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come in an unmarked ship. There will be danger. This is all I have figured out. I don’t know the danger, but I do not believe it is pirates. Pirates do not travel in the hundreds.”
“This does not bode well. But I will keep the warriors here, just in case the danger is on that ship. What if Russia has finally gone nuts and taken our people hostage? They don’t think highly of our people; they will consider a royal ship dangerous, perhaps.”
The priestess suddenly tensed. Her ears went back against her head, and her tail twitched wildly behind her. Akira leaned anxiously against Kasumi, breathing heavily. With eyes wide as oven plates, the Demi looked as if she’d just had a heart attack.
“What is it?” Kasumi demanded, holding her lover tightly as a few solders glanced at them in confusion.
“The danger…the men marching…they wore Russia’s mark.”
This didn’t bode well…

Within the hour, the ship was made clearly royal. Solders were asked to stand down. It took an hour to convince the royal Demis aboard to allow Kasumi and Akira to board them, and only after the Captain saw Kasumi herself. It was as if they were afraid it was a trap…
Kasumi wouldn’t come aboard alone, and so it was permitted that Chika and Akira to accompany her – and only them. In a foul mood, the Captain of the merchant ship found it hard to keep an emotionless face. Helping her priestess onto the vessel brought strange looks from what appeared to be landsman instead of a proper crew. When she saw High Lord finery and rankings, she scoffed. Who would bring these people aboard a fighting vessel?
“Lady Kasumi I presume?” A nervous Demi in his human form asked, clearing his throat.
“I’ll speak to the captain of this vessel and none other – especially not those from the High Lord’s Council.” She looked him up and down with disdain. “And my arms master and priestess will join me.”
He blinked, taken aback.
“I’m over here, Captain Kasumi.” A large, older African Lion Demi with a huge, black mane and many scars called roughly. His voice bespoke his age, and Kasumi bowed her head slightly in respect. The three followed the aging warrior Captain to his cabin, where Kasumi alone was offered to sit. Chika remained by the door, while Akira stood right behind Kasumi tensely.
“Forgive us for not openly claiming ourselves. I was informed that if I were to do so to the wrong ship, and were to kill the passengers of the Council, then I myself would lose my job – and possibly my life.”
She waited, reframing from the first choice words that came to her mind.
“We weren’t sure about the ship’s safety, you see.” He went on, sensing her rage. “If they’d gotten the name right, or if your vessel had somehow been overrun or traded off to others, it would have been suicide to proclaim ourselves. The Council has a message for you, Captain Kasumi. And it’s one of vital information.”
He handed over a piece of paper.
“That is the briefing, but I will do this my way.” He cleared his throat. “The High Lord has declared war on Russia and America, allying with Japan. The Union has called the GCDW into action. The Lions will be lead by me. The Jaguars by Commandant Sauda, the Tigers by Commandant Anaya, the Leopards by the High Lord’s own Commandant Tonya. The Cougars are headed by their Commandant Samantha.”
Kasumi shook her head. “Cougars? They’re an American race.”
He nodded. “Indeed. But we are mobile, Captain – they have loyalties to the Union more than any one place. They will fight for our people before they fight for a piece of land.”
Akira had begun to shake.
“Where will the Cheetah Demi force be?”
He gave a cough. “Along with the Jaguars and Tigers, you will hold the palace.”
At first she was confused. The palace would be far out of Russia or America’s sights, as they didn’t even know where to look.
Then it hit her.
“In Japan?” She growled. “You want me sitting in a damn palace in Japan?”
“There will much for you to do!” He rebuked. “You are the Ambassador of our people! Loyal through and through to Gaia and our Empress, with troops who will take their own lives at your word and a high priestess devoted only to Gaia more than you, there is no reason for it to be any other way. You are a fair leader, but won’t be pushed aside like an old, defiled pelt. You know the customs of the Japanese because you do trade with them.”
“You’re a male; you would fare better over there.”
“I cannot even speak the language. Besides, what would they think of a male Ambassador? When we’re a matriarchal society, we send females to do the politics – or to kick some Russian and American male ass.”
Akira gasped.
“I apologize, Priestess. My language gets out of hand when I am emotional.”
And there’s a third reason he can’t go.
“What of the other generals?” Kasumi caved on him.
“Depends; some of them, like the Cougars, don’t know Japanese at all, or their customs. Others, like Sauda, don’t have the patience you do. And there’s Anya, who has a temper and an I-don’t-give a shit-attitude. The majority will know nothing of the actual customs and culture of Japan as well as you do, and then there are the male Commandants, who would misrepresent our culture.”
At least he had his reasons.
He looked between Kasumi and Akira.
“The third reason is your relationship; a slap in the face and a challenge to the Japanese Empire to respect our people, as well as a useful one. An Ambassador who is lover to a High Priestess is a powerful connection; especially when both are female.”
Kasumi felt Akira’s embarrassment was as strong as her own. But she had a feeling it was more obvious in Akira; the girl wasn’t trained to hide her emotions like Kasumi had been, and the Loin Commandant and Captain was looking at her carefully. His stare began to make her feel uncomfortable.
Kasumi half growled, half cleared her throat. He got the hint, looking away from Akira to the newly promoted Ambassador.
“You’ll need to rally your troops to the oceans outside of Japan. We do not care how you do it, just that you do it as quickly as you can.”
“Fine; what is the deadline?”
“Since it’s the palace, Ren wanted you there the moment your troops were gathered. They should be close, but you will be expected to be there in one month or so.”
“I assure you it will not take that long. My troops always know where I am and remain on the same routes as I do. They are a loyal army. What Legion are we?”
“The First.”
They spoke for a time after that as Captains of the trading, and then did business. They were, after all, merchants as well as warriors. Both left satisfied and in relatively good moods – at least the best moods they could be in when their people had just entered a ten year long world war.

