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Book online «A Path Through Destiny by Wolfheart (series like harry potter .TXT) 📖». Author Wolfheart

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In the far reaches of the Himalayas, in the rivers of ice and never-melting snow and air thinner than paper, a lone palace of stone stood. Battered by ever-blowing winds and temperatures reaching below zero nightly, the castle was no less amazing than those who guarded it. Along the wall, lining the gates and patrolling the grounds were animals standing and moving like humans.
They spoke to one another quietly in Latin or hushed growls. Donned in armor the color of stone, they each wore a gun about their waist and a sword upon their back. Built powerfully and with fur and features of the Clouded Leopard, the guards of the stone palace were warriors of cold power. In the blinding light of the sun, a human would easily loose track of them. When at a stand still, they could be taken for carved statues.
Deep within the palace, in a windowless room, sat two humans and a muscular, scarred creature like the guards. Her ice blue eyes were cold and intelligent. There was an ‘x’ on her shoulder. A single ear was split, and scars lined her muzzle. The humans sat in chairs of pine, facing the female beast-human nervously. Between them was a desk hand-crafted of the same material. The two humans were clearly Japanese, but when they spoke, it was in Latin, and with deep respect.
“We apologize for disturbing you so late, High Lord.” One of them said quietly. His fingers twitched.
She answered with a slightly animalistic growl, gravelly voice heavy with age, but discernibly female. “Speak, human, or be gone. I have more to do than entertain you.”
The other man spoke. “We have come in reply to our request three months ago…”
“Yes…” Her features remained emotionless – almost bored. “You fair poorly in your war, then.”
“Indeed, High Lord; Russia is close to taking Kunming.”
She cocked a brow, looking unconcerned. “Yes…so I’ve heard. Kunming…was that not the property of the Nation of China before the Fourth War? It is far from our lands, human. It concerns us not.”
She waved her paw-hand.
“Would it concern you to know that Russia enslaves or slaughters all Demis within the stolen lands? They plan on coming to Japan next. Do you think it would any different, cat?”
“Watch your tongue, human.” Her growl bore fangs. Anger flashed for a mere second in her gaze. She signaled her servant, who brought parchment, ink and a seal. Removing a single claw and dipping it in the ink, the High Lord wrote in clear Japanese that would read English;
Emperor Haruko which becomes love,
In case of the Japanese falling, the Demi Great Cats sigh. We inquire about your suit; concede to those of condition of a certain specification. We send in six troops of elite Demi soldiers. They possess loyalty in Japan only in accordance with their commanders. Many depend upon our alliance and our victory.
Your sibling of arms, Ren High Lord of the Demi Nation.
The High Lord folded and sealed the paper, handing it to one of the men.
“It will take time, humans, to gather the forces and for them to arrive. Hold your ground until they arrive. When they do arrive, let your emperor know that they will follow orders from their commandants and none other. Their religions and customs must be allowed or they will be withdrawn immediately.” She stood wearily. “Now, leave me in peace. The night is late and you give me much to do.”
The men rose and left, guards flanking them.
“Get my six best messengers.” The High Lord growled.
When they arrived, only hours before the short dawn, she faced them with grave, tired eyes. She stood and handed them each a message.
“Each of you carries a message for a general or the descendant of a general from the Old Wars. They are far spread, and some may not be willing to serve. This journey will be long and treacherous.” She looked each in the eye in turn. “But, in Gaia’s name, get these delivered – even if it costs you your life. Tell nobody. Give them to the general in person. Then return to me. This time…” She shook her powerful, Leopard head. “This time, you cannot fail me.”

