Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป My Owner by Collet devocour (classic books for 13 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซMy Owner by Collet devocour (classic books for 13 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Collet devocour

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she was going to tell me about souls.

" Damen I have to inform you that you and the girls soul have been connected ". Sita said.

" What !", Autumn and I said at the same time.

" Yes , since you bit her so manytimes the transfer of her blood in you have made a soul bond ", Minerva said.

" I don't want to have my soul bonded with his , how do we break it ", She asked.

I thought she would like the idea but I think she hates it like me .

" Its unbrakable , I'm sorry for you ,having to be bonded with someone like Damen ", Minerva said.

" Excuse you Minerva I'm right here you're mocking me in my own home ", I growled.

" Look Damen not to offend you but everyone knows that four thousends of years you've been a player ", Sita said.

" And the poor girl has to read your dirty thoughts and feel you horrible feelings ", Minerva added.

" If I keep a long distance away from Damen would I stop reading his thoughts ", Autumn asked.

" I'm afraid not ", Sita said .

I saw Autumns eyes fill with horror and she said she loved me .

" I think you should stay together and find out more about this connection you have ", Sita said with a grin.

I cleared mt throught .

" Well we should get going " Mineva said.

Autumn and I thanked them before they left .

" Its all your fault ", Autumn said.

" How is it my fault do you think I want to be bonded with a stupid child ", I growled.

" If you hadn't bit me so many times we wouldn't have all these probloms", She snapped.

She stormed into her room leaving me alone I could feel her frustration and anger. I had go out and get a drink. I left the apartment so Icould relax my mind wich I failed miserble .


Sometimes we fall in love with the wrong person and we end up broken . I had never fallen in love and now I was in love with someone who didn't deserve my love . Still I love him and now his soul and my soul have a bond . I feel like I'm a lost soul. I feel confused I didn't know what to think anymore .

I felt Damens precence when he left I went to the living room to watch a movie . I was going to private school eventhough I didn't like that kind of school ,school was school. I was going to finish my senior year . I heard a knock on the door I got up and was about to open it but I checked who it was. It was Lucian . What could he want? I wasn't going to open the door .I waited until he would leave but he kept on knocking on the door.

" Autumn open the door I wish to speak to you please ", He said.

I kept quiet . Lucian kept on insisting until I felt Damens Precence in the building . When Damen saw Lucian he snarled .

" Autumn you can open the door ", Damen told me.

I opened the door .

" I need to speak to Autumn", Lucian told Damen .

" The question Lucian is if she wants to speak to you do you wish to see Lucian ", Damen asked .

I knew he was drunk for some reason I could tell he wanted Lucian to leave .

I shook my head.

" Theirs your answer", Damen said as he slammed the door on Lucians face .

He turned around to and looked at me.I nights like this when Damen got drunk he would bite me and make fun of me but he never physically hurt me . I was about to leave when he gut me but he didn't bite me ,yet.

" Go ahead Damen get through it already ", I said.

" Get through what ", He asked .

" Well you first bite me then you would toss me aside and make your usal mocking comments about me being a sad basterd ", I said.

He stared at me with his grey eyes going pitch black . He let go of my wrist and just looked at me with seemed forever. My body finally worked and I left closing .As I laided down on the bed I thought about Deric I gave a huge sigh I fell asleep dreaming with him again . Deric was waiting for me in the altar I felt sad I took his hand.

Chapter 10


What Autumn had said to me was true her words ran back and forth in my head like a broken record. I always thought Autumn deserved every single bad thing I did to he since the day she tried to stake me. Now I was soul bonded with her . Somethings in life you bring to yourself . I had brought this on both Autumn and I just like sita had said .

I wondered what Lucian had wanted to say to Autumn. As far as I was concerned Autumn hated Lucian and didn't want to see him . Lucian had told Autumn that he had been only intrested in her blood the day he saw me bite her. I also thought why Deric had wanted to meet Autumn right away and autumn hadn't acted strange as if they had seen each other before. I had a been drunk last night but now my head ached. I smelled breakfeast Autumn had already woken up.

" Morning ", She said with no emotion .

I pulled out a chair for her to sit down but she sat on a diffrent chair.

" Wow why are you acting like a gentle man today ", She asked .

" What are you talking about I'm alaways a gentle man , but when i'm around you I forget my manners ", I said.

I was suprised by my own words and so was Autumn.The pain in my head got worse after we ate . I saw Autumns face . her face looked like she was in pain.

" Is something wrong ", I asked her.

" Its none of your buissness ", She suddenly snapped .

She always talked back to me but today I wasn't up for it .

" Tell me now whats wrong !" , I growled.

She seemed startled by my tone .

" My head hurts a little bit ", she said .

I remembered Sita had said if Autumn felt bad or I felt bad it would affect us both . I got up to go to the store to get some aspirne for Autumn.

" I'm going to the store to get some pills for the headache I'll be right back , go rest ", I told her.

I left for the store .


I was suprised when Damen said he was getting me some pills for my head ache also when he told me to go rest. I felt him strange he was acting diffrent around me more nicer as if he cared about me. I let out a huge sigh . The head ache wasn't mine it was his becuase he had gotton drunk last night. Even last night he acted diffrent . It was like if sometimes I could see his soul just by looking at him.

" Here take the aspirnes ", Damen said.

He had startled me I was to busy with my thought I had completly lost time in my thoughts.

" Just take the pills " , He said as if he was talking to a little kid .

I took them and got out of bed.

" Damen did you take the pills", I asked .

" Yeah why ?", He said.

" No nothing ", I said.

" If you know something please tell me ", he said in an exhuasted voice .

Damen wasn't up for a fight right now I could tell by the tone of his voice.

" I think that maybe since you had the head ache first you might had passed it to me throught the bond ", I said queitly .

" Your probably right Sita mentioned it ", he said.

" What you think i'm right ", I asked .

Damen never agreed with me on anything he must really be sick. I stared at him and he grinned.

" So tomorrow your going to school ", He said.

" Yes unless you change your mind like you always do ", I murmered .

" I have a very good hearing and I heard that ", he said.

" I know and I don't care ", I snapped.

His eyes filled with suprise by the way I was talking to him . H e grabbed my neck he was suddenly on top of me coking me . His nails digged into my throat .

" Only becuase you're not my maid it doesn't mean you can talk to me like that ", He growled.

" I felt his hunger berfore I knew it his fangs had been sunked into my neck.

I moaned at the pleasures feeling. I cursed myself by the way Damen mad me feel. I heard the door bell ring. I communicated my mind with Damens . Damen stop someones here I said. My mental voice was getting week but the headache was gone.I wiped my neck just to check if their where any marks left. Vampire bites instantly healed.

I opened the door and was suprised to see Deric Damens cousin.

" Helo I wish to speak to you ", He asked me.

"Why do you wan't to speak to her ",Damen asked from behind me .

" Its difficult to explain Damen I hope you don'y mind ", He said .

" Not at all you should go Autumn ", Damen said.

" Okay " I said and

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