Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป My Owner by Collet devocour (classic books for 13 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซMy Owner by Collet devocour (classic books for 13 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Collet devocour

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" I wanted to talk about the dreams we are having I know you are to ", He said.

I nodded.

" Since I arrived here two days ago I've been having these dreams ", He said.

" Me too ", I told him looking into his beautiful eyes.

" May I ask what kind of vampiric abilities you have ", He asked.

I nodded.

" I can see the past present and part of my or sombody else's future ", I told him.

" You can see the future ", he said raising an eyebrow .

I knew what he thought . He thought that maybe I had seen his future or our future. We stared at each other in silence for a long time until he broke it .

" Do you think it could be our future ", He asked in a shy voice .

" I- I don't know ", I studered .

He seemed nice unlike Damen I had the same weird feeling in my stomache with him like whe I was with Damen .

" Well I think I should go back ", I said.

He looked suprised by my decision.

" You wan't to leave already ", he said .

" Yes ", I said .

" Ok I'll take you back home ", He said.

I was about to go in when Deric grabbed mt hand.

" Yes ", I asked him.

" Could I see you tommorow I have to get to know you better ", He said.

I didn't know what to say . I just nodded.

" See you tommorow then "., He said.

I forgot I had school tommorow.

" I have school tommorow ", I sait to him.

" After ", He said smiling.

" see you Tommorrow ", I said.

I closed the door I didn't sense Damen's precence in the house he had probably left to see Crystal .


Why had Deric my own cousin want to speak with Autumn. Jelousy flooded in me I was so bored I decided to have a little fun with Crystal but I pictured Autumn in my mind. Finding out about autumns and my bond had changed my perspective in some ways. I got back home and felt Autumn she was in her room sleeping. I glanced at a clock and it was barley eight she had probably fallen asleep becuase she she was going to school .

Autumn would probably see Crystal at school tommorow . I had many probloms that I had left aside. I had to know what I was going to do with the werewolfs and also I had heard rummors of some vampires wanting to separte from the council so they could start war with us . A war would be very bad becuase vampires would get hungry humans would notice us and the vampire hunters could find our locatin easily.

I was also worried about the alpha that wanted to kill Autumn becuase she had murdered his son.The alpha had actually swore and alphas never broke their oaths. If she died in wich way would it affect me ? Being soul bonded caused me a problom to. I bet she could feel what I felt . In a couple of weeks she would turn eighteen and maybe the bond could brake . Vampires stoped growing at the age of eighteen they also became more stronger. If I had bad luck the bond would be stronger.

The one thing I had wanted from her was her blood .Oh how much I lusted her blood when I smelled her blood . Her scent was intoxicating . I fell asleep hours later .


I woke up I was so excited today I was going to school . I put on th uniform on like I said befor it was super short it showed alot of skin . I went to the kitchen to make breakfest and found Damen already awake waiting for me . He kept on staring at my body I knew I was blushing .

" It seems your anxious to go to school ", he said.

" Yes I am I don't want to stay here with you all day ", I said .

" Really love I thought you enjoyed being with me ", He said in a mocking voice.

" Don't call me love ", I hissed at him.

" Fine autumn ", He said.

" Who's taking me to school ", I asked.

" I am ", He said.

" Why you ", I said.

" Becuase I want to and by the way other vampire girls or guys go to that school ", He said.

" What ?" I said in schock.

School wasn't going to be normal like it used to be .

" From what I know school has never been normal for you , you cheat on the tests becuase you already know all the questions ", He said.

" No didn't " I snapped..

" Lets go or you'll be late on your first day pull your dress down a little bit you look like slut by the way ", He said.

" I told you it was to short ", I said in embaressment.

Chapter 11


I entered the school halls I did smell a vampires scent . I checked my schedule and looked around for my class.

" Hey do you need help ", asked a friendly voice from behind me.

I turned around and spotted a tall slim girl with short black hair and gray eyes . I knew what she was already she was a vampire .

" Hey my names Laura but you can call me Laurie ", She said extending out her hand.

" You're new here arn't you", She said.

" Yes my names Autumn I was just looking for my class ", I said.

I was shy especially knowing that other vampires attended to this school.

" Theirs only seven of us attending to this school, well eight with you almost all of them are girls ", She said.

" Can you help me find my class ", I asked her politely .

" Sure let me see your schedule ", she said as she snached the schedule of my hands.

" Hey you are in almost all my classes ", she said in an excited voice.

She grabbed my hand and led me around the school . We passed a blond headed guy I saw Laurie lick her lips . She was hungry.

" You like him ?",I asked.

" No ,I like the scent of his blood ", She answered with a grin.

We entered class and the teacher asked me to introduce myself and so I did. I saw some of the guys checking me out . I sat next to Laurie . Laurie kept on looking at the guy from the hall way like dinner. The bell rang for our next few classes.

" That guy is so freak'in hot isn't he Autumn ", Laurie said.

I nodded . Her eyes where like a little kid who was seeing fireworks for the first time . It was time for lunch we sat down at a table . All the girls we where sitting with where Vampires. During the classes I had seen crystal Damens girlfriend.

" It seems you already know Crystal ", Cedrina said.

" I know her becuase of Damen ", I said.

" You know Damen ", asked Kaitlin .

" I live with him ", I answeed.

" What ", said Laurie , Cedrin , and Kailin .

" I don't what to talk about it ", I told them.

" Fine , anways as you know Crystal is Damens girlfriend , she's a slut she lets the guys that go out with her bite her ", Cedrin said.

" She thinks she's better than us becuase her dad is a third in place in the council ", Laurie added .

" Who are your parents ", Kaitlin asked me.

I really didn't want them to know I was a basterd but I didn't like to lie.

" I'm a royal bastered ", I said.

" Your sheilas and Hectors daughter ", Said Laurie in shock.

I nodded.

" Its okay I'm half royal , my dads a royal and moms a pureblood ", Kaitlin said.

I felt someones eyes on me I saw crystal sitting two tables away from us she was starring at me with her big green cat eyes . The bell rang and we left to class.


I wondered how Autumns first day in school was going . I was sitting with Jason and my cousin Deric as usal they where checking out mortal girls .

" So Damen why does your secretary live with you I've been asking Jason but he says he doesn't know ", Deric said.

I didn't know how to answer the question if I told him the truth he would say I had no moral .

" I under stood she was Sheilas and Hectors daughter ", Deric said respectfully.

" I knew it , she's a royal ", Jason said .

" She has royal blood but that doesn't make her a royal , by the way Deric why did you wan't to talk to her yesterday ", I asked trying to change the subject.

I saw Deric shift uncomfterbly .

" I understood she could see things around us so I asked her a few questions ", Deric said unconvinced by his own answer . " But you haven't answered my question Damen why does she live with you ", He asked.

" I gave her a job and she didn't have a place to stay , I found out who she was and decided to help her out ", I lied hoping he would belive me . Deric was my only family member left from my fathers side of the family .

" Thats very nice of you Damen , almost to nice ", Jason commented with a smirk on his face.

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