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Book online «A Path Through Destiny by Wolfheart (series like harry potter .TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Wolfheart

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nameless man.”
“Fine. Commandant Hiroto Tyzokien.” The general replied crossly.
“Commandant Daichi.” The other man said quietly.
“Quite small to be a general, aren’t you?” Anya teased.
“Enough.” Kasumi rebuked quickly. “I am Commandant and Ambassador Kasumi Adel.”
“Commandant Anya.” She gave no last name.
“And Commandant Sauna Pythia.” Sauna stated hers proudly. When there was no reaction, it only darkened the young leader’s mood.
“Family heritage aside, let’s get on with this.”
“You’re the Ambassador, not the leader.” Hiroto rebuked.
“I’m not just Ambassador, Hiroto-san. I’m the most experienced general the Japanese have seen since the Samaria. You may take pride in your strategy to use us like disposable guard dogs, but it is only as Equals that will fight. If you do not allow me to lead the armies that I was commanded to lead, I will withdraw and order the same for every legion of the GCDW. That’s every troop that will fight for The Union you people choice to insult daily – hourly.”
“I suggest working with them, Hiroto. Emperor Haruko will not be pleased if you mess this up because you can’t be polite to somebody with more experience than you.” It was Daichi, who spoke in his usual quiet voice. Kasumi held some respect for him, and had to wonder if this mage had some common sense unusual to the human race. She nodded in thanks to him when his counterpart shut up.
“Now then...we must work together to get this right. I will give you men a list of stats of each race. It has become clear to me that humans do not bother to learn about their environment, let alone those who inhabit it. Because of this, you know nothing of our people or our ancestors – unlike yours. You will learn our culture, as we have learned yours.” She looked at Hiroto, meeting his gaze sternly. “This is part of the briefing. We will meet tomorrow at noon for those papers. I need a list of weapons and what kind of training your soldiers have. No names are necessary. Now
here are my maps and strategies.”
She placed them all on the table, and the discussion began. Maps were modified, strategies taken out and information was swapped. No new moves were decided, other than to halt an attack with a small group of elite Japanese men with a handful of Jaguar Demis. It was to protect a rice farming town. They would remain there to protect the supply. Also, Kasumi added some of her warriors to the guard on palace watch and arranged for her arms master to be a part of the Barracks to give the humans more martial arts training – Demi martial arts.
“We’re done here.” Kasumi growled as Hiroto insulted their fighting style again. “In the name of Gaia, walk with peace and live in prosperity.”
” Hiroto scoffed. “Right. I’d bless you with God, but that’s reserved for non-pagan cultures.”
She ignored his blasphemy and walked out, Anya and Sauna on her heels.
“I would not speak to somebody who can out spar you, Hiroto.” The mage commented coolly as they shut the door, making her smile.
“I’ll see you two tomorrow at noon. List those stats. We’ll be busy.” She ordered professionally. The two looked a little put off by her attitude.
“Have a problem?” She asked.
“N-no.” Sauda stepped in before Anya could say something she’d probably regret.
“Good.” Kasumi turned away, heading for the palace door. They were allowed rights to temple any time they weren’t busy, as long as the sun was above the horizon when they returned.
Akira will be there, instead of this palace. I just hope that Azoic didn’t go with her, and a couple of decent guards did. Nobody that would comment about pagan gods

The temple was cool and quiet. The sound of ancient flute played gently in the background, relaxing Akira. It was the familiar scent of Demis, lavender, sage and other ceremonial herbs that loosened her muscles and soothed her nerves. Ivy and vines grew up the pure stone walls, and a giant tree grew in the temple’s center.
“Welcome, Priestess.” A Canine Priest made the Mark of Gaia on his forehead and chest. “It is a great pleasure for you to return to us.”
She made the same gesture, feeling at home – among her own kind, who thought the same as she.
“Glorious day that Gaia has given us. There have been no deaths in the war today and the sun is strong.”
He led her to a quiet place by the roots of the tree, said the welcoming rites, set up the right cleansing herbs and left her to pray.
The Goddess of the earth, I pray to you that Kasumi finds the light in her soul and the strength in her heart to end this war alive.
She lit the sage and ate a piece of the poppy, and fell to sleep under the tree. Images of blood, both human and Demi, filled her mind. Screams, guns and the clang of metal roared in her ears. The smell of healing herbs burned her throat, and she was exhausted. A trail before mankind. A knife in the back of a man unknown

Akira’s eyes shot open to see Kasumi standing over her, watching her sleep with an anxious look on her face. She shifted when she saw her awake, but didn’t come to her.
Rising slowly, Aki came into her lover’s arms.
“The war frightens me.” She told the strong warrior.
Kasumi looked at her, smelling her hair. Both were cats now. Aki realized she’d Shifted in her sleep. The merchant captain and warrior of Gaia held her tightly.
“Meus amor
it frightens me as well.”

