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Book online «Fire & Ice by Tohru Natsumi & Elliot Cross (free e books to read online .txt) 📖». Author Tohru Natsumi & Elliot Cross

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"Only mine..." Akaito said. Elliot did not want him to carry on but he didn't want Tohru to die. "Fine.." Elliot said turning away. Akaito bit his wrist with his fangs and attempted to feed it to Tohru. She would not let him. She managed to say "nooo." Akaito did what he had to do. He took in his own blood in his mouth than forced it in Tohru. Elliot turned around to see Akaito mouth to mouth with Tohru. Elliot was about to puke. Elliot backed off a little, Night caught up to them now in human form, “Elliot you should leave them now!" he grabbed his shoulder. "Not until I make sure she's going to be fine after that I promise I'll listen to what you have to say" he looked at the sight with sad eyes. "This is my fault isn't it?" he surprisingly asked Akaito. "You do not wish for me to answer that." Akaito said seriously. Akaito licked the rest of the blood off of Tohru's shoulder. When he was done the wound was gone! Elliot was shocked. "What the???" "She's a half vampire know remember." Akaito said. "When will she be awake?" he asked Akaito. Akaito looked at Elliot, “soon" he seemed angry to say that. Elliot saw the small glare he gave him, "I'll get out of your hair as soon as I know she's fine don't worry" he said kindly back. Akaito was still pissed, "you can stay in my business all you want, but I want you out of Tohru's got that" his red angry eyes were expecting an argument from him. Though Elliot knew he did things wrong," I understand" he didn't even have a sarcastic tone with him. Night had seen Elliot's leg and took him aside, "lets clean that up it will heal all right, but were not vampires so it will at least take an hour and a half" Elliot tore part of his pants. He proceeded to give the piece of cloth to Night, “use that" Night shook his head. "You’re not going to give me a choice in what to use are you?" he tried to cheer him up, but Elliot's eyes kept glancing at the calm Tohru. Tohru was deep in her own psyche. She was walking in a abyss. She's hearing Akaito and Elliot's voices but she can't find them. She's searching and searching but no matter how much she runs she isn’t going anywhere. "HELP!!!" Akaito, Elliot, and Night were all startled by Tohru's sudden outburst. "Is she alright?" Elliot asked. "Her body is going through a transformation, I don't really know." Akaito said truthfully. "When will she be awake?" he asked Akaito. Akaito looked at Elliot, “soon" he seemed angry to say that. Elliot saw the small glare he gave him, "I'll get out of your hair as soon as I know she's fine don't worry" he said kindly back. Akaito was still pissed, "you can stay in my business all you want, but I want you out of Tohru's got that" his red angry eyes were expecting an argument from him. Though Elliot knew he did things wrong," I understand" he didn't even have a sarcastic tone with him. Night had seen Elliot's leg and took him aside, "lets clean that up it will heal all right, but were not vampires so it will at least take an hour and a half" Elliot tore part of his pants. He proceeded to give the piece of cloth to Night, “use that" Night shook his head. "You’re not going to give me a choice in what to use are you?" he tried to cheer him up, but Elliot's eyes kept glancing at the calm Tohru. Tohru was deep in her own psyche. She was walking in a abyss. She's hearing Akaito and Elliot's voices but she can't find them. She's searching and searching but no matter how much she runs she isn’t going anywhere. "HELP!!!" Akaito, Elliot, and Night were all startled by Tohru's sudden outburst. "Is she alright?" Elliot asked. "Her body is going through a transformation, I don't really know." Akaito said truthfully. Elliot got up away from Night and went over to Tohru, "I was wondering b/c I went through the same thing when I was changing" he confessed he felt like an idiot. "NO you changed like a wild animal a monster, she isn't as hot-headed as you she will be fine" Akaito let out his anger on Elliot he then looked at him, "sorry I shouldn't be yelling at you in this situation" Akaito said nicely. "No you're right" Elliot said calmly, "any way you're right she'll be fine" Night didn't seem as optimistic. Tohru woke up just as she saw a light. She looked up. She saw Akaito and Elliot smiling at each other. "You're getting along now?" She said shocked. "I must be dead!" All three of them laughed. "No, you’re only half way there." Said a pessimistic Night. "WHAT!!!" She said. She sat straight up. "You told me I wouldn't become a vampire. Or am I not a vampire! Oh No! IM A ZOMBIE!!!!! AHHHHH!!!" She jumped on Akaito ready to punch him. But she stopped, she saw Akaito and Elliot's faces. They were happy. Relieved. "What?" She asked. Elliot burst out laughing, "all right it’s good that you're safe" he got up and started to leave with Night. He looked back at her, "Akaito you bastard take care of Natsumi" Night transferred to his wolf from as Elliot followed he winced at his leg. "Where are you going?" Tohru called out after Elliot. But Elliot must've been too far away to hear her. "Awww... He didn't hear me." She said saddened. "Man the moon must be really bright because I can see perfectly. And Ewww I smell terrible." She stated. Akaito laughed. "There isn't a moon out tonight, and you smell fine, it's just your new senses kicking in." "Wow, I feel great!" She