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but their features were close enough to hers. They watched her for signals.
Sauda flicked her tail at the male on the left. He came to her.
“Scout ahead. We need to find the Emperor.” She ordered quietly.
Humans are so imprudent! Separating the men the way they did…

He nodded and took off stealthily, hugging the shadows. A few minutes later, Sauda heard gunfire. Then there was a thud and silence.
“Stupid Americans.” The black demi growled softly. Then she signaled to the other Demi and continued down the hall in the opposing direction. For a time, they walked with the sound of gunfire outside and the stench of blood, humans and gunpowder covering all other scents.
This is impossible! Where the hell is Kasumi when I need her?!

Then another thought hit her.
Azoic! They might be after her! Shit! I have to double back!

The Jaguar whirled around and rushed down the hall, sniffing the air occasionally. As she raced, more Jaguars stumbled upon her and quickly followed, feeling the urgency. Even a group of Tiger Demis tripped over her.
“What -?”
“Follow!” She’d order.
They’d shrug and trail after her, knowing what trouble they’d be in if they didn’t obey – from Anya, her and Kasumi.
The reek of American soldiers – gunpowder, steel and a peculiar composite of plants she’d never smelled before – grew stronger as she drew closer to the room Azoic was placed in. To her shock, when they arrived Anya stood at the door with a look of rage. Three Americans lay dead at her paws. She was in full Tiger form, making her appear far more demeaning than even Kasumi.
“What’s going on?” Sauda demanded.
“They’ve been tryin’ ta get into Azoic’s room since they got here! They knew where she was!”
“Ya. I couldn’t believe it either! I came here before the attack, so I had no idea what was goin’ on ‘til my second-in-command came rushin’ in for orders. Then all of a sudden they were all over!”
“For whatever reason, we’ll need to prevent them from getting to her.” Sauda looked over at the twenty-six warriors who’d followed her.
“Half of you are with Anya. Help her protect the princess. The other half, follow me.”
What’s going on here?
“Where are you going?” Anya asked, calming down a little.
“I’m finding the Japanese Emperor. We’ll need to tell him this.”
“You can barely understand him!”
“But his generals should be surrounding him, and they know Latin. I think he should, too, since we are fighting his war for him!”
“Right. See you after this stupidly is over with.”
She saluted and took off, knowing that thirteen random warriors were following her.


Anya watched the leader of the Jaguars leave. The thirteen warriors she’d left behind were mostly Tiger, both Bangle and Siberian. She growled angrily to herself, not willing to admit that she didn’t feel like she deserved help. Not willing to admit that she’d almost let Azoic be taken on purpose.
“Slip inside and guard her from there.” Anya pointed to five of them “Two of you at the door inside, and one warrior at each window.” She commanded everything in Latin, knowing most of them knew no Japanese at all and having no reason to speak it.
I can’t believe I was willing to give her up…so easily.
They nodded and obeyed.
“You four…guard that side of the hall. The other four take the other side.”
They quickly took positions. Of course, that would help, but she was still itching to fight.
Still, I think this is better than following some random Japanese human’s orders…
There was gunfire from her left. She raced over and saw seven human Americans on the floor, dead.
I guess I’m going to tell them what to do more than do it though…
“I’ll check on the others.” She said quietly to her warriors. They were the female special opts that usually went with her on these missions, so she knew they would be fine.
“Who’s in charge while you’re in there?” One of them asked.

She scanned the group and spotted her arms master. “Ruki. Who else?”
“Yes, Captain!” The Demi saluted. Then she turned back to work. Anya went into the room. There was a gun and a sword in her face.
“At ease.”
They were removed.
Anya looked around and saw Azoic in a corner. She was in full form, and the look on her face told the Tiger commandant how frightened she was.
She reeks of fear. This is my fault.
“Oh, Anya, this is so scary! Why are there men all over trying to take me?”
“Because Americans don’t know what honor is, Azoic. They take prisoners to get an edge. Now calm down and let us do our job.”
Why don’t I hear gunfire?
Moving to the window, Anya gasped. The fighting had stopped. In the middle of the courtyard was a human and a what could only have been a Snow Leopard guard. The white Siberian Tiger stared as the human turned around. Then, there was a single shot. The Leopard fell to the ground, dead, and the fighting continued.
What’s going on?! They just killed royalty!
There was roaring from the halls. Anya stormed out, and smoke greeted her. Coughing, confused, she heard the sound of swords and gunfire. Then the smoke was clearing, and a human man stood right in front of her. There was no time to react. He hit her on the temple with the butt of his gun and stabbed her in gut with a knife. Shock and pain filled Anya as she fell to her knees.
Darkness crawled over her as the sound of her other guard being overwhelmed horrified her. The last thing she saw was Azoic being hauled away, screaming for her to get up, to help.

