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her question. "What was that about?" Elliot asked. "I have no Idea...? She said. She wrinkled her brow in deep thought. Only to have Elliot interrupt it, "We need to start our job, so quit slacking; you are going to explain everything to me later." He said. "Right." Tohru nodded. They walked off to begin they're guardianship. On the way they ran into three extremely beautiful students. "Oh my, it seems we have run into a midnight snack." Said a really buff man. "Calm yourself. Fido." Said the really tall one. "We don't want any trouble." Said the frail and cute-looking one, she was the only female of the group. Elliot looked up at the three, "classes are about to start get to class" he tried to show Tohru no fear was allowed when dealing with the night class students. "Awww. What’re you gonna do about it, little boy?" said the buff dude. "He is not going to do anything...” Tohru spoke up. Looking surprised at the little human girl, the buff dude was about to do something when out of nowhere Akaito appeared. "That will be all Ryuu..." Said Akaito. "But..." Ryuu started but Akaito glared at him and he immediately held his tongue. "Hikaru, Chiharu..." "Yes, Akaito-sama." They said in unison. "Why didn't you stop this dog?" "We are sorry, Matsuri-sama..." "I'll deal with you three later." Akaito said. The three of them vanished with that. "I’m sorry did they frighten you?" Akaito asked Tohru. "Well not at all but the fat one looked like he was constipated." Chimed in Elliot. All three of them busted out laughing. "Phew, well to answer your weird question, I'm fine they didn't intimidate me at all! Elliot then looked at how friendly Akaito and Tohru were. Akaito looked at Tohru both were eye to eye; Elliot mumbled under his breath, "why am I acting like the class clown all of a sudden" just low enough for no one to hear. He started to walk off down the hall. "Elliot... Wait, Hey... awww man!" Tohru exclaimed. "Why do you care for him so much?" Akaito asked. "Because he is my new friend, and we are guardians and as far as I'm concerned guardians stick together!" Tohru said proudly, like she just gave a speech in the American congress. Akaito chuckled so sweetly. Tohru blushed. Goddamit, why do you always fall for the bad guy? She tried to shake it off by thinking about her duty when Akaito asked "Why are you blushing?" Damn think up a good one... she thought. "You embarrassed me with your evil laughter of doom!!!" She said. Damn, that sounded gay!!! He laughed some more. "Evil laugh of doom? That's so cute!" Crap he called me cute!! Tohru then got up and ran away, uber fast. Leaving Akaito looking dumb-founded and was that a hint of loneliness? Nah, just my imagination. She thought. Now to find Elliot!! Elliot hid behind a wall; when Tohru started coming his way, "you're late and who said we were friends" He stopped at what he just said, and then looked at Tohru. Her face seemed to find emotion; he decided that he should say something, "ah that’s because you didn't ask me and uh that’s fine..........any way we need to stop at the headmasters office someone said something that’s been bothering me" He grabbed Tohru's wrist remembering his dream he let go in a shock. "What's wrong with you?" Tohru asked. Surprised by the reaction that Elliot just gave. "Don't you worry your vampire-lovin head about it. Elliot withdrew at the comment he just made. "You really are impossible, aren't you?" Tohru snapped. "Don't act like you've known me forever, you don't know me, and, you know what? Screw you! Screw this job, and Screw this stupid vampire and mystical creature bull crap! I'm done!" He then jumped out of the window, and left Tohru there, alone... Tohru began to cry. I didn't mean it. I'm so stupid! Why can't I just keep my big mouth SHUT! "Ugh!" Tohru grunted and kicked the wall. "Ow!" She scowled at her stupidity. Then limped her way to the headmaster’s office, wiping tears as she went. When she arrived she noticed the lights were off. Huh? Tohru thought. What's going on here? She knocked on the office door. No answer. "Hello?" She said opening the door. It creaked eerily; it sent shivers down Tohru's spine. "Headmaster, I heard you..." She gasped. The headmaster's office was covered in blood. Everything. The painting of traditional Kyoto, His desk, and... Oh no! Tohru saw what would scar her for life. Hanging from the ceiling, in the corner was Headmaster Cross... Tohru screamed! Just then she heard running coming from the hallway. Elliot came running into the room, "WHAT the Hel........" Elliot couldn't mutter any words at the sight, he walked toward the corner where is father was hanging. Another set of footsteps came from the hallway a teacher from the night class and Akaito set their sights at the bloody mess. Elliot turned to Akaito showed nothing, but anger and sadness. He then turned back to ceiling corner, he dropped on the ground, ".......why.......WHY!" his fist banged against the wall. His hand slipped down the wall and the blood stuck to his hand; Akaito hid his nose from the smell. Elliot slid onto the floor not moving from his spot; the teacher walked to the desk to see if anything there would be in any use to find who did this. Tohru ran over to Elliot. "Elliot... Elliot are you okay? Oh no! He's in shock... Tohru said frantically. She bent down trying to help him up. He wouldn't budge. The smell of blood was everywhere; it was consuming the once pleasant smell of Headmaster Cross. The night class teacher, Hideki Ryuuga, walked