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protect the day class students, nonchalantly, and the rest of them catch Cross." Ryuuga nodded and went to tell the rest of the faculty to do this. Elliot's senses were going nuts his body was telling him he was hungry, his ears were picking up things like never before, and he felt a rage that was uncontrollable. But his mind could not stop his self. He heard someone approach he knew the voice. Akaito stepped forward; "Cross calm down" he inched toward him. Crack another set of feet, this was a new voice, "Matsuri don't get to close". Elliot panicked in his head he turned to fighting. Tohru was beginning to wake up. "What? Dammit not again!" She got up still a little dizzy and fell down again. She was alone in a weird place. "Elliot!" She said. She jumped out of the bed and took off out the window. She was on the roof of the school. She could see everything from here. "What the hell!!!!?" A blast of black light and a blood curdling yelp. She jumped down on a tree and began running. What she saw next was terrifying. A blood thirsty, big, drool protruding from the mouth, monster. His ear twitched and he turned around. At this point Tohru was shaking. She couldn't move. "Elliot..." The monster turned around completely. Tohru heard Akaito yell at her to get away, but she couldn't move. Akaito then ran towards the monster to distract it. But Elliot just knocked him back a few good yards. Some of the faculty tried to capture Elliot. They failed as well. Elliot looked at Tohru, but kept seeing her as something else something evil.....He stepped backward a bit, but his mind made him charge at her. Elliot gained control as soon as he was in front of her face, he started to change back, "Natsumi?" he fainted. Night caught him before he hit the ground, "hmmm what a wild pup" he looked at Tohru, "did he get you?" Night pushed his glasses up. Tohru was frozen with fear. She didn't even realize the fact she was bleeding a little. "He nipped your arm...” Night said. "Oh?" Tohru said looking at her arm she was shaking so bad, she hated not being able to control herself. "Is Elliot okay?" She asked. "I wouldn't worry about him." Night said. "You need to clean that out unless you want to be a werewolf too." Thrown back by his comment Tohru started hyperventilating. "Calm down, you’re not going to unless you don't clean it out with..." He trailed off. "With some vampire saliva." He finished. "That is what I have to do?" She said skeptically. "That is really gross..." She said. "Well then, have fun transforming. That's the fun part..." He said with a grin. "All of your bones break and reform to canine and..." "Okay, Okay... enough." She said. "Who's going to do it?" Just than Akaito appeared. "It would be my honor." He said gentleman-like. He startled Tohru and she whacked him with her hand. "Oooo, sorry that was my reflex." She said sincerely. She looked at Elliot, who was passed out and asked Hideki if he could do whatever he needed to do. He took Tohru's arm and examined it. He brought her arm toward his mouth and licked it. Tohru shivered. "That is really gross." "Shut up!'' he barked.”Sorry, how would you like it if someone licked your arm, when it’s covered in blood?" She asked. "You don't want me to answer that. He said back. Night than disappeared with Elliot. "Wait!" Tohru said. But it was too late they were gone. "Where is he taking him?" She asked Ryuuga. "Hell if I know... there all better." He said rolling her sleeve back down. That was when Tohru realized his eyes were blood red. Elliot's eyes flickered open, he clinched his head. He looked around, "you're awake?" Elliot flinched at the sound. He noticed that it wasn't the only sound birds were louder than normal, the wind brought new smells, and not only that he wasn't blinded by the sun. He covered his ears, "why is everything so loud? Who are you?" He asked Night. Night walked toward him, "my name is Night I'm the night classes nurse and as for the other question not now" he sat down and handed Elliot a piece of meat. Elliot took the meat, "I bet you're really hungry; any way hurry up I promised Natsumi Tohru she could see you today you've been out for four days" Elliot's finger's dropped the meat. He looked at Night, "I don't want to see her!" Night looked shocked at this, "why's that" He picked up the meat. "I have a feeling I hurt her" Night frowned, "oh really" Elliot looked at him. His head pulsed he grabbed it. His eyes switched from blue to yellow to blue again… "Blood?" his hands dropped. Tohru woke up in her dorm bed, her roommate, Aya, stirred but did not awake. She got out of bed and began her morning routine. After she was dressed and ready she went outside. Today was the day Night-sempai promised she could see Elliot. Just as she began to walk outside she ran into one of the night class students. "What the?" She said baffled. "Why are you here in the morning?" She asked with authority. "Ahhh, Tohru... I am here at the request of our dorm and president Akaito Matsuri." He said. "May I ask your name?" She said. "Sure can." He said cheerily. "I am Kazumi Tadaaki. Vice President of the night class." "It is my pleasure meeting you, Tohru-chan." He said with a smile. "Uhh.. Can you send my apologies to Akaito-sama, I have plans for today." She said sheepishly. "But, you can't refuse him. I'm sure what you had to do can wait." He said as he pulled her toward the east wing of campus. Towards the Night class