Chapter Nine
Power Shift

Kasumi gave orders to dock and impatiently waited. Akira paced beside her. Neither of them spoke as Kaide followed them off the ship and into the palace, as well as the two strongest Demis on board. Kasumi, Aki and Kaide were all in Demi form, while the two warriors were Cheetahs.
The guards let them in with wide eyes without a word. They were clearly terrified of Kasumi. The look on the Ambassador’s face cleared a path all the way to the throne room. The servants moved opened the door and moved aside, bowing to them with quivering legs. The five of them marched into the room of luxury.
The emperor was in his throne, talking with Hiroto and a tall man with black hair. It was spiked, oddly enough. When the three looked back with surprise, there was a bit of humor in his puppy-dog brown eyes that pissed Kasumi off instantly. But she brushed the two aside and stood without bowing before the man she currently hated more than those who had killed her parents long ago.
“What is going on here?” The royal man demanded, his eyes blazing with fury.
“How can this be allowed to happen?!” Kasumi demanded. “This palace had two thousand human soldiers and over six hundred Demis, and the Americans came in with only three hundred, killed over a hundred Japanese men, a hundred Demi warriors and robbed us blind of a princess?! What the hell were you idiots doing while I was gone?! Drinking sake and writing fucking poetry?!”
They stared at the usually level-headed general and Ambassador with wide eyes. The Emperor blinked, looking unnerved and even angrier.
“My men were guarding me –“
“Yes, even after you knew that they weren’t after you, right? Even after you gave them her room?”
“She should have been defended by the Leopards, Tigers….”
“There weren’t any Leopard Demis here. They’re all in the middle of the snow-covered mountains.”
He growled “The big cats with spots following the black general!”
Kasumi took a deep breath and slowly released it, trying her hardest to cool down. “Sauda is the general of Jaguar Demis. They aren’t here to die for you. They aren’t here so you can keep a major army around you while your allies are left protecting the rest of the family. From what I heard, they were after her in the first place. Why didn’t you help? You had plenty of men to spare.”
“The princess of your nation doesn’t concern me.”
“Then neither do you concern us.” Akira growled. “None of you do. In fact, we’re pulling out. We must go to America and retrieve the princess. Her mother requires her safely at the palace.”
“You can’t do that! You’re –“
“We’re following our laws, and the order of our Empress.” Kasumi snarled. “We are allies, not your dogs. We’re not here for you, Emperor. We’re here because we were told by our leader to fight. And not to fight so you can be safe, but so Russia and America doesn’t overwhelm our nation. The agreement for us being here was that we weren’t treated like this.”
The man looked thoughtful for a long time. Kasumi flicked her tail and turned to leave.
“Wait. Hiroto, give Kasumi two hundred of your men. Haru, locate the palace of America and devise the best route. Get me my advisor. You have until dawn three days from now to get everything ready.”
The two bowed and left. Kasumi paused, but didn’t face the royal bastard again.
I’m not happy with this!
Kaide leaned into her ear and whispered “This isn’t a time to be stubborn. He’s listening. We need his men, too, you know.”
The Cheetah leader sighed, knowing she was right. Turning back to him, she became a little more formal and kept her voice nicer than she wanted it to be.
“Thank you for reconsidering. We’ll be ready by dawn. Aki and I will be in the infirmary with Sauda and Anya until dusk. Kaide will train your men for real combat.”
“I mean it. We won’t be fighting Russians, who don’t have any Demis. We’ll be fighting the CDL. They are Canine Demis. That includes wolf and fox Demis. They use martial arts and pack mentality.”
“So what will you be teaching them?”
She laughed – a very rough laugh, since she was in her half form. “Our way of fighting, of course – the Cheetah’s number one way. It’s a fighting style that is quick, cunning and elusive.”
Then she signaled the others and left.


Publication Date: 03-21-2011

All Rights Reserved

To my family and friends, who inspire me to write crazy things.

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