Chapter One
The Winds of War

Hot, dry winds swept the grass of the plains. Bright morning sunlight already baked the earth. The skies, a deep blue, were free of clouds. In the distance, a hawk road air currents lazily. Standing upon a large gray rock jutting from a hill with her eyes glued to the skies was a young woman no older than eighteen. She had closely cut and spiked jet black hair and glowing amber eyes. The girl’s skin was a lightly tanned. Though petite, she was muscular. Her cotton shirt, goat fur vest, thick leather pants and thick, knee-high boots gave her a wiry appearance. There was a single earring in her left ear. A pistol was securely clipped to her belt.
Eyes on the sky, she didn’t see the strange creature pelting toward her through the open savanna. It was in the sleek form of a Cheetah, but as it reached the rock it stood. The stranger’s amber eyes glowed with an intelligence that rivaled humans. It wore similar clothes to her, but a necklace hung to her chest. It was twine and oak, a small pendant carved in the shape of a woman.
“Kasumi!” Her voice was soft and musical but for the animalistic growl as she spoke in Latin. “We’re ready to disembark!” Startled, the girl looked down and smiled.
She leapt from the rock, and when she landed she was a creature very similar to the stranger. She was slightly stronger and shorter than the arrival, and scars lined her muzzle and along her thighs that had been covered in human form with makeup and clothing. Her pelt was slightly thicker, too. Kasumi carried herself with an air of a warrior and leader, while the taller Demi seemed almost frail. Their tails entwined.
“Then it is time we moved on, Akira.” Kasumi spoke not in Latin, but the grunts and growls of a Cheetah. There was a gleam in her eyes as she added “We’ll walk there.”
As they walked, only their entwined tails touched. Neither spoke, though their shoulders and gait were completely relaxed. It took no time at all for them to reach their destination. Pausing by three gnarled trees surrounded by thick, tall grasses, they peered upward at a huge, sleek ship. A ladder fell to the earth from the deck above. Climbing it with ease, the two heaved themselves onto a busy deck. Inside, people, animals and half-animals rushed about. The humans had a similar sleek appearance with dark hair and amber eyes. It seemed to be chaos; everybody was running around, mopping, setting this, pulling that into place. But there was an ordered air to it as people shouted back and forth, or paused long enough to salute the new arrivals.
On the deck, people checked ropes, polished boards, checked sails and shouted commands for checking or setting parts. A slender, young woman approached the two in the middle of the deck, holding something electronic in her hands. She saluted in a military fashion to Kasumi and bowed formally to Akira.
“Is everything ready, Kaide?” Kasumi inquired her animal-like face impassive.
“Yes, Captain.” She replied quickly.
“Good. Set sail for Rajasthan!” Kasumi ordered loud enough for the crew to hear.
The crew cheered as they manned their stations, apparently very happy with the decision.
“Left anchor!” Kaide shouted, and men and women rushed to her order.
There was a shudder, and the aircraft broke free of the land and began to climb the sky, reaching for the heavens above.
“The sake, right?” Akira made a rough purr similar to a human’s laugh.
Kasumi looked at her with gleaming eyes. “Not at all. It’s the rice cakes!”
They laughed together as they headed for the Captain’s cabin. Kasumi paused and glanced at Akira.
“What?” She asked, looking puzzled.
“I’ve got some thinking to do. Would you mind watching the recruits to make sure they don’t get hurt?”
The smaller Demi flinched.
"Common, Akira. I need some time alone. Summon me only if you need me." She gave a gentle touch on Akira's cheek and disappeared into the cabin, not giving her a chance to protest.

Half-way to dock, after Akira had dinner with her, somebody knocked on the door. Kasumi answered in frustration; everybody knew it was their time. But when it was Ryu, her navigation master, the frustration quickly turned into alarm. He handed her his telescope and pointed north.
"Look, Captain."
She looked in the direction and gasped. There, just a few kilometers away, was a huge war vessel. She would have begun to give orders to prepare for battle if she hadn’t seen the flag. It was dark green, with a scarlet red paw print in its center, claws fully extended. The edges were brown.
"Another Demi ship...can you tell who’s from here, Ryu?” She asked quietly.
“No. There isn’t any writing; only the pawmark. It’s a Great Cat fleet for sure. They’ve been hovering around us for a couple of days.”
“Tell the helmsmen to set course for them, then. They obviously need something. If they’re a war ship, they'll give us some fresh news on what the hell is going on. I just hope they’re not from the High Lord." She made a face like she'd smelled something awful. "I really wish they would come up with a different symbol to mark them.”
“That’d be very dangerous, Captain. Pirates would be after them for sure.”
“Then they should travel armed with escorts. What if I hadn’t seen the flag or if I’d decided that an unnamed ship was suspicious and ordered us to arms? This is dangerous!" She paused, and then growled in frustration. "Hell, get me the arms master! I’ll need to have our soldiers ready to fight just in case.”
He saluted and obeyed, giving orders to the helmsman and retrieving the arms master.
“Reporting for duty, Captain.” A scared and fit young Demi around twenty years approached Kasumi. Two years older than her captain, she always surprised her leader when she gave her respect and only advised her when asked. She was always there to listen or to obey a direct order. Her name honored her calm wisdom; Chika.
“We need boarders and swordsman on deck and ready to defend. The ship appears Demi, but it is unnamed. They could be pirates or rouges. If not, they will understand our caution. I will be prepared.”
“We will be ready, Captain.” Chika saluted and began to give out orders. Kasumi remained on deck. Akira came out, hearing the commotion, and came straight to the Captain.
“What is going on here?” She asked quietly. There was no fear. She was actually frustrated. Kasumi smiled. She was never happy about being robbed of spending time with her.
“No worries, meus amor; we’re just taking precautions. That ship is Demi, but nameless. We’re making sure we’re ready for pirates.”
“What? Pirates would take a royal ship unmarked?”
Kasumi looked at her with a look demanding an explanation.
“Gaia gave me a dream; the royals

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