Chapter Two
Royal Growing Pains

It was around midnight when a ruckus woke Kasumi. She growled foully when she realized not only was her entire crew sounding like drunken landsman, but Akira was gone from her bed. Rising with a snarl in the back of her throat, she waded through shouting and bickering Demis in all three forms to reach the center of the deck.
To her shock and displeasure, the familiar scent of a particular Leopard Demi washed over her senses. Hiding behind Akira, shouting defiance with the High Priestess, was the High Lord’s daughter. Small and lean for a white leopard stood the royal blood that caused the commotion. Eyes of steel amber and fur thick and white with black rosettes, she was around Kasumi’s age – and had more than her attitude.
Kasumi got in her face, staring her eye to eye.
“She is too the child of the High Lord!” Aki shouted with fury just before it became silent at the sight of the Ambassador and Captain.
“It isn’t exactly etiquette to wake the captain, priestess and crew of a ship currently headed off to fight your war.”
The fear in her amber eyes subdued the furious cat. Handing her roughly to Akira, Kasumi growled at the crew.
“You all know very well who this child is. Treat her with kindness and respect.” She then turned to Aki. “Get her in warm, clean clothing and give her a warm bed to sleep in. She will need a hot bath and some food. If she isn’t cared for properly, it won’t bode well.”
Aki blinked, looking at the child awkwardly.
“What?” Kasumi demanded, wondering what the Priestess was doing just standing there. “Is there something else I should know?”
She shook her head and went off toward the crew cabins. Shaking her head, the Cheetah-human went to her cabin and slammed the door shut.
She didn’t see or hear of Aki for the remainder of the night, and her dreams were filled with the memories of a bloody war…

Akira didn’t return to the bed again until dawn. She was in a foul mood and made it clear to Kasumi she wasn’t to be disturbed – especially to care for the child. Rising in the same mood, Kasumi left Akira to their bed and went to give orders on deck.
The first face she saw was Azoic’s. She had Akira and Kasumi’s breakfast in her paw-hands and looked miserably sorry.
“I will take it to her. In the mean time, you will wait right here. I need an explanation now.”
“Of course, Captain – err…Commandant…err…uh…”
“Stop that. I am not your Captain or Commandant. I am Kasumi.”
“But –“
“I will hear no more of this. You are older than me, and my Lord’s daughter. If you speak to me thus, we dishonor ourselves. Understood?”
She nodded, handed her the tray and stepped back, looking thoughtfully at Kasumi as she limped back to the cabin.
If she isn’t a healer by now, I’m a Human! She is probably scheming which pills and plants she’s going to convince Akira to shove down my throat!
When Kasumi brought in the food and informed Akira of her thoughts, she laughed. But Kasumi didn’t miss the glance at her knee and knew medicine was eminent. But she’d eaten and made Akira laugh. That was enough to uplift her mood somewhat. She rose from the small desk by the bed where they’d sat to eat. This time, however, Akira pulled her toward her, making Kasumi face the priestess. They melted into their human forms. Just as they kissed, Kaide walked in. Kasumi whirled, a growl rising in her throat.
“What is it, Kaide?” She demanded with a feral snarl.
“I’m very sorry, Captain, but the crew is restless, but to deport I need your orders.”
Were they raised in a barn?! By Gaia! What if we were…?
“Fine. We sail to the Himalayan Mountains; right above the city. We don’t port. I will send the message to my remaining warriors later. I need to bring miss runaway home before mommy comes knocking.”
“In the mean time, please learn to knock.” Akira growled, actually more aggravated than I was.
“O-of course. I’m sorry.” She hesitated for a second, and then whirled on her heels “I’ll give the orders now.” And she disappeared, shutting the door behind her.

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