Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป My Owner by Collet devocour (classic books for 13 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซMy Owner by Collet devocour (classic books for 13 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Collet devocour

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life .


I could feel her drinking from me . I had never in the four -thousend your I lived let any vampire girl bite me . I couldn't belive Autumn had the courage to bit me. I pushed her of me.I reagained myself .

" So tell me how does it feel to be bitten Damen I hoped you liked it becuase thats how I feel everytime you bite me ", She said smirking.

"How dare you bite me " I shouted.

I would have smacked her but I knew her body was fragile at this moment.She just smiled.

" You taste good ", She said in a dazed voice.

I looked at my neck on the bathroom mirror and saw the marks on my neck horror raced through me. I knew the marks wouldn't go away until tommorow. Dam her .

" I left nice marks on your neck to ", she giggled. " I hope your girlfriend doesn't get mad ", she added.

That was the least I couldn't let anyone find out she bit me.

" If you tell anyone you bit me you'll regret it understand ", I said to her.

" My lips are sealed", She said grinning .

" I'm going to the livingroom ", she informed me as she left.

I was still in shock I had just let her get away with her biting me. I just stood their in my room thinking about what had just occure and I had don nothing to stop it . I hadn't even tried to shove her off me when I saw whatshe was doing . I was so confused many thoughts ran down my mind , so many thoughts my head started to hurt it wa my pain mixed with Autumns. I went to her room to whst was happening to her the pain was much more stronger this time.

" So how does it feel to drink my blood ", I asked trying to mock her.

"It feels horrible ", She said in pain

" Really I thought I tasted goo what a pity ", I said .

" Not you , you idot the pain it feels horrible and its getting worse ", She informed .

" It will be over soon ", I told her .

" Is that all you can say it will be over soon ", She said.

It didn't take me time to know she was exahasted and angry . I bit my lower lip to keep from laughing at her .

" Don't you even dare to laugh ", She growled.

Her phone rang .

" Um, its your cousin Deric ", she said.

" Tell him you can't go out today ", I ordered .

She nodded and I left .


I answered Derics call.

" Hello", I said.

" Autumn I thought we where going to meet at the cafe near the apartments why didn't you come , is something wrong", He said

" I'm not feeling that well thats why I didn't go ", I told him .

" Its probably becuase your going to turn eighteen soon do you want me to come and see you", he said in a soothing voice .

" If you want to you can come ", I said .

" Okay I'll be right there ", he said.

" Okay bye ", I said.

I saw Damen come into my room . I didn't ask him what he wanted becuase I felt to weak to argue with him.

" So Derics going to come ", he asked .

I nodded .

" Well you are going to be alone I have to go somewhere, remember what I told you about telling anyone you bit me ", He reminded me.

" I know you said I was going to pay dearly, don't worry I won't say anything ", Iassured him trying to smile.

" Okay fine ", he sighed leaving.

I waited for Deric until the door bell rang . I quickly got up even though I was in pain. I opened the door and it wasn't Deric it was Lucian . I was about to close the do3or but he came in . He was drunk.

" Lucian get out I don't want to talk to you ", I said .

I couldn't fight him or kick him out everything seemed to go in circles I thought that in any moment I was going to collapse. He looked at me with sesire and hunger.

" Damens not here to defend you ", he purred in my ear I could fell his hot breathe on my ear.

Suddenly I felt very scared and defensless .

" You should feel defensless and scared becuase you are ", he told me .

He had just readmy thoughts I didn't know he could do that .

" Damens not the only one who can read thoughts ", he informed me.

" What do you want ",I said .

He was right I should feel scared I was alone here with him and Deric haden't gotten her yet.

" I want your blood just like Damens been having it and something else ", He said as he ran his hand up and down my leg.

Shit this bitch was going to try and rape me and take my blood .

" I'm not going to try I am ", He growled .

I ran for he door but I was weak and not fast enough Lucian grabbed ahold of me he picked me up and took me outside. It was night and their was no one around.

" You used me to forget your love for Damen now I'm going to use you as I pleas ", He said.

Those where his last worsd before I passed out.
Chapter 13


When I got in the building for the apartment I saw Deric standing outside.

" Deric what are you doing her ", I asked.

" I came to see Autumn but when I got here the door was opened I looked inside and she wasn't there ", He said.

" What that can't be possible Autumn couldn't have gotten anywhere she was ill ", I said as rushed into the room.

I went into the room and didn't sense Autumn anywhere . I looked everywhere in the apartment not finding anyone. I could feel Autumn was in danger .

" I already checked I could smell her scent she was here a couple hours ago but she wasn't alone ", Deric said.

" What do you mean she wasn't alone ", I asked confused.

" Their someone elses scent in the room besides your ", He said.

" She was here waiting for you after I left ", I told him .

" Where could she have left ", Deric asked.

" I don't think she left someone must have taken her , she was to weak to walk or to go anywhere ", I answered.

" Lets go look for her maybe we could smell her scent ", He suggested.

I could probably sense her .We looked for her everywhere but there was no sighn of her it was like she had disapeared in mid air . We kept on searching for hours but yet found nothing. The night was cold and dark. There where no stars or the moon to lighten it .

" We should look for her tomorrow ", I told Deric who semed as worried as me.

" Okay ", he said and he left.

I got back to the apartment . I couldn't sleep I was so worried for Autumn . I blamed myself for leaving her alone knowing that many things threatened her. What if the wolves had come and took her. No that couldn't be I still felt her life force and if she where dead I could feel her becuase she was part of me part of my soul , yet we where apart.


I woke up when the sun hit my face my whole body ached . I looked at my hands and feet wich had iron chains wrapped around them. I was very weak . I looked at my surroundings and found myslef in a room like the one in the mansion in translvanyia . I was lying on a huge comfterble bed . The room was painted in a dark blue coler.

" You already woke up ", Lucian said with a grin as he came in.

" Lucian let me go ", I begged .

" I don't think thats going to happen ", He said.

I looked into his eyes and saw the real Lucian I saw his tru sel . An evil cold despicable creature .

" Why are you doing this ", I said wanting to know.

" Simply becuase I want you and your blood ", He said.

I could feel his eyes roam over my body . Tears streamed over my eyes I was scared I knew nobody was going to help me. He wiped my tears and gave me a wicked smile.

" Look things can be nice if you act nice , do everything I say and give me what I want ", He offered .

I spit on his face not carring what he had to offer or any deal he wanted to make with me .

" Bitch ", he said as he wiped the spit of his face.

He slapped me real hard I fell of the bed hitting a night stand.

" You will give in soon when you have no option left you will , I know you are turning eighteen in two day and the pain you are going to feel in these two days is going to feel like hell so what do you say ", He said .

" I say you can burn in hell ", I shouted at him.

" When I lose my patience with you , you are going to be sorry ", He said .

I was suddenly benaeth Lucian who looked at me as if I was something to eat.

" Get off me ", I said

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