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Book online «Too Young To Have A Baby by Kimbasue (best free ereader TXT) 📖». Author Kimbasue

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Having A Baby

Tara was sitting in a blue comfortable chair, one that is so big more the one person could fit in it at the same time, she was bored today. She didn’t think she had ever been this bored her entire life, he friends were always around, she could look around the room, and there her friends would be.
For the last two months Tara has been sitting home alone or with her mother. She lost all her supposed to be best friends, when she told them she was pregnant. It wasn’t like she went out there and picked some random boy and had sex with him to have a child. This is not what she wanted for her life at 16 years old; the only problem was she didn’t do anything not to get pregnant either.
Tara was stewing today almost a war path kind of day for her, she didn’t understand how girls who were supposed to be your best friends just left you alone, they were supposed to be there no matter what popped in your life; at least she had her mom Lana, who was happy she was going to be a grandmother. She was of course disappointed with Tara for getting pregnant so young but, as she told her daughter she didn’t believe in abortions so she was having a baby.
It was just Tara and her mother every since her father left and started a new family with his new wife; about five maybe six years ago. The thing of it was Tara didn’t really miss her dad all that much, she loved him sure but who walked out on their family to start another family? Then be extra happy you had a boy and Tara was like company when she went to visit her father, not like his daughter.
Tara now has a little brother named Timmy who was now going on six years old, which meant he was cheating on her mother and that didn’t set to well with her either. He should have just left and had his family not break her heart to where she has not date since he left. Tara really hated her stepmother looked as young if not younger than her; she thought her dad could have done better.
Tara looked at the clocked and noticed her dad would be there to pick her up soon even though she could drive herself he insisted she let him come get her today. All she could do is agree or else he would of turned into ass. She didn’t want to happen before she told him she was pregnant. Her father did not know she was going to have a baby and she was already two months along going into her third month real soon, he should have saw the weight gain but of course he didn’t.
She was getting tired of waiting for him to come; she was popping her gum and swinging her leg over the arm of the chair, and hanging her head over the side. She hated to wait and she had been waiting for more than twenty-minutes already. If he didn’t hurry up she would jump in her black cavalier and drive herself to her father’s house, her cell phone went off; answering her father’s call she said, “dad where are you? I have been waiting a long time now; mom is already gone to work.” He told her he was pulling up in a few minutes. She was glad her mother parked her car in the garage because she lied to her father and told him her mother just left for work.
Tara jumped out of the chair and walked over to the door, she took a peek out the door and saw he was pulling into the drive way now, she yelled, “bye mom, love you” and opened the door all the way to step out onto the porch. She smiled at her dad though she knew this was going to be hard weekend, she didn’t know if he wanted to come get her because he had some news but boy did she have some news for him. She didn’t even know if she was ready to tell him, he was going to go ape shit on her and she didn’t know why he had anything to say about it, he left them.
“Hi dad, how have you been doing?” she asked and kissed his cheek.
They got through that part alright, but she needed to know why she could not drive herself. She opened her mouth to say something when her dad started to talking; he was asking her things that didn’t really matter as if he didn’t want to get to the point.
“Dad did mom call you already or something? You are acting really weird.”
“What would your mother need to call and tell me about you? I have been thinking lately that I have not had a lot of time but you have not called or came to see me and you got your license; what two months ago?”
Tara was glad they were going to pull into her father’s drive way, that meant until Timmy was not in ear shot this conversation was over. She didn’t mind though she needed more time to think of how to tell him she was going to have a baby.
Tara and her father walked into the house, there to greet them; more like greet her father was her stepmother Stephanie. She plastered a fake smile on her face and said,” Hi Stephanie, how are you doing?” hey she was trying to be nice.
“Please come were going to have steak on the grill and dinner rolls, with grilled potatoes, and corn on the cob.” Stephanie said with a fake smile herself.
We walked into the kitchen where Timmy was already seated in a high back white chair that matched the round white table. It was nice enough, she guessed. She sat down next to Timmy, it wasn’t his fault who is parents are. “Hey there sport, how’s it going?” she kissed the top of his head before she sat down.
“After dinner Tara, were going to go into the living room and have a talk while Stephanie takes Timmy to the park. Eat up, it’s really good.”
Tara’s heart dropped in her stomach and she started to shake, her mother already told her father so he knew she was having a baby, he was just waiting for her to tell him, and she didn’t say a word. She just sat in the car looking stupid.
She cut her meat and ate as much as she could. She ate maybe half of her steak, two bites of corn, and half the potatoes she had. “I am full, I think I will go wait for you in the living room.” She excused herself making sure she took care of her dirty dinner dishes. Tara walked into her the living room and sat on the white flowered couch, it was so ugly but anything to please the queen Stephanie. She wished her father would hurry up it felt like she had been waiting for hours, but it was only minutes before he walked into the room and sat in the rocking chair opposite of her.
In unison they said, “I am having a baby.” They both stopped and looked at each other before it sank in that Tara and Stephanie were pregnant at the same time. She could not have her father because he ran off with her and now she was having a baby at the same time as she was. This was not fair.
“What did you just say young lady? I know that I must have heard you wrong, you’re pregnant at 16?”
“What do you mean, you left me and mom and had your son, how can she pregnant again. I knew this was going to be a bad weekend, I could feel it.”
“You know you are not having that baby right? What does your mother think of you having a child this young? I bet she was jumping around for joy.” He said it like it tasted like venom.
Tara was not going to sit here and listen to him bad mouth her mother and tell her to abort her child. She had enough of him and his all so perfect life.
“I am not getting rid of my baby and I do not think you should say another bad word about my mother. She is a good mother; she didn’t run off with someone else and make a new family. She was not happy at first but what can do about it? Neither she nor do I believe in abortions. I think you should think of what you have done in your life before you start talking about an innocent person.”
He father stood up and smacked her across the face. “Get the hell out of my house and don’t you ever come back. I do not know you. You and your mother deserve each other.”
Tara grabbed her cheek as soon as his hand landed against her soft white skin; she knew that her face held a red hand print from her father. She was mad now. “Do you think I care to never see you again? I don’t, it will be the best day of my life to walk out of this house and never see you again. You remember this though; I did not run off to be a baby rapper.” She walked out the front door slamming it shut, leaving her dad wide mouthed and looking stupid.
Tara didn’t have her car with her so she had to call her boyfriend Jake would have to come and pick her up, she pulled her cell phone from her back pocket and quickly dialed the number, on the second ring he picked up. She told him where she was and what she needed. She decided to sit on the curb and wait for Jake to come get her, and hope her father did not call the police on her.

The Deal With Her Father Is Over

She did not have to wait long and she was glad for that, when she saw Jakes blue Camaro coming around the bend, her heart started beating faster and she smiled so big, she couldn’t help it; she was in love.
“Hi baby. I am so glad to see you. I just had a huge fight with my dad and guess what? Me and step mommy is pregnant.”
“Don’t worry about it; he hasn’t been around since when? You, me, and your mom got this under control.” He leaned over and kissed her cherry red lips.
Jake turned around her father’s drive way and headed back towards her mother’s house. He was going to take her home already? He just got there to pick her up.
“I can’t go home right now; I just

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