dorms... "Blood?" Night looked at him, Elliot’s face was scared, and “why do I know the taste of her blood?" he looked at him in admiration. Night sighed, "listen I wasn't going to tell you this before Tohru came, so you wouldn't freak out to much, but you should know that you're not human any more" Elliot's face froze at those words. Tohru was dreading the fact Akaito wanted her, and she really wanted to see Elliot. "Look, I don't want any problems..." "Why would there be a problem? Kazumi asked. "No...Um.. No problem, it's just I really need to go eat breakfast, yea, and my friends are waiting for me. Maybe another time would be..." "You can eat breakfast with us!" He said while putting a hand on her shoulder. "But I thought the night class students are only awake at night." She stated. "Normally, and most of them are only Matsuri-sama is really up." He said. "Ahhh, we are here." He opened the doors and then walked in. "Welcome." said a familiar voice. Akaito looked really different when not in his uniform. Really good. "I see you've met my acquaintance. Kazumi, would you like to join us for breakfast?" Akaito asked. "I would love to, Matsuri-sama. But I have work I must attend to..." Kazumi bowed and disappeared in a puff of smoke. "wha-what do you mean not human" Elliot barely stuttered out, "you're father when u saw his remains you had such bad shock that you're vital organs were shutting down, we had to save you some way you're father would have wanted you to live" he patted his head. Elliot couldn't look up, "so what am I then" Night felt surprised at how well he was taking this. "Werewolf" Elliot shook, "werewolf....but that means I really did..................Natsumi is she ok" he grabbed his shoulder. "You nipped her, but Akaito fixed that he was drooling all over her" he laughed a little. Elliot grew angry at that comment, "I asked you if she's fine, and INSTEAD YOU TELL ME THAT VAMPIRE IS FREAKING GOT HIS EYES ON HER" her picked him up a little by his shirt. Night smacked Elliot down, "Listen well MUTT I was the one who saved you, show some respect towards you're higher, and get this straight whatever a vampire claims cannot be our" he eyes went a yellow with rage. Tohru's ear twitched, like there was some kind of disturbance. "Listen , Akaito-sama, I really have somewhere else I need to be so if you will, please hurry up and tell me why you have summoned me." She said pushing his arm off of her. "Well, if that is what you wish, then, I summoned you here today to tell you to stay away from Elliot..." He said coldly. "I'm here to protect you and in order for me to do that you have to stay away." Tohru could tell he was not playing around but insisted on arguing anyway. "I'm not going to listen to what you have to say. The last time you tried to protect me you got hurt so leave me alone! I can take care of myself." She almost about to burst with anger. Akaito chuckled. "I'm not laughing!" Tohru said. Akaito brushed a strand of her hair out of her face. "You’re so stubborn, you know that." he said sweetly. "I know, now may I leave?" she asked impatiently. "You may, but I'm still going to protect you no matter what." Akaito said triumphantly as if winning an epic battle. Tohru stormed away, Slammed the door and was on her way to meet up with Night-sempai. "NATSUMI is a person she cannot be owned!' He yelled back at his senior his eye yellow with rage too. Elliot collapsed, "you idiot you haven’t eaten and you've been walking around too much" Night calms himself and hands him the meat again. Elliot takes hold of it, and bites into it, though something caught him off guard about it. He then spit it out, "but it looked perfectly good" Night smirked a little, "looks like you want to hunt for blood" he took the meat away from him. Night stood up from the place they sat, "I refuse" Elliot grabbed the meat back "this will be enough" he forced it down. Night shook his head, "you'll need to kill one day" they suddenly stopped speaking their head looked toward the front of the forest. She’s here!" "Ow!" Tohru said as she got smacked in the head by the underbrush. "Stupid tree..." she mumbled to herself. Night-sempai told her to meet him in the old campsite in the woods not too far from campus. Up ahead Tohru could see an opening. The old trail isn't much of a trail anymore. It's more of an obstacle course. When she reached the opening, nobody was around. "Crap, did I take a wrong turn?" She asked herself. "Nope, you made it." Said Night-sempai, startling her. "What the hell man!" She exclaimed out of fright. "Oy!" "Watch your mouth little miss. Just because we are off campus doesn't mean you can use profanity around me!" Night said. Tohru opened up her mouth to argue but then shut it after some thought. "Sorry, Night-sempai..." She apologized. "Where's Elliot? I brought him some rice balls, I remember him saying he like the ones with fish so I made them." Tohru said cheerily. Night took a sideway glance, "well I don't think he can eat""awesome rice balls" Elliot snatched them from her and started to chow down on then. Coughing a couple times, "sorry ate them to fast, but they were good" Night looked away at how idiotic he was acting those tasted like mud to him right now, Elliot gagged a little; Tohru stood up, “Elliot are you ok" he put his hand out. as he gagged up some food," no worries it’s just Night's cooking is horrible so I guess I should have waited until after I gagged his
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