boys were in there still chatting but had turned the radio on so that you could hear it when you stepped off the curb that led to the parking lot. She opened the door scaring both of the boys, she giggled and said,” You have to come in for a while, Jamie is talking with her mother and she asked her mother if our boyfriends could come in, so come on.” She stated and started walking back towards the hotel when she felt his arm around her shoulder; she shook his arm off just to hear.” Tsk tsk tsk, we are a couple remember? I am not doing anything wrong but lightly touching you.” He smiled.
“Whatever just behaves yourself and do not try to kiss me or you will have my foot in your butt. Got that buddy?” she told him.
When Jamie opened the door you could tell she had been crying but Tara knew she could ask her anything here and now, she was going to have to wait until Jamie was ready to tell her about it. She smiled letting her friend know she was there for her when she was ready. They sat, Doug sitting in the chair and pulling Tara on to his lap, though he was a gentleman she was pissed at first, Jamie sat on James lap and they say on the edge of the bed.
Jamie’s mom insisted that all of them call her mom as well; she was such a sweet person. Tara couldn’t help but to think what could be wrong with her? She brought a DVD player from home and wanted to watch a movie with someone so Jamie asked everyone if that was okay.
They sat through some really old move that was still in black and white but they made it to DVD, it was a good movie but nothing that Tara would watch again. Saying good bye she saw Jamie’s mom had tears in her eyes.
“Do you want to just go back to my house? We can hang out in room and listen to music, play a game, or do something there.” Tara asked Jamie. Shaking her head no she hurried to add, “I think we should go play putt put or go swimming.”
They boys wanted to go swimming and who wouldn’t know they would see girls in their swim suits? She was not going for that, “I want to play putt put. It has been a while since I have been able to do anything but sit.”
Doug looked at her out of the corner of his eyes and was smirking at her but did not udder one word. She was happy for that, she knew he was thinking along the same lines as she was; there was no way she was getting into any swim suit. He didn’t know it, but she was getting a baby bump already.
Tara was glad there was not many people around she would be able to play better with less people around. They got out of the car, walking through the entrance said read: Greenest Putts, it was somewhere to have fun. Doug paid for everyone to pay, which surprised Tara; Jake didn’t pay for anything and he hated Jamie, he would never hang out with her.
She was having a good time swinging at the golf ball that she barely hit. She would giggle and feel her face turning red every time she missed she would look around and see everyone else smiling. Doug even tried to help her by putting his arms around hers and helping her hold the club but she stepped out of his arms and continued trying to play. When it was time to go home Tara was ready, she was tired and having this much fun today took its toll on her body.
Doug climbed out when Tara did and walked her to her door. She smiled at him when they got to the porch and said,” I had a good time today; I hope you did as well. If you would like you can text me later.” Before he could kiss her or say anything she slipped into her house, closing the door with a soft click. She leaned her back against the door and took a breath, what was she doing liking someone else already and in her condition.

Going To The Doctors
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