said standing up and stretching. "Ok, how about we get back to our dorms?" Akaito asked. "Awww already!" Tohru complained. "But I'm so hungry!!!" "What do I eat now?" She asked tilting her head. "Well you need to drink blood now. But like any vampire you can eat anything." Akaito said. "Unlike Elliot," Before Tohru could ask why he said. "Werewolves cannot eat human food." "Ohhh! Man that sucks." She said okay so where is the hemoglobin or a certain pill I must take?" She asked “You read too much manga!" Akaito said with a laugh. Then he got serious and pulled Tohru closer to him. "You have to drink from me." Tohru pulled away. ''I will not!!!" She then ran, incredibly fast. She thought she was fast before, but now, she could feel the wind through her hair her heart flickering beating with new blood. She never looked back she just kept going. When she reached the school she realized she was tired. Elliot stopped a for a while, and sat. Night walked toward him, "what’s wrong?" he then heard a loud growl from Elliot's stomach, "I see" Night patted his head. "Werewolves can't eat human food so you need to start hunting now" He looked at Elliot who had a serious face, "I won't do it" Night lowered a glare at him. "Fine starve yourself, by the way at school make sure you don't go near Natsumi Tohru!" he made clear. "I already said I would stay away from her" he stomach growled. They headed back to the school. Tohru crawled into her bed after a nice long hot shower. That was when Aya walked in. "Wow, haven't seen you all day, girly!" She said cheerily. "Yea, I had a looong day." Tohru looked at Aya. "OMG! Did you get contacts?" She gasped. "Why?" Tohru asked. "Your eyes are Bright Red, almost glowing!" She exclaimed. "Uhh, a trick of the light, silly!" She said laughing. "Well Good night" Tohru said and rolled over. "Good night." Said Aya with a concerned face. Elliot sat at his seat earlier than usual, he was breathing hard. Elliot's ears were ringing with the chatter of students, his head started to hurt. Tohru walked in with Aya. Elliot perked up. Tohru waived but he just ignored her. Tohru looked at him confused and took her seat in front of him. She wanted to turn around and say something but something told her not to. Then she noticed the bickering of the students. With her heightened hearing it made her wince. Then she heard Yagari-sensei walking down the hallway. He walked in with his normal hate the world smile. "Morning class." ""MORNING"" we all chimed. That hurt like crazy. "Good news! We got a new headmaster! And your new prefects are right here in this very classroom!" He said. Tohru, Elliot would you please come up here and receive your arm tabs." They both stood up a little embarrassed. Got their tabs and sat down. As soon as Elliot sat down he felt uncomfortable, and got up to leave the room. "Elliot Cross where are you going?" he turned around, "bathroom" he said quietly the class giggled. He got to the bathroom it was Empty he went to the nearest toilet, "you should really listen to me when I say stuff" night appeared behind him. "You’re not feeling good are you?" Elliot ignored him and started to leave the bathroom Night followed. "Who is the new Headmaster?" he asked angrily, "I haven’t meet him yet sorry to say" Elliot got a few feet from the class door. "Then you’re no use" he walked into the classroom and took his seat when he walked by Tohru he couldn't look at her. Tohru sensed Elliot's emotions. Wow these new powers are amazing!!! She thought. I feel really bad. Why is Elliot acting toward me this way! If Akaito has something to do about it... he better have a protector!!! Just then she and Elliot were called out of the classroom. Finally. She thought, now I can get to the bottom of this! Elliot got up and made his way toward the door trying to get out of the class room before he talked to Tohru unlike himself he tripped over, he quickly regained his stance. Tohru was already gone out the door. Elliot wondered what that was about. Tohru was trying to gather herself. She wondered if the new headmaster knew about the night class. She heard a rustling behind her and picked up her pace. She knew it was Elliot. I hope I don't hurt his feelings by avoiding him. She reached the headmasters room. When she touched the doorknob she shivered remembering that one fate full night. She then knocked, hearing a man's voice telling her to proceed. Elliot made his way to the headmaster’s office. He stopped at the headmaster's door his had dropped before the door he started to remember the gore. His body started to shake; Elliot grabbed his hand for it to stop shaking. His body wouldn't stop shaking. Though he still knocked, a man’s voice told him to come in. Tohru turned to see Elliot a little bit shaken. The new headmaster was a handsome man, long medium-brown hair and deep brown eyes. "Ahhh, Cross-kun, come in, come in, I have many a things to tell you both. Elliot just looked at him with no emotion. Tohru spoke up. "Elliot this is our new headmaster, Headmaster Matsuri." Elliot snapped out of whatever haze he was in before and looked at the headmaster. Sure enough there was a resemblance. Brown hair, handsome, those eyes. "Your Akaito's father..." Elliot said through his teeth. Headmaster Matsuri looked at him through his spectacles. "I am." He said. "How… How did you get the headmaster position" he couldn't hide his anger at this. Tohru looked at him backing off a little; Elliot had seen the way she was backing up and he stopped.
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