Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป My Owner by Collet devocour (classic books for 13 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซMy Owner by Collet devocour (classic books for 13 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Collet devocour

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wan't to go ", I asked .

" I just don't feel good ", she said.

I looked at her and she didn't look good. Her face was pale and she looked feverish. I felt week . Something inside me told me I should make her lay down . Just went I was about to tell her she fainted she was about to hit the floor when I caught her . I laided her down on the couch.

" Autumn, Autumn wake up ", I said.

She slowly opened her light blu eyes. I knew she was getting sick becuase she was almost going to turn eighteen the age where she was going to stop ageing.

" My whole bodt hurts so much ", she said in a weak voice .

" Sleep I'll stay here with you today ", I told her.

" No, I'll be fine you should go ", she said.

" Aw love, I thought you would enjoy me being here with you ", I teased.

She gave me an annoyed look.

" Fine stay but stop teasing me ", She ordered.

I carried her to her room and I let her rest . I watched how her breathing moved her chest she looked so peaceful just laying their . I let her sleep their for about two hours .She woke up still looking sick.She was getting up when I stopped her.

" What are you doing lay down ", I ordered.

" I'm hungry I'm going to get something to eat ", She whined.

" I'll make you something to eat ", I said.

She raised her eyebrows .

" You don't know how to cook ", She said.

" I lived for thousends of years and you expect me not to know how to cook ", I asked.

" Yes becuase you use me as a cook or as a meal ", She said .

" I get lazy sometimes ", I said as I lef her room to go to the kitchen.

I prepared her breakfeast and carried the food to her room.

" I'm suprised you didn't burn the food", she said smiling.

She barley ate but I understood she was sick.

" Damen I feel better you can leave now ", she said.

" Why do you keep insisting on me leaving ", I asked .

" Becuase I don't want to bother you ", she said.

" Look remeber we are bounded an d I know when your lying I don't want you to get sick becuase it will affect me ", I said to her.

I held her hand she felt warm . She seemed startled when I grabbed her hand but then she relaxed .

" I wanna go to the beach ", She said.

" You're sick and it morning the water is cold ", I told her.

" Please I don't want to go in the water I just want to walk down the beach I've only been to the beach once ", she begged.

" Please I won't stop begging until you say yes ", she said.

" Okay fine get dressed we're going ", I gave up .

I thought she was going to kiss me but instead she gave me a hug the sensation I had when she hugged me was extrodinary . Then she kicked me out of her room .She put on some shorts and a bikini top .

" Lets go " she said in an excited voice . She was still sick bt happy at the same time .

I drove to the beach . I saw her face lit up..

I helped her out the car . I walked with her down the beach .

" When you lived here did you come her often ", I asked her.

" Yes but my aunts never knew becuase they wouldn't let me ", She said smiling.

" Why are you so scared of your aunts ", I asked curiously.

" I'm scared becuase they would have slapped me and then lectured me ", She said sighing.

I saw she was getting weaker and mad her sit down on the sand. She watched the waves go back and forth hitting the land .

" Autumn I have a boat lets go ", I told her .

I showed her and started sailing. She looked at the waves and smiled at me.

" I didn't know you had a boat ", she said.

" I hope you don't think I'm showing of ",I told her remembering when she said I was showing off when I told her I had an airplane .

" You still remember what I thought ", She asked.

I nodded .

" I like you better when your nice ", she murmered .

" What ? " I asked already knowing what she said.

" Never mind we should get back ", she said.

" You don't want to stay a bit longer ", I asked wanting to know why she wanted to leave.

" I feel like throwing up ", she said.

" Oh okay ", I said.

I got a call from my cell phone it was Crystal. I remembered she had invited me to her graduation but Autumn was all that had been in my mind since morning. Crystal had already turned eighteen and had been through the stage of aging.

" Damen why didn't you come I was waiting for you ", Crystal whined.

" I had an unexpected problom ", I told her.

" Was your unexpected problom Autumn your house mate ", Crystal said with her voice full of jelousy .

She was getting jelouse I didn't like girls like that .

" Its nothing that you should be troubled by . I have to give you no explanation ", I growled.

I hung up on her . I glanced at Autumn who seemed more and more sick. When we came here I thought she was going to get better but I was wrong she got worse .As we went back to the apartment I could feel her pain . I carried her when I realized she was to weak to walk. She fell asleep again.


I knew I was feeling bad becuase I was turning eighteen. Thats when we vampires where at our strongest point. I t was actually nice to have Damen actually worry for me . I heard Damens conversation with crystal I was happy to know Damen had gotten mad at her .

It could be a very nice nice day if the pain would just go away . My head ached , I felt very dizzy , and worst of all I got cramps .Oh how I hated the cramps. I felt Damens precence in my room .

"How are you feeling ", He asked.

" How do you think ", I snapped at him for no reason at all. I felt guilty he was just asking how I was feeling but on the other hand he had treated me like his bitch .

" I was just asking , like I told you before I only care for you becuase if something happens to you it will make me feel bad to ", He growled before he stormed out of the room.

His words felt worst than the cramps or headache. I got up and went to knock on his room .

" Damen I'm sorry ", I apoligize . " For snapping at you ",.

He opened the door and seemed suprised. I leaned on the door afraid I would fall .

" You should sit down " he said as he gestured for me to enter his room.

I looked at his room it seemed as if an old person was living here. Everything was antique.

" I'm going to ask you again how do you feel ", he saidserious.

" Not that good ", I said .

I was sitting on his bed . He seemed to look at at my every movement . My breathing got faster every time he looked at me .

" Are you nervous ", Damen asked me .

" No why ", I lied.

" Yes you are I can tell", he said.

" Why would I get nervous around you", I asked already knowing .

" Becuase your around me, your breating gives you away besides I already know you are in love with me ", He said

I got up put he pulled me down on the bed .

" You know my cousin Deric always speaks of you and how nice and sweat you are ", He said grinning.

" He does ", I asked .

" Yes he does it seems he likes you but to bad you like me not him , and you wouldn't want to hurt him would you ", He said.

" I wouldn't ", I said.

" Then you should stop talking to him ", Damens said.

" Are you jelouse ", I asked him.

I looked to see his reaction to my question but he had no emotion.

" Why would I be jelouse I can take your blood whenever I want I still own you ", He whispered in my ear his lips touched mt ear when he said that. His touch made me shiver.

" Do you always have to bring up that yoo bought me ", I asked.

" I don't always bring it up ", he said.

I felt his fangs on my neck he didn't bite me his fangs just brushed my neck tentivly.

" Damen don't ", I said puting mu hand on his lips feeling his fangs . He looked confused he felt like I felt he didn't know what he felt. What he felt for me.

Damens fangs disapeared but that confused look on his face remained .

" I gave you blood two nights ago ", I reminded him trying to start conversation.

" Have you ever tasted you blood its tasty and it smell so sweet " He said.

" Damen has anyone ever bitten you ", I asked .

" No ", He said.

" Why not ", I asked .

" Why would I let another vampire bit me I'm a man ", He said grossed out.

" Oh so you can bite me just becuase your a man ", I said .

" Yes ", he said.

I rolled on top of him not leting him move.I showed him my fangs .

" Don't you even dare ", He growled .

" Why not i'm a girl ", I said.

" I'm serious Autumn don't ", he said.

I didn't listen I had his scent fill me . I sank my teeth into his neck feeling his shock and anger.His blood was like drinking pure power pure
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