Chapter Five
Blood of the Pauper

As Kasumi left the meeting room with Anya and Sauda behind her, tail flicking in irritation, she wasn’t surprised to hear a growl in Anya’s throat as she tried to dismiss them. It wasn’t exactly easy for her to treat them like war commandants instead of friends, but Aki was stressed enough without involving them.
“Come on Kasumi.” Sauda surprised her. “Have a drink with us. We’re not underling soldiers; we’re all Commandants here.”
“Aki is stressed out.” She told them quietly. “Do you think that’s a wise idea?”
“Isn’t she at temple?”
“No. We have lunch plans. The servant is dressing her.”
They stared at me.
“You’re using the servant?”
“He makes our lives easier, and he enjoys it. The boy is sharp and quiet – for a human, anyway. I actually worked out an agreement that he will come with us. His real masters beat the shit out of him daily to ‘keep him in his place’. He needs a bit of coaching in the way a Demi servant behaves, but
“Wow.” Anya looked shocked.
he could make a great cabin boy when this damned war is over. And in the mean time, I don’t have to prepare baths, food or clothing. I can leave a message with him that I would have had problems getting to Akira or you two before.”
“So that’s who the boy was
“Telling us that you’d be a little late
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have lunch plans.” She paused in turning around. “Though
I will send for you with him if I wish to sit and chat with you tonight. Perhaps Aki will join us for supper.”
They looked slightly more hopeful as their ambassador strode away with her head held high and her stride full of a warrior’s pride.
Anya sighed, shaking her head.
“Why couldn’t she be a little more sociable?” Anya wondered allowed. “She used to be so much fun.”
“Nah. She was always in it for some real reason – never fun. The goods, the experience, the mission, the honor
” Sauda reminded her – again.
They were quiet again, each in their own thoughts. Anya yawned, exhausted.
“What’d you do that was so tiring?” Sauda laughed. “Eat too much at the party?”
“No. I was getting around the lists that you failed to provide Kasumi because you went to a party.”
Sauda rubbed the back of her tiger-stripped neck. “Oops.”
The door opened to allow Hiroto and Daichi out. They paused and said something in Japanese.
“Hey, asses.” Anya growled in Latin. “Speak Latin.”
“No, no, it’s alright, Anya.” Sauda quickly pushed her out of their way and toward the dining hall.
“Why’d you do that?”
“For one, we’re in Japan. We speak Japanese. For two
you don’t want to know what they said.”
“I didn’t really, but I sure as hell do now!”
She whirled around, only to be corrected by the far stronger Sauda.
“Keep walking. You don’t want to piss them off and put Kasumi in a bad political hold.”
Anya looked back with vengeance in her gaze. Sauda grabbed her by her chest and stared her in her eyes.
“You don’t get it, do you? If we act like brutes, they will start treating us like pawns and not warriors.”
“Just tell me what they said.”
“They said ‘blood of the pauper’. In Japan, that’s a huge insult.”
“Because my father was born in the slums instead of the military, they have a right to say that?” She made a face, as if she’d tasted or smelled something nasty and she was heated about it. “That’s honorable! That we aren’t of the blood and still got in!”
“In our world, yes, it is. Unlike me, Kasumi and you had to fight just to prove yourself. Kasumi had to fight to stay alive.” She shook her head. “It was a blessing that you two made it at all, and nothing more than Gaia’s will that did it.”
“But they think it’s a bad thing?”
“Yes. Heritage matters a lot here.”
“That pisses me off!” She pounded her black fists together in furry. “To judge everybody by their forefathers gives them no room to live!”
“Keep walking.” Sauda told her. “Keep walking and fighting and we’ll get through this.”
She growled furiously, but nodded and kept walking. They came to the dining hall.
“I’ve worked hard for what I am today. How can I just lay down to humans now?”
“You don’t. But you pick your battles. Let Kasumi fight the Japs with words, and we’ll fight the enemy with swords and guns.”
Anya growled, but said nothing else as they ordered their meals. They ate in silence.
Sauda watched the younger Commandant carefully, willing her not to do anything rash.


Though Akira wasn’t happy that her lover was late, she was content to see the ambassador arrived alone, and in Demi clothing rather than her kimono. It was amazing how much those clothes changed the warrior merchant. From duty to personal were almost two different people.
But the look of thoughtful rage on her face didn’t ease Akira’s tense nerves. Kasumi wasn’t going to come out and say it, but something happened today in the meeting. Something she didn’t like.
I really hope she gets in a better mood. We haven’t much time together during war, and things aren’t going to get easier.
“I am pleased to see you in such fine attire.” Akira said formally, allowing Kasumi to pick the mood as she sat down on the blanket the boy had brought and set in the

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