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can save her?" Elliot asked. "I don't know, we can try!" Akaito said sadly without any hope in his voice. He bit his wrist and fed it to Tohru. It went down but nothing happened. He gave more to her. She didn't respond in any way. "She's really dead...! Akaito looked at her she looked peaceful. But then she started to cough. She violently started coughing the color started to return to her cheeks. Elliot look shocked at this, "she was hungry?" he said half-heartedly. Night came over and helped her up, Akaito looked relieved. Elliot then grabbed Akaito by the collar of his shirt, "you owe us an explanation" he pushed him away. Night then walked in front of the two because it looked like they were going to fight, "he owes Tohru an apology not you" he glared. Elliot looked back at him, "I'm just as much a part of this!" he then heard something, "you did you do that to him" it was his mother. "Get out of here woman! You do not belong here!!" Just then the little girl came out from behind her. "Don't talk to my mommy that way!" She said. Then she transformed into some horrible thing. "What is that!" Akaito asked. Night answered. It's a demon, it uses humans to get what they want. They can put false memories and emotions into the victim’s minds. Elliot thought. That is why I couldn't remember ever having a sister. "Damn, I'm so stupid!!!" He said changing into wolf form. His mother passed out and disappeared in a puff of smoke. Elliot stopped in shock. "The demon used your mother, he ate her life." Night said in a saddened tone. "Elliot I am sorry..." Elliot was so angry he just lunged at the demon. The girl tried to fool with his mind again, and appeared as Elliot's father. "Why would you go after me?" Elliot couldn't take it anymore he let the beast in him take over. Tohru asked, "Did she kill Elliot's father too?" Night looked at her, "most likely not, the demon can also take on a form that the mind wishes to see most" he said. A scream from the demon, "stop I'm sorry" Elliot kept on attacking. Elliot didn't stop until the demon was ripped apart blood everywhere. The demon's remains disappeared in a wisp of smoke just like Elliot's mother did. Elliot changed back into human form and was breathing heavy. He looked back at Tohru. He was covered in blood and his shirt was torn. He collapsed, simultaneously Tohru did too. "All the more reason for me to come with you" he started to walk toward the door, Tohru went in front of him. "Will you stop that" he freaked out a little she stopped him from getting out, “you have to promise you won't do anything please" Elliot narrowed his eyes. "Fine" he left the room Night was on the other side, "I know you're not going to do that" he whispered, "you're damn right I'm not" he whispered back low enough for her to not hear. Night grabbed his shoulder before leaving, "you know she's going to hate you if you do this" he told him. Elliot laughed a little, "I thought that’s what you wanted?" Elliot forgot his bag. So he walked his way back in the nurses office, "I forgot my bag" he said to Tohru. But Tohru was not in the room. The window was wide open, sunlight was beaming in. Elliot ran to the window. Tohru was sitting on the roof ogling with her katana. "Oy!" Elliot yelled out the window. "Ya!" She yelled back. "What're you doing?" He asked. "Jumping down..." She said as she jumped. "I hope none of the day class kids saw that." Elliot said. When he turned around there was Night in his face. Elliot, out of reflex, punched him. "Don't do that!" He yelled. It knocked the wind out of Night. Elliot then picked up his bag and ran out the door leaving Night there to cringe. He couldn't help but laugh at what happened to Night, Elliot ran up to the roof, “you made sure no one had seen you right" he looked around. He sighed a bit; "you have to be more careful" he sat down then layed on his back. When someone spoke, "I saw her" he sat right back up. Elliot looked at the girl, "hey Natsumi what are we going to do" Tohru kind of looked at him with an awkward smile. He sighed once more, "she's Ami Hinata from our class she's kind of shy though" she informed. Ami lifted her glasses back to her eyes, "what is she?" she said shyly. Elliot walked over to her, "what do you mean what is she?" he tried to act like she was hallucinating things. "Um... Well, She... Uh... just jumped off the roof and well... survived." She said fiddling with her hair. "That roof?" Elliot asked playing dumb. "Ummm... Yes." She said looking down. "Well, I can explain this for you, girl, I can do that too, but that is because the new headmaster is experimenting on us." Elliot said pretending to be afraid. "He takes these long needles filled with god knows what and then injects us with it." She looked up at him frightened. "R-R... really?" She asked nervously. Elliot shook his head yes. "But please, don't tell anybody. He'd kill us if word got out. Ok?" Elliot asked with puppy dog eyes. She nodded and ran off. "Wow, Elliot..." Tohru said."That had to be the lamest story I've ever heard... and she believed it!!" She said laughing. He started to laugh, "I can't believe she did" He fell down laughing, "So I do experiments on you do I?" Headmaster said behind him. Elliot sat up, "uh hey what are you doing here" he asked, Tohru started to then laugh at Elliot. Headmaster wasn't laughing, "it’s not funny I don't want my students to think that I perform experiments on students!" he whined. Tohru and Elliot both laughed really hard. "Please don't kill us headmaster." Tohru pretend pleaded. "Yes, we promise not to spill the beans anymore." Elliot said. They cracked up even harder. "Wait a minute; aren't vampires supposed to burst into flames when in the sunlight?" Tohru asked, while wiping the tear from her eye. "Wow, you do read a lot of manga..." The Headmaster said. "Why does everybody say that?" Tohru said all huffy. "Because you do!" Said Elliot. The headmaster than said. "No, we do not burst into flames and we are not allergic to garlic, we can touch crosses, and holy water does not bother us." He said rolling his eyes. "Kewl! What does hurt you?" Tohru asked. "Silver... and a stake through the heart would kill anybody don't ya think?" He said getting irritated. "Well, I came out here to enjoy the weather, but you two ruined it." He said. Elliot got up to stretch; "well we should get to work Natsumi" he took out the stick that the headmaster gave him from before. Both Natsumi and the Headmaster laugh, "it’s just too funny seeing you with that" Elliot looked at them angry, "even you headmaster you were the one who gave it to me!" he hit them both over the head with it. "But it's not dark yet." Tohru complained. "Yea, well it was a half day!" He said. Tohru could tell he just wanted to get away from the headmaster. "Ok..." She said disappointed. "Oh, and Tohru..." The headmaster said. "Akaito was looking for you." He said. "Well, tell him I'll be hiding." She said with a giggle. She and Elliot were off. "Hey Elliot?" She asked. "Yea..." He said. "Wanna have a race to see who's fastest?" She asked with excitement. "Why do you want to find out a stupid thing like that?" he asked, "besides we would need a big wide open space" he looked at Tohru who was giving the puppy eyes. Using his own trick against him; he looked for a way to escape the eyes, "why are you going to hide from Akaito any way" Elliot tried to avoid the race at all cost. "Because..." She said over dramatically. "I really don't like him. I mean I appreciate him saving me and all, but I have this weird feeling about him." She said trailing off as if falling into deep thought. "Anyways..." She said changing the subject. "Are you just afraid I will kick your but at something as simple as a race?" She said egging him on. "You... beat me... awww, I see what you’re trying to do. Act your age! We are guardians, we protect, not play. There is no time for play." Elliot said. But when he looked at Tohru, she sighed. "Fine..." She said all huffy. "But we need to keep out of Akaito's sight ok?" She asked. "You are a weird one..." Elliot said with a smile. They began to search around the area; "well all we have to do is check the sporting area and pool area" he told Tohru. They went to check the pool out first Elliot stopped at the gate, "all right go ahead and check the pool area" he pushed Tohru forward. Tohru then looked at him, "why do I always have to check the pool area?" Elliot looked away, "oh and in gym class when we have to swim you never swim" the gears grinded in her head. She then started to laugh, "Don’t tell me you can't swim!" Elliot blushed at that, “a lot of people can't swim ok" he punched her in the area. She glared back at him then had a look around. "All Clear!" She said with a thumb up. "Oh really..." Said an all too familiar voice behind her. "Boo!" She screamed. Turned around and pushed him into the pool. "Don't do that you pedo!!!" She yelled after him. Ker splash!!! She waited for him to resurface, after a minute or so she was getting worried. "Oops! What if he can't swim?" She asked Elliot. But Elliot was too busy laughing. She stripped down into her undershirt and undershorts then dove in. She didn't see him anywhere down there. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up. She turned around and there was Akaito not moving, the eerie silence of the underwater didn't help. All she could hear was her own heartbeat echoing in her ears. "Oh no!!" She said underwater sending hundreds of little air bubbles. Elliot was still laughing, Akaito didn't take it too well, and “you were helping her avoid me weren't you" he glared. Elliot stopped laughing and looked back, "so what if I was?" Elliot glared back. Tohru was just happy that she had a chance that she could get away. Akaito walked over to Elliot and grabbed him by his shirt, then threw him quickly into the pool. Akaito's body disappeared and another splash from up ahead. Tohru was running out of air. She swam quickly to the top and saw Akaito laughing her heart almost stopped. Where was Elliot? She looked over she saw a black mass struggling. Tohru dove under again. There was Elliot, he was moving slower and slower. Tohru reacted fast she swam over to him and swam as fast as she could to the top of the pool. She threw Elliot over the side and got out. He wasn't breathing. She performed CPR. She checked his pulse. It was slowing. She had no choice but to perform mouth to mouth. He had a lot of water in his lungs. Akaito now sorry for what he did, said. "I'm so sorry I didn't know..." "Shut up!" She barked at him. She performed the mouth to mouth procedure. Akaito looked away. After a few times of CPR, Elliot started to cough up the water in his lungs. Coughing up all
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