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Book online «Too Young To Have A Baby by Kimbasue (best free ereader TXT) 📖». Author Kimbasue

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“Mom just come with to the doctors please, god why are we always arguing now?” she stomped off to her room and slammed the door. She use to get along so well with her mother and now she can’t be in the same room with her for more than five minutes and she was tired of it.
“Tara, come baby I am sorry. I just wanted one day off where I didn’t have to run but for you I will go, I will sit in there with you as a mother should. Please come out, I am really sorry.” Her mother sounded like she was almost in tears and Tara couldn’t stand that much better than being mad at each other.
She opened her bed room door and walked into her mother’s arms, she needed this hug from mom and this made the world seem okay at least for a little while. Her mother worked hard to keep a roof over their heads and keep food in the house; she deserved a day to stay at home.
“You don’t have to go with me mom, I can do this I got myself in this mess you didn’t do it, I will let you know what the doctor says what I get home, okay?”
“Thank you Tara, I will go if you need me I can go with you, that is what I am here for.”
They were interrupted by a knock on the front door down stairs. Lana went to answer the door so Tara could finish getting ready to go; besides it was probably Jamie and she would come straight up stairs. When no one appeared in her room she admits it she got curious and headed down the stairs; she could hear a male voice that she did not recognize then it hit her like cold water in the face, it was Doug and she was starting to know his voice, smell, and get goose bumps when he would speak with her. Oh no this is not supposed to be happening to her right now, she was having someone else’s baby; then she heard her mother ask him,” would you do me a huge favor Doug? I think you’re a sweet boy and I would love it if you would take or ride with Tara to her doctor appointment in a few minutes?”
“Sure it would be my pleasure to be able to help out. Where is Tara anyways?” he asked.
“Tara is right here, why do you ask now? You seem to be having a good chat with my mother.” She told him.
Tara loved the way Doug smiled, he lit up her life and she really needed some color in her life; she has been seeing in black and white far too long. She was just being friends with him but he was a handsome and nice boy. That didn’t mean she wanted him to take her to the doctors but since her mom already asked him and he said yes, she was letting him take her but there was no way he was going in the back with her.
“Are you ready to go since my mother has made you the designated driver for me?”
Doug at least looked embarrassed as he should, he knew that he was not playing for and Tara didn’t know how else to keep him at arm’s length.
Tara got into his black blazer with shiny rims, she didn’t know much about popular rims but as shiny and nice as these looked she knew that the rims cost Doug some money; that would make it worse for her to like him, his family had money and hers well they were poor by the standards but really they weren’t poor they had a roof, food, clothes, and other things either of them wanted. She just didn’t ever see herself with a rich kid.
Jake was not rich, he was a trouble maker and he had criminal already at 17 and that is what drew Tara to him in the first place. He was cute in his own way but to think back on it, he was really just average; brown hair and eyes, he had an okay body but a little on the skinny side, he did the same thing every day and that is party. Tara was happy to be out of that relationship he was no good and she should have stayed away from him when her mother warned her about him.
“We are here my dear. Sorry that was corny huh? We are here and I will wait here to go in with you, that I will let you decide for yourself.” He said.
Tara giggled but tried to hide it behind her hand, acting as if she had an itch. She looked over at him, “Please stay in the car I will be right back as soon as I can. I will try and not leave you out here for too long.” She climbed out of his blazer and quickly walked inside the building, she didn’t care how stupid she looked, she was getting to close to him and she needed to be able to breathe.
Thankfully Tara didn’t have to sit in the waiting room for long, she didn’t like to wait and she would snap her gum when she chewed it or she would tap her toe on the floor. They tried to get Tara in and out no matter what kind of doctor appointment it was.
“Hello Tara, how are you doing today? Please come on back Dr. Jacobson will be with you shortly. But let’s get your weight first and you could pee in this cup, write your name, and leave it on the sink the bathroom.”
Tara smiled and followed the nurse Karen to be weighed and to use the rest room, when she was finished she was to go into room two. She walked into the room and sat on the bed with that noisy paper that is across it; she hated that paper. She sat there kicking here feet back and forth waiting for the doctor to come into the room. She was not sure what they were doing today but she was nervous every time she went to the doctor’s office.
Her head snapped up when she heard the Doctor open the door and walk in. She smiled and waited for to tell her what was going today.
“Hi Tara, you look well. How has it been being pregnant?”
“It has sucked but I don’t know what it is supposed to be like but for me I feel like I am growing too fast, I am moody, and I am just tired of being pregnant. I would like to be done already.” She laughed.
“Well that is what we are going to do today; we are going to measure your stomach and I need to check your cervix. It should be painless but some women have a discomfort after their cervix is checked ad they bleed sometimes.”
Tara was scared she just wanted this doctor appointment to be over with. It didn’t take long for the doctor to do her thing and get done so she could sit down and talk with her. When she sat Tara sat up and asked,” how’s it going?”
“When was your last menstrual cycle? I think you are further along then you originally thought because your cervix and the measurement from your stomach tell me you are already three months along, almost into your fourth month.”
“What does that mean, the baby is going to be born in April?” she asked.
Tara was glad that she was closer to having the baby then she thought she was but now it was becoming to real, she is going to have an ultra sound next month, she wanted to know what she was having but she didn’t know if she could do this now. She walked to Doug’s Blazer in a daze, she climbed in her seat, and stared ahead saying,” looks like I am having my baby before I thought I was going to, I don’t know what to do Doug. I never thought I was going to do this alone and here I am doing it alone.” She started crying.
She felt Doug put his arm around her and pull her to his chest; she laid her head there and cried. She know why she was crying like a baby but she was having a hard time being a pregnant teen and the boy that you thought loved you and you loved back was just gone.

After The Ultrasound

Tara had her ultrasound two weeks and she was told she as having a girl. She wanted a little girl to have her fiery temper and looked like her as she did her mother, she didn’t want her daughter looking like her father. She was so excited she was having a girl and she was going to go crazy with pink. She has been buying little things here and there like the bottles, pacifiers, bibs, diapers, and of course the lotions and shampoos. Doug did help her pick some of the things out and he has also bought her daughter stuffed animals already.
She needed to sit down and talk with her mom for two reasons, she needed to let her know she was having a little girl they both could cherish and two she needed some advice about Doug. She walked around the house yelling, “Mom! Where are you? MOM!?”
“What is wrong? It cannot be time already, is it?” her mother asked worried.
She didn’t want to scare her mother out of her wits, she felt bad for that.
“Nothing is wrong I need someone to talk to and I can’t talk with Jamie about it. Could you come and talk with me?” she asked.
She followed behind her mother she didn’t know why other then she thought she was not going to come into the living room. Tara and her Lana sat on the couch together. Tara was playing with her hands in her lap and letting her eyes roam the carpet.
“What is going on? I haven’t seen you this nervous since you told me you were pregnant, nothing can top that.” She smiled.
“Mom, what do you think of Doug? What I mean is, I know I am pregnant but Doug has wormed his way into my heart and I don’t know what to do. I am pregnant and I should not be dating.”
Tara was taken back when her mother started laughing at her. What was so funny? She was being serious right now.
“Honey, you two are not dating right now so it does not matter, when the baby is born well that is up to the two of you. If you the two of you want to date then go for it, who cares what others think? Tara, he loves you and he wants to be around you even when you yell at him, tell him to

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