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Strange Mate of Mine Author's Note

A/N: First of all, this is my First werewolf story. And I am new to this, so please bare with me. I do this for fun, and I am not trying to achieve anything. Mistakes are bound to happen with the grammars and spellings. Second, this is my original work. I DID NOT on any circumstance copy any stories. And lastly, I have nothing to say so far, and hope you Enjoy my Story :3




Strange Mate of Mine


This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright laws and treaties.     Any unauthorized reprint or use of the material--... 




Well you already get it. I mean, does anybody still read this things?

Well.... just don't PLAGIARISE!

Chapter 1: The Newbie

Lal's POV:




"Friends, and Fellow Pack members, I am Glad to let you all know that, it is my Daughter's birthday within 2 days from now, and the time where she shifts to her Wolf for the very first time." My Father announced during dinner.



My name is Lal Walters and I'm the Daughter of the Alpha of one of the strongest pack in the country. My 16th birthday is slowly approaching, and I most definitely cannot wait to shift into a wolf for the very first time. I hear that the first shift is very painful, more painful than giving birth. At least that's what they said. But no matter, I'm still excited to finally transform and have my wolf. But, that is not the only reason I'm excited, oh no. The thing that I'm most excited about is the fact that I can sense and hopefully find my mate.



"Hey are you excited?" asked my big Brother Jayden. When the time comes, he will be the one to Lead the pack and take over the position as Alpha, when he finds his mate. He hasn't found his mate yet, but he is still looking for her. He is 2 years older than me and is a very caring and overprotective brother.



"Is that question a joke bro? Are you kidding me? Of course, I'm excited!! I mean, who wouldn't be?" I said to him in a very excited tone, which got him chuckling.



"Awwe, my Baby Sister is finally growing up!" he said, amusement in his tone.



"Bro, I'm not a baby anymore. If you haven't noticed yet.." I pointed to my chest "I already got these things when I was 13."



"Yeah yeah, whatever. But to me, you're still my baby sister."



"Jeez you sound more of a Father than an older brother. If chances given, you'll be able to beat Dad in a 'Daddy contest'" I pointed at him, while chuckling a little.



"So who's gonna beat me in a 'Daddy Contest'?" my Dad pipe in to our little conversation.



"Nothing Dad" we both said in unison.



He gave us a questioning brow, and proceeds to what he was doing, which is eating his leftover meal.

As we finish eating our Dinner, I hurriedly went to my room and started on planning what to wear for my Birthday. I just can't wait till I turn 16! And with those thoughts swirling in my mind, I jumped to my bed bouncing like a school girl who got asked by her crush to prom. After a few hours of thinking, I made myself comfortable in my bed and drifted off to sleep.












"Good morning Lal!" my friends greeted me once I entered the school grounds. I always love my friends, because they're not like those girls you watch in movies where when you're part of a popular crowd, they talk behind your back. And of course, just one of my three friends is a werewolf, the other two are completely human, and of course they know us being a Lycan. At first they were terrified when they found out, but after explaining to them, that we are not like in the movies that are vicious and like to attack humans, they easily calmed down and accept us.




"So.... Are you excited for tomorrow?" my friend Belle asked me, and yes she's a werewolf just like me.




Glancing back at her, I smiled and said "Is the answer not obvious? Of course I'm excited!"




"We wonder what your wolf would look like Lal, we bet she's really pretty" the twins Kiara and Temari both said at the same time. Just so you know, I always find it quite amusing and totally cool that they could both speak at the same time. Must be a twin thing. Makes me want to wish of having one. Speaking of which, I wonder if they were a werewolf, would they have the same mate?



Making our way towards our locker, I saw Kyle, one of the Jocks in school. He is popular among the girls, but we never saw him giving any interest of any of the girls here in school. Frankly speaking, I think he is gay.



Speaking of Kyle, he saw me staring at him. He gave me a smirk and made his way towards us. Oh dear.



"Good morning ladies" he greeted us.



"Soooo.... I saw you Lal staring at me just now. Do you want to tell me something?" he asked me while batting his eyelashes playfully. Weirdo.



"Nothing, just wondering who that guy you guys made fun of earlier"



"Oh that? Just picking on Nicholas, you know, the usual? When we have new transfer students. That is our way of greeting him."



Nicholas eh? That new transfer student?



Somehow that name is kinda nice, I thought to myself.



"I see, but why do you do that?"



"Because it's fun? And he's also new so...."



I gave him a look of disbelief. Now, that is just mean. Making fun of people for their own entertainment, that is not very nice. I may be popular, but I am most certainly not cruel.



"Whatever" I rolled my eyes at him and made my way towards my first class, which is speech23. "You shouldn't do that to the poor guy" I added.



"Whatever you say Princess" I barely heard him respond. Sigh. Typical Jocks.



"Good morning class!" Our Teacher Miss Sy exclaimed cheerily. She must be in a good mood. Well.. she always is... She is in her early twenties and is very friendly among her students. She is the kind of teacher that is approachable, not like the other teachers, that gives you the stink eye.



"Good morning Miss Sy!" we all said in unison and with the exact cheery voice she gave us.



"Okay class, we will be having our first practice of the job interview" Miss Sy told us.



Before she could proceed with her explanation about the job interview, someone came in with an exhausted looking expression.



Gosh, he smells nice.



Woah, what the? Did I just say that in my thoughts? I wonder who this guy is? Why does he smell so nice? Now that I think about it, my senses have been kind of sharp lately. Must be because I'm almost 16, and my wolf will be born.



"Sorry I'm late teacher" the guy apologized. He's voice is nice. Gaah! Who am I kidding? He has a very beautiful voice.



"Nicholas, please sit down. It's ok, since you're a transferee. Must be hard on your first day here in Triston University, right?" Miss Sy said kindly and excused him to be late. See? She's a nice teacher!



Nicholas took a look on his new surrounding and he stopped when he saw me. Gulp.




His eyes......












M: Well.... that is certainly a cliche first chapter o.o. Well... short chapter for now... I don't want to rush things.



>> Next Update this weekend



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If you do that, I'll treat you icecream ;)

Chapter 2: Hearing about him


Lal's POV




It is now lunchtime; my friends and I are already in the cafeteria waiting in line. Today’s special menu is beefsteak. Yum. For us werewolves that is a meal to die for, especially since we eat a LOT. As the cafeteria lady gave us our food, we headed to our usual spot, which is the table near the window. Why near the window you ask? Well the view is spectacular; you can see the green forest not so far from school and a beautiful lake in the middle. As a werewolf, we’re connected to nature.



“Woah that is a lot, you might get fat” Temari pointed at the tray I was holding.



“Dearie we are, not normal” Belle winked at her “We need a lot of food in our system for energy,” she added. Oh and before I forget, Belle is actually a year older than we are, but she has not found her mate yet. Whoever that guy is he is lucky to have Belle as a mate, just like her name she is quite a beauty. Beauty and the beast much?



“And besides, we don’t get fat easily” I said with a smirk.



“That’s not fair!” Kiara exclaimed. “How come you guys” she pointed at me and Belle “don’t need to worry on your diet?”



Belle and I chuckled. It is not our fault if we were born supernatural.



“Speaking of which, have you guys noticed the new kid in school?” Belle asked.



We gave her a “why?”



“The popular crowd has been bullying him, especially the guys” she said.



I do not get it. Why was he being bullied? He is not a nerd nor he is ugly, why would they pick on him? To be honest, he is actually quite good looking. At that thought of mine, my face heated up a little.



“I know you guys are wondering, why is he being bullied? He is not even a nerd nor is he ugly. Actually according to the gossip Queen, many girls tried to flirt and tried to date with him, which he ignored. The people got jealous because of the stuff like that, they try to make him an outcast, and of course, we know that what the popular kids do many people also try to do what they are doing. They bully him, but unfortunately, he does not fight back. I’m not really sure though, they also said he is weird,” Belle explained.



Well, that is just mean. I mean come on, the person just transferred here, why do people suddenly judge. The Society is just isn’t fair, and they judge people easily without getting to know them.



Suddenly a very familiar smell hit my nose like wildfire. Gosh this just proves

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