away from the desk, failing to find any evidence of who had committed the crime. He walked over to where Elliot was lying and said. "I'll take him to the infirmary, Tohru, Akaito you call the police, and don't mention about our night class they mustn't know our identity." He then picked up Elliot who was wide awake yet paralyzed, and walked out. Tohru who was still bent down had her hands covered in blood. Akaito walked over. "The police are on their way..." "Are you okay?" He asked. "Why didn't you ask that to Elliot, he sure needs some sympathy?" She hadn't felt so angry and sad at the same time to the extent of this before. She ran out the room to follow Ryuuga-sensei. Leaving Akaito in the bloody room alone. Hideki Ryuuga arrived with Elliot and set him on the bed, Elliot's eyes were glassy. He was covered in the Head Master's blood, Tohru was not far behind she walked in. "Holy crap!" She said. "Is he alive?" "Well his body is going into epileptic shock; the odds are against him... he will die..." He trailed off. "But there is a way we don't have to lose him." He said. "What? What can we do? "Tohru started to cry. She felt as if this was her fault she wasn't there for him. She knows that epileptic shock can be caused by loneliness. And a something that shocks the patient. "Well, we can have Akaito change him..." He trailed off again. "Or he can be a werewolf." "If I wasn't a night walker I would choose the vampire, the only problem is he would need a sufficient amount of blood." "I know he wouldn't want any of those choices." She thought. "But... He doesn't want to die, I hope..." His mind was running miles a minute thinking about the gruesome things he saw before, he tried to snap out of it, but his body wouldn't let him. Was he going to die because of a stupid reason like this; the blood of his father just kept coming back in his mind. He screamed inside and out of his body. A shock came to both Tohru and Hideki Ryuuga, "damn it it’s getting worse, we have to make a decision NOW!" at that moment the school doctor simply known as Night walked in. He walked up and put his hand on the shoulder of both the audience, "is this the kid?" Hideki Ryuuga looked at him; "Night so you came why now?" he looked angry. Night laughed a little; "I got to say this kid is interesting I was walking around and saw how he was being an arrogant show off to that Vampire Punk" Tohru twitched at how he talked about Akaito. Night saw this; "I mean of course Mr. Akaito, I want to take him as a pupil" Tohru looked up confused. Hideki Ryuuga looked at her, "I said either a vampire or werewolf, he is the werewolf I was talking about." he narrowed his eyes. Tohru looked at them both, "no no he wouldn't want that at least if he was a vampire then" she got interrupted by Akaito walking in. "so Cross-kun is in trouble is he?" Tohru looked at him; "please Akaito help him" she looked deeply at him. Akaito looked down, “I wish I could, but it is forbidden unless my father allows me" He looked at Elliot. Another scream came faster, "We have to do something what you must" Hideki Ryuuga couldn't look at Tohru in the eyes. Night smirked a little, but not in a happy way more in sadness, "I'll be a bit woozy so I may faint after this though you must all leave the room at once after I have finished" he looked seriously at everyone. "No, what will happen to Cross-kun?" Tohru said fighting against Akaito who was dragging her outside. "Cross-kun, Cross-kun... ELLIOT!!!! She screamed. "Will someone calm her?" Night asked nodding to Akaito, Akaito acknowledged the gesture then put a hand over Tohru's eyes. A sudden burst of black light and Tohru collapsed. Akaito carried her out of the room. Just then Elliot screamed again. A pain surged through his body, another scream came, "damn it this kid is taking more energy than I thought" Night winced. HIdeki Ryuuga looked at him, "can you make it through it?" Night gave a smirk. "I guess we’ll find out won't we, though I'm sure I will" Elliot screamed once more. Night collapsed on the ground, "so it’s over now" Night was knocked out cold that is until Hideki Ryuuga heard him snore. "Idiot" he looked at Elliot he was grasping his bed and grinding his teeth. Hideki Ryuuga then left the room, and meet Akaito outside. Akaito for once seemed worried, "is he going to live?" The teacher gave a laugh out, "you didn't think you would get rid of him that easily did you?" he saw the unconscious Tohru. Akaito laughed, "don't worry I didn't do anything bad" they waited until Night gained consciousness or would rather wake up from his nap. Elliot's head swelled with new emotions. His head and a little bit above his shoulder were the only pains remaining in his body. Outside they waited, a crash came from inside. Akaito looked up from Tohru, but did not move. Hideki on the other hand literally flew from his spot in the hall. He withdrew the doors to the infirmary to find that it was completely destroyed. "Oh my god!" He exclaimed. The window was wide open. Elliot and his new being has been set loose on campus. The students are in Danger!! He thought. Night, Night Wake up you dog! He said to Night. Then he walked over and kicked him. "Ow! Goddamit! That hurt!" He said. "Well, while your dumb ass was taking a pup-nap, Elliot is loose on campus, a newborn werewolf!" Ryuuga pointed out. "Well, here's what we have to do." said Akaito from the infirmary's doors, with Tohru in his arms. "Gather all Night Class students and faculty and